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Everything posted by UllyB

  1. interesting observation...I will have it under advise.Thanks I thought of that a lond time ago. Tens of planes could be made this way. There are a couple of hundreds of stabile members. One dollar/euro will be enough for each plane. If the price will be too high, for this plane I want to build, I will surely ask people what do they think about this suggestion as a part of the plane's price. Personally I wouldn't have minded to pay one dollar and benefit of a plane or many planes.
  2. I see... so the problem is that the coast tiles won't match...Tough job. I'll give it a try to see what happens. Thanks.
  3. Can I change the color of water in a terrain ? For example , I like how water looks in one and I want that color in other map. If it is possible what should I do exactly ? Thank you in advance.
  4. Maybe we are playing different games friend :). There is no such thing. Maybe, in your case, just MAYBE, they attack because they already are on enemies' radar tracked or the enemy already fired missiles upon them. I could make a video to show you but it would be a waste of time, trust me. I wish I would be seeing the day when I will order them to engage and all wingmen would do exactly that. Fat chance. Or are you talking about A-G engagements ?
  5. When I started getting into SF2 series I had, like many others the same issue. I solved it following MIGBuster tutorial and never had a problem ever since:
  6. It's good to know. As always, you are full of nice surprises.God speed with your project.
  7. Well, first, the cockpit was NOT included, I stated that even in the begining. It would have taken too much time to build it. Second, if you would have followed that thread, you would have known by now that the project was cancelled, because the team behind it changed its mind and didn't want to release it anymore. They had their reasons so I won't go into it now. Did you check the other project (the TU-160) ? It's in the download section.
  8. I did some testing and things are not that easy as I thought they would when I first read your reply. After thoroughly testing I concluded that, that parameter, is more about OBJECTS detection on the map, rather than on planes HUD when I fly towards it, which , obviously, won't help too much. However when I changed for cargo ships from 8km to 25km the target poped up at...13km (the best it could it seems) which is better than nothing. I also tweaked/matched the maxvisibledistance parameter into the terrain types.ini file, as well, but I didn't see any difference. I am open to suggestions and ideas if they can make things better.
  9. In my experience, if you have in your flight more planes than you and your wingmen, No3 and No4 won't attack your (main) target (let's say you have in a CAS mision in front of you ten tanks), they will attack other targets in the vecinity if they exist, especially if there are AA guns or radars. You can only depend on your wingmen (No2) and ...yourself to bring down the main target(s). I think the only exception is , in antiship missions where, IF there are no other targets around you, they will engage the ships, too you are firing upon.
  10. In terms of A.I. behavior (wingmen and enemiy A.I.) SF2 is a step forward. To understand exactly what I am saying you should have played, first, the SF1 series (I hope you know what I am talking about, otherwise feel free to ask) and watch the A.I. behavior there. The wingman A.I. depends of a few things: - in nations.ini file, from the flight folder , where every nation is listed, you will see this parameter: [Nation002] Name=USAF DisplayName=United States Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesUSAF.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsUSAF.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsUSAF.str UseFAC=TRUE It can, of course, be changed to NORMAL or POOR, meaning that the .A.I. of that country, in your operation theater, will have a very good skill (Excellent), an average one (NORMAL) or a very low one (POOR). If you take a generated single player mission, into the roster are pilots you can choose from for your flight. The higher the skill, the better its behaviour during the mission. Keep in mind that the setting from nation.ini file is for the A.I., allied or enemy (exception: when you choose them from the roster in generated single player missions) campaign or generated single player missions, depending what countries are involved. In SF1 series the wingmen A.I. was making some stupid calls. For instance if a plane was in its rear, it kept going in straight line being very easy to shot down, also in dogfighting , even with the highest skill set, they wouldn't do too much good defending themselves if followed, making poor evading maneuvers etc . However , in my opinion, in matters of attack commands, the SF1 series was better. In SF2 when I order to attack, even in a squadron of 8 planes, only No3 and No7 are complying, the rest of them are just continuing following me as if nothing happened. They react only if they are attacked or targeted on enemy radar but sometimes it is too late and you are already have tens of missile fired at you and your wingmen (Keep in mind that the higher the year you choose to fly, the higher the risk to encounter newer generation fighters which are deadly in many cases, having better missiles with superior range and precision letting you slim to no room for many mistakes). In SF1 series they were agressive without bossing them around too often. if I commanded BREAK and the enemy were in their carried missiles range, all wingmen would break, including No2, and after that they would attack on spot everything in their path without me intervening. On the other hand, the enemy A.I. in SF2 series is clever and a dangerous opponent if it has a higher skill. You will see it trying to dodge BVR missile by descending suddenly very low. Also, your wingmen if they are followed/challanged, they now make everything in their power not to be shot down, they won't fly in straight line like in SF1 series etc. There is even, if selected, in generated single player missions, an editor where you can select/set to be able to call for help in a dogfight. When you will call for help a squadron of 4-8 planes will be spawn near you and they will engage the enemy right away. In generated single player missions you can, also, in the main menu, select the skill of the A.I. enemy (hard/normal/easy) Coming to your example, don't expect too many skill, in dodging missiles and bullets from a bomber formation, especially if they are old planes , with inferior speed and manueverability, there is nothing you can do here but you can use a trick I learned: in your formation, if it is a generated single player mission, you add some fighter planes 2 or 4 and when you are in trouble just order them to engage air targets, meanwhile you can take care of your bombing job. Just , from time to time, take a look on the map to see if no one is following you to take you down. Good luck!
  11. Hi!

    Long time, no see...

    How's your friend Angel doing ? Do you think he would be interested into a new adventure ? I'm thinking of YAK-130. I didn't decided yet, but I came first to ask, to see if I can count on your help for new developments.


    PS - I wrote it here cause I noticed you closed the possibility that anyone could send you a private message.

  12. Oh , you are right. Silly me I forgot about userlist.ini files. How stupid I am! I should've thought about it in the first place. I simply dismissed it from my mind when I thought the problem. Now it's clear to me, thank you for clearing this up for me Michael. I came up with a temporary solution until I catch up with all plane folders to mod and reconstruct, I invalidated the lines for Finland in those two userlist.ini files.
  13. Accidentally, I encountered this in a F-100 ini file: [TextureSet004] Directory=GenericSilver1 Name=Generic Silver Nation=Generic StartDefaultDate=1 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.800000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE What is the purpose of a generic nation in SF2 series ? Also in a generated single player mission on Baltic Rim map suddenly appeared a Finnish MIG-21N and it's not mine. I looked into MIG stock planes, MIG-21N is not among them. Does have any connection with generic nation ? Did anyone encountered that ?
  14. Thanks, I didn't know they were all there. That file should stay, after extraction, in Flight folder, right ? By the way, what do those lines, situated under each mission's type declaration ? NumLines=2 TargetFlight=2 NumVariation[1]=1 NumVariation[2]=2 ObjectiveFlight=2 TargetNavalObject=1 Question: the declarations which have no lines under them at all, should I take it that they were commands for A.I. which were not implemented, in the end ?
  15. Please , tell me , what is the correct syntax for these A.I. mission types: NAVAL_SEARCH CRUISE_MISSILE STRIKE_NAVAL SEAD_NAVAL ESCORT_JAMMER I ask that because I saw them written, in different files I aquired along the time, the other way around (NAVAL_SEAD, NAVAL_STRIKE etc) Also are there other A.I. mission types I am not aware of please ? Thank you.
  16. Nope, it isn't. It's a stock plane. In fact I quoted it wrong, it was a Mig-21Bis2 which, in game , is shown as MIG-21bis Fishbed-N. The other one was a MIG-21F13 (in folder is MIG-21F, even if they are not the same as historical models but that's another story).The coincidence is that Finland indeed used those two models ONLY, Mig-21bis Fishbed N and the MIG-21F13. Funny thing is that , except these two models, no other MIG is substituted for a Finnish plane in the generated single player theater...Odd! The MIG-21bis Fishbed-N appears with correct Finnish markings and even paintjob (that pistache green), but the other one has tiger/desert camo, Finnish emblems and arab numbers. In both folders there is no GENERIC plane declared as in some others MIG folders. So , theoretical, they shouldn't even been generated by game's engine. Again...odd. I need an explanation for what is happening in order to understand what is going on here. I didn't bring ANY other modded MIG into the game so far (they are all stock's), so it's not a third party effect. One has to admit that is odd what is going on here... The only rational explanation would be that in a CAT there are these two Finnish models and somehow the game's engines brings them there, in those generated single player missions which are in the Baltic Rim theater where I add it as friendly, the FINLAND, in nations.ini file, as limited nation. I know is far fetched but I don't have any other explanation for what I encountered.
  17. GORGEOUS skins. I am drooling, literally!
  18. I see...However still is confusion for me because in the same folder are planes that shares it which are not for that map (for example middle east nations while the map chosen for experiment was Baltic Rim with limited nations from around).Further more, there are no lines into some ini files about generic nation and still the plane appears for the ...other side, but incorrect (for instance MIG-21 with Finland emblems but with arab numbers and desert camo LOL, this Syrian MIG being the only one in the folder where game engine takes it from) What would happen if I would delete the generic planes entries in ini files and the generic declaration in Nations.ini ?
  19. Where can I download this ship created by you after you make the necessary suggested changes please ?
  20. Did anyone know, please, when Swedish aircraft started to employ ECM chaff/flares devices ? I found one which has 1961 as started date. I looked on net, no info about Swedish planes employing ECM devices in 60's or 70's. Any thoughts ?
  21. Thank you, I appreciate greatly your help. Now I can implement some real changes in my Swedish fleet. Is BOZ-3 I saw the same with BOX 3 ? In one pdf it says it's the same but a confirmation won't hurt.
  22. Hello to you all. I was absent a good period because of my painfully slowly recovery from the cancer treatment (chemio/radio therapy). I still have things I didn't recover yet , the taste buds, I don't feel sweet and salt at all and that is frustrating, after one year, food doesn't have any meaning to me and it's a painful feeling. Also my salivary glands are gone and I am struggling to act as a norma/wholel human being. I have to drink water every 5 minutes and eating is a torture in itself because I can't swallow due to lack of saliva etc. I recently install Win 10, the 64x pro version and when I resumed the work for modding I noticed that now the SF2 ini files are UTF-16LE instead of Unicode as they were when I was working in Win 7.(If I bring a plane from SF1 should I save all its ini files in UTF-16LE ?) Can, please, anyone , explain me how should I interpret that ? i googled the matter, find some explanation, but I am not sure I undesrtood it so I need a litle help for people who upgraded to Win 10. Thank you in advance. i hope you are all well and healthy.
  23. Now I get it, You made a nation in nations.ini and then the randomizing engine for parked planes did the rest. Clever! I think I will take it. Thanks!

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