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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Bad a$$ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4u_zRjGaoE
  2. I figured I must share for all the moders and what if guys. http://beyondthesprues.com/Forum/index.php?topic=3.0 Just a few of some what ifs from the link.
  3. A lot of what if ideas for the moders

    Nice work Dragon you gonna submit those soon for distribution?
  4. Air Conflicts Vietnam, any good?

    I wouldn't call it a total loss It looks to me to be a no brain game, grab a 30 rack of beer with a buddy and blast away. That door gunner segment looks to be the most fun, "GET SOME, GET SOME"!
  5. Not sure if this was posted before. Found surffin the web. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xIA6A4Uef8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5tS1H5T1hY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3ZxqbUHy7w
  6. Here is a pilot with some SERIOUS skills!

    Discovery or Natgeo had a program of the most dangerous airports and this was one of them.
  7. Eagles deploy to Baltic

    The US will be withdrawing a large number of our forces from the A-stan and we actually use some routes through Russia, so all our posturing is just empty for show to the rest of the world. Russia is in no position to do anything stupid to jeopardize their fragile economy.
  8. As a young boy growing up in the 70's and early 80's I had my favorite US/NATO planes, but I also had my favorite Eastern Block aircraft, and at the top of my list was this bird the MIG-19. I remember thumbing through a book of modern combat aircraft and I came across this thing just something about it, the refined yet awkward transitional look to it.. I could see the obvious MIG-15 lineage in it. The Russian thinking of if its working and not broken don't fix it was very evident. What was your favorite Eastern Block aircraft as a youth during the Cold War? If you grew up on the other side of the "Wall" what was your favorite NATO aircraft growing up?
  9. Could somebody explain this photo better, what exactly is going on?
  10. New F-35B short vid

    I would call it more of another air scoop/intake than a airbrake.
  11. Matchstick Fleet

    Very cool, but a time consuming hobby.
  12. Mother of God....

    Now your talkin'! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jbj8lLspac
  13. Mother of God....

    I enjoyed Godzilla as a kid was excited about the one with Mathew Broderick, that was a let down. I can only hope they don't go over the top with this. I'll be looking forward to this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnBcfW1eisk
  14. Attention All CombatAce Personnel

    This is great starts off serious, then #3.
  15. Czech Republic approves L-159 sale to Draken. With all the RNZAF, Polish Migs, 2 A-4Ls, 8 A-4Ks, the black diamond demo team now 25+ Czech trainers this will put them over 80 aircraft. Pretty big private air force. http://www.janes.com/article/32036/czech-republic-approves-l-159-sale-to-draken
  16. Wanted: Falcon 4.0 (Not Allied Force)

    Have you tried looking here too. I may have a copy floating in a box down in the basement I'll have to check this weekend. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00000K4KF/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all
  17. Cool story thought I'd share. http://www.hqmc.marines.mil/News/NewsArticleDisplay/tabid/3488/Article/158733/marine-aviator-receives-high-flying-british-honor-for-saving-lives.aspx
  18. Viper at 40

    Her basic shape is 40 years old, but night and day between the old blocks and the new ones.
  19. Would love to see somebody mod some heavy duty sea legs for that sled.
  20. Brazil chooses Gripen

    My original statement/question on your statement: If Brazil gets friendly (with Russia) I quote you "But what if the connection Brazil - Russia becomes closer." ? ( I asked) How do you mean? Just because a country purchases equipment from another country doesn't mean that they are allies and Brazil will support Russia if they decide to invade or go to war with another country ( maybe this was a little extreme, but Brazil purchasing equipment doesn't mean they become politically closer, which is what I got out of your statement. However they may become economically closer two different things. Look at the United States and China, the US may not buy military goods from China, but these countries economies are intertwined. (Russia has invaded countries recently Georgia in 2008). Is that what you mean? ( Brazil buying the copters) Its a business decision. The Russian's make pretty good equipment that is a little less expensive than other countries. Upgrades and modifications may or may not be allowed because SAAB may not want the Russians putting their Commie hands on the aircraft they designed. And yes the US State Department has a heavy influence on Brazil's military capability. Between the Brazilian Air Force and Navy there are some half dozen or so aircraft that have origins in the US, and or allies of the U.S.
  21. Catching some waves on the www, found and thought I'd share. http://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php/news/defence-news/year-2013-news/may-2013-navy-world-naval-forces-maritime-industry-technology-news/1044-saab-promotes-its-qsea-gripenq-a-possible-naval-variant-of-the-gripen-ng-fighter-jet-.html
  22. A compelling look at North Korea.

    Check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24R8JObNNQ4
  23. Found this catching some waves on the www. Thought I'd share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7G1rvmwfIk

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