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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. I love the "Brain Washed Thoughts" of some people. Whats cool about the F-22 is once there is air superiority you can hang sh!t off the wings to move mud. Not that you would have to because there are plenty of other platforms to do so once the F-22 did its job.
  2. Caption This

    Troops never loved muffin tops.
  3. Kiwi A-4K Skyhawks to fly again

    I'm just lookin forward to these babies flying again. Can't wait to see the 1st pics.
  4. But to say Harrier as you guys role your R's it's a pain and sound weird Matador sounds better on the Spanish speaking tounge.
  5. All my work gone

    You can get extrernal hard drives for like 50 to 80 bucks at BestBuy. Good luck
  6. F-4K Phantom II - Royal Australian Navy

    You gotta get those boys some seats
  7. I have no clue searched the web for it. I'm guessing a mockup, or photoshop. I was realy stoked for a few minutes.
  8. http://atomictoasters.com/2012/03/a-sword-to-cut-down-the-enemy-north-american-f-108-rapier/North American Rapier XF-108. The plane above is w/ an F-8 and A-7. It must have been a Vought mock up?
  9. Caption This

    I guess everybody has their groupies.
  10. Harrier is a pain to say in Spanish, so the Spanish Navy adopted the name Matador. It makes sense for all spanish speaking air arms.
  11. no AD-5s just a few of these http://combatace.com...or-sf2v-ver-10/ http://combatace.com...5-atg-201-1958/
  12. "Warbirds: Dogfights 2012"

    I use to fly ketsujin's studios fighter ace. it wasn't pretty to look at but it was a lot of fun. There was different rooms for skill , maps and training.
  13. Kiwi A-4K Skyhawks to fly again

    It may not be able to fight a 4th or 5th gen fighter in BVR but, a close in fight it could pose a problem for a 4th or 5th gen plane. Don't forget it's a sheep in wolf's clothing. state of the art war computers and radar from the early 90's, not to mention the timless ability to bring a lot mud moving gear.
  14. Kiwi A-4K Skyhawks to fly again

    Some of Daken Intl Skyhawks, hope they don't paint the KIWI Hawks like these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GBwI9aL-k7s
  15. The making of "TOP GUN"

    part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=LCNzRSaDKAw&NR=1 part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-odiMFdwpmk&feature=relmfu
  16. NASA's new rover mission. http://www.nasa.gov/
  17. In a one on one close in gun fight I'll take the Typhoon, anything else gimme the Raptor.
  18. Talk about German attention to detail!

    Looks like its gotten a lot bigger since the last post on here a year or so ago.
  19. Peter Fabian: ACE newbie.....

    Sometimes the "THUNDERDOME"
  20. C-17 lands at wrong airfield

    [/url] This happens more than you think. Pilots get complacent, and this is what happens. Nobody hurt, all is OK. I'm sure they will be getting some remedial training. Both airfields have runways that are close Macdill 22 approach, go to google maps the small airfield has 22/04 zoom in it goes to 21/03. runways google map. Both airfields have similar surroundings and lay outs, the small airfield could pass as a mini macdill. If the pilots where not familar used the approach tables and gps and then looked out the window and saw the runway they probably went ti vfr approach, and were like, the gps and tables are wrong.
  21. Yankee Air Pirate 2 compared to Strike Fighters 2?

    SF2 Vietnam rocks hands down compared to YAP. YAP is legacy wings over that game is about 8, 10 years old now.
  22. That depends on what your flying some go faster high up some down low. That sounds like a test session with the planes you fly.
  23. Denver Shooting

    Domestic Terrorism wiki[/url] It's called Domestic Terrorism. Look it up.Domestic Terrorism wiki
  24. Why waste time on something thats just gonna just get a bomb dropped on it, just kidding looks great. He must not have a wife and kidds.
  25. Victoria Cross sells for £276,000

    Wow, as I recall the US Medal of Honor the VC's equal has stricter rules when dealing with it. Pte Sidney Godley a well deserved recipiant of the VC.

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