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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Thanks @daddyairplanes. I don't think going back to the old SAC scheme is too wise. The RAAF is going to a light grey. Go ahead and do nose arts :-). For the record, the Israeli idea is 100% mine. Something I came up with because the RAAF already has Israeli weapons like the Popeye. Both nations know full well how alliances with Europe only work so well - the RAAF who couldn't get their troops home from European battlefields once Japan started heading their way with the fall of Singapore as Paul Keating spoke so well about and the Israelis who had the French mess with their aircraft purchases in the 1960s. Plus Israeli used to use B-17s and could use strategic bombers in a pinch... I await excitedly the inis. A simple decals.ini change will address the Israeli concept as the B-1Ks were just reflagged :-).
  2. I would think they'd definitely go to what the RAAF F-111s were painted in the 2000s - a semi-light grey. They'd also pack a lotta Harpoons, Popeye and J-DAM. For starters. As to the future of the RAAF B-1Bs... well AIM-120s and even Gabriel & SPICE missiles from Israel would come eventually in the late 1990s making them B-1K Keatings that Dale Brown readers would salivate over. This was in return for a secret agreement Israel could use the bombers in a national emergency such as if Israel was about to be overrun or if Iran posed too much of a nuclear threat - and Israel would help Australia if Australia was in existential danger. Israel eventually would show up at Perth Airport with refueling tankers in mid-November 2020 to collect on that debt of honor and annihilate Iran's nuclear capability with reflagged B-1Ks in their only "in anger" performance creating a second front too much for Iranian air defenses to handle with no RAAF/IDF losses. You may wonder how in the 2003-2008 participation in the Iraq War and the ISIS conflict the B-1Ks were able to sit those out while the RAAF sent F/A-18As and eventually F/A-18Fs? It had to be made clear time & again to US Central Command that the B-1Ks were intended to serve as Australia's non-nuclear strategic deterrent to protect the Australian homeland - not to fly sorties as J-DAM trucks and flying boom boxes over the Middle East. It helped when until late 2020 very few knew of the fine details of the secret Israeli-Australian agreement plus few in the US Government were ever wild about expanding the nuclear club to anyone except for some loudmouth named Donald J. Trump who had to watch Israel & Australia (and covertly some Middle Eastern nations like Iraq) whack Iran a week after Joe Biden became President-elect. The People's Republic of China got the memo once the agreement was released via a leak to the Aussie press and had to give direct, firm reassurances they had no intention to initiate hostilities against anyone. Also never again would the PRC allow a pandemic leave their shores either... fearing a Prime Minister Anthony Albanese would make good on his threat to send the B-1Ks with new stealth cruise missiles after the People's Liberation Army Navy if another Covid-19 landed on Aussie shores. The Aussies were able to keep their big stick around for so long by limiting flight hours, gracious Israeli assistance with the avionics & weapons to the point of Israeli refurbishing the avionics so the B-1K could be flown by two aircrew if desired, cannibalizing aging USAF B-1Bs for parts, and growing use of 3-d printing. It was part of the Australian political consensus with a rising People's Republic of China + other regional troublemakers the harsh lessons of World War II and 11 September wouldn't be forgotten. Eventually in the late 2020s with no replacement for the B-1 except for the B-21 Raider retained for US-use only, the RAAF decided to replace what became B-1Cs with F-15EXs upgraded by Israel.
  3. Three Su-30s out on a SEAD mission.... against Hokkaido
  4. A F-14 splashes a Serb MiG-29s just in time to save his wingman...
  5. I've bought a lot of DCS modules but never seemingly have the time for them. So I slide into SF2 - it's easier to fly, fight and mod. Also SF2 has this jet: RHINOS RULE!
  6. The Corona Virus Thread

    In Alaska, the Governor and his people flat out said yesterday anybody unessential flying in - either domestically or internationally - faces a 14-day quarantine as Health Mandate 010. Good for him. I'm sure that's not so good for Alaska Airlines and could make me not come up for Arctic Thunder if the mandate goes into July; but it's far more important the Governor protect his people. A good ally of mine if not a good friend and also my uncle on my mom's side live up there. Imagine if North America had an understanding when this Covan-19 started to spiral that we'd seal the US-CAN-MEX borders jointly as part of the current free trade agreement.... and the EU & UK the same.
  7. I personally think it's because not everybody is singing from the same songsheet. So sometimes I have to move stuff over to the proper originally created SF2 folders - which is what should be the songsheet. Yes, the naming matters fellow modders.
  8. Apparently sharp moves aren't this pilot's style...
  9. Il2:1946 is much like SF2, but more meant for WWII stuff. Just my two cents.
  10. Super Flanker + Super Hornet thread... and as there's a Super Sunday thread here's the Sukhoi side: The Lead Is About to Eat An AIM-9X The Trailer Fires An AA-11 A Tight Dogfight With the F/A-18E Super Hornet Too Shallow & Too Late Of A Turn for the Super Flanker... SPLAT! One Parani Super Flanker Aflame!
  11. Super Sunday

    Super + Super Sunday........... a Super Hornet goes up against a Super Flanker. As there's a Sukhoi Sunday thread, here's 100% the Super Hornet's perspective.
  12. Sure, I'll try to make the time the next week or so.
  13. Gotta ask @guuruu only one Luftwaffe livery of the Marine version or??
  14. Stressful Saturday editing a 1,500 word e-mail down to 1,000 words means only one thing... a heckuva furball dogfighting MiGs and escorting Hornets:
  15. US Army aviation acronym?

    The good author Amber Smith was a Warrant Officer flying Kiowas. Decided after 9/11 she was able and willing to go straight to flight training. The rest, well don't want to ruin the book.
  16. The Corona Virus Thread

    Erik; I generally agree with you. The US Public Health apparatus had time to at the very least ramp up testing and demand emergency funding. But of course when the President disbands the high level pandemic unit according to the AP....
  17. Can your backseater do this?
  18. The Corona Virus Thread

    Thanks Wrench. Up here in Skagit in Washington State, we're taking this seriously. As someone who has extensive contacts in "TransitWorld", it's a nerve wracking time. We know the curve is going up exponentially, and this virus still has community spread. So much so, the Left Coast is going into lockdown as much as we can. We also know on the flip side will be a depression. We know many small businesses just can't save up enough to cushion from a fall and will... fail. We know the only other alternative is in a word: inhumane. Nonetheless, we're bracing for economic impact and a real, genuine loss of community places and community spirit over to corporatism & maybe some orange online store named after a river in Brazil. Me personally, I have a lot of stuff that's been on hold due to the COER Conflict of lawfare against OLF Coupeville on Whidbey Island. My calendar is starting to clear now that my involvement is done - maybe that's a 100% separate topic for the pub. More time to finish up that Nihon Hitori campaign, paint planes, and beta-test Tornadoes. More later...............
  19. Things got really interesting when somehow even with a F-15C Eagle escort, GR.1 Tornadoes on a CAS mission had to go multi-role. @guuruu really did good with the artwork here: THIS is what I wanted my post 1,100 to be folks! Lots of BOOM!
  20. Between adding this and adding the Soundini.ini recommendations, all is good now. Very good, in fact. Going to bed soon but happy to beta test any other feature you'd like @guuruu. I finally have some clear air in my calendar for a while...
  21. A bit late but I gotta lotta balls in the air right now. Here's when some MiGs jumped @guuruu's DS Tornado I'm beta-testing:
  22. Thanks, I installed the file. No sounds but got the cannon back. I'm also attaching the mission I used to test for reference purposes. Helps when I had MiG-21s jump me... which didn't happen in the real Desert Storm but gave me a thrilling dogfight. With that, some screenshots: Tornado GR.1 DESERT STORM (guuruu) Close Air Support 1.MSN

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