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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. I have the F-111D and it's HUD. So will review the code for the above which I just downloaded. No worries, see below @yakarov79! Yup @EricJ. If you're trying to take out say a radar site that's lit you up and blocking your path to the target, you really don't wanna be guessin... or if you want to just make one pass at the target, you want a CCIP. Remember, SF2 doesn't simulate radar bombing nor a WSO.
  2. After a bit of research, I need to eliminate the line going down if I can. But yeah, the reticle is real. I just want some means to simulate radar bombing in lieu of TLAR (That Looks About Right).
  3. Trying to code and flesh out the F-111s on my primary SF2NA build... so here you go:
  4. Something to be said about taking a F-111 deep into East Germany in the element and drop a bomb on a SA-6 radar of a site that fired on you, then a stick of slicks in a thunderstorm and take out a steel mill!
  5. Both the Lynx and Merlin will be very welcome in SF2, ditto some H-60 variants in CombatAce please!
  6. A Su-57 on the rampage...
  7. The ole GR1 Tornado still is a rad jet to fly...
  8. F/A-5C

    This F/A-5C is a flying AEGIS destroyer........ or a third-size EB-1C.
  9. There is a B-1R that is almost like the EB-1C Vampire (aka B-1 Megafortress) from @Dave
  10. I am a very good bomber pilot... the first from just old iron bombs:
  11. A Su-27 Flanker in the German rain
  12. Here's mine before time runs out on the West Coast: Some more Tornado F.3 love. I recommend again the Tornado F3: A Navigator's Eye on Britain's Last Interceptor by David Gledhill.
  13. A MiG-23 Flogger trying to dodge a SkyFlash...
  14. Sorry I'm 26 minutes late but here you go: Not the best picture but here's a Fitter about to get an AIM-9....
  15. Well I better post my Swing-Wing Saturday before it's too late on the West Coast: Yes, that's a Tornado F-3 in a scissors with a MiG-23. I decided to go with the Tornado F3 as I'm currently reading a book on the F3 by David Gledhill.
  16. Airshow Season 2020

    Doing for sure: Gig Harbor Wings and Wheels: https://gigharborwingsandwheels.com/ (F-35 & warbirds) Arctic Thunder: https://www.arcticthunderopenhouse.com/ (Combined Arms Demo, F-22 and Thunderbirds) Skyfair at Paine Field: http://flyingheritage.org/ (warbirds) Seafair: https://www.seafair.com/events/2019/seafair-weekend-festival (F-22, Blue Angels) Abbotsford: https://abbotsfordairshow.com/ (F-22, CF-18 and Snowbirds for starters. Also a photo experience to live for!) Might do Miramar or San Fran Fleet Week, but unlikely. I really need to visit Victoria, BC on some transit activism work in June and on a limited budget this year due to need for new computer (P3Dv4 & MSFS 2020 & Lightroom doesn't like me only having 12 GB of RAM).
  17. Looks like something out of a Hunt for Red October scenario where Tom Clancy had A-10s on anti-ship patrol just-in-case... I also admit to some late night A-10 fun as if I was playing in a Red Storm Rising scenario, but with F-4Fs escorting my A-10:
  18. Happy New Year and may this be the year of many more ships in SF2...
  19. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year! May this be the year I start up my own SF2 shipyard! Stay tuned....
  20. Now that I've got a collision LOD and placed the wake effects on this Russian corvette... Ought to as well warn you all right now I have every intention to use @KJakker's Slava ini update as a baseline for programming the weapons. I prefer realism, something that works since that's what kept this SF1 attempt at a Steregushchiy class corvette out of SF2 and not some target to plink. I suspect you do as well. Below is my current desktop. Beneath the two text files is Chrome open to the Steregushchiy class corvette Wikipedia entry. On top are two text files. One of which to port/left is the corvette, the one to starboard is KJakker's Slava upgrade. As you can see, there's some serious work to do today. One last thing, with that Panstir-M CIWS on the bow replaced in RL with a VLS, may have some creative fun about where the VLS is... Stay tuned...

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