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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Probably not due to the weak sauce weather engine that doesn't allow for varying wind speeds at different altitudes. Higher altitudes have higher wind speeds and this thing called a jetstream. Otherwise yeah, sounds like a fun mission to take a Russian interceptor out for a spin.
  2. Nice MiG-29... but not hotter than the flares out the back!
  3. Six Il-72s trying to resupply Kunashir and not find themselves attracting the attention of F-15Js...
  4. Integrating @viper63a's Su-30SM into Nihon Hitori 2020 and...
  5. Who knew Aggressor F-15DJs could be... aggressive supplements to the JASDF?
  6. My turn... Russian Tu-22M3 Backfires on the hunt for the Hasagiri...
  7. Well I am very much overtime on releasing something that does have MiG-31s packing old IR missiles...
  8. There's something for you guys in the DACT forum...
  9. F-35A vs. Su-30SM Well I decided to finally dive in here after I got some video. But I have this mission between four F-35As, a whole load of Il-72 Candids and two Su-30SMs. The Su-30SMs over their forward base on the Kurils... AIM-120 away! One Flanker still there. Decide to close in and turn on the gun camera: Scratch one Su-30SM Flanker! Really amazed I got the kill in a head-on pass and not a single Su-30SM missile or bullet fired at me. Expected to be in a swirling dogfight there!
  10. I like this as a J-DAM and B-2 target... very much. But also needed are surface-to-ship missile targets like one or both of these please: K-300P Bastion-P / SS-C-5 Stooge Bal/Bal-E - Coastal (SSC-6 Sennight) missile complex with Kh-35/Kh-35E missiles Thanks. One of these was in "Hunter Killer" and I really think they'd make great targets as well as weapons...
  11. Thank you @KJakker that seems pretty comprehensive. Problem is, sometimes in fighters I can't get enemy systems ID'd. See this F-35A screenshot after I installed your list: So what I have to do is check the radars of the enemy planes and ensure there is a RadarFamilyName= entry. If not, add one.
  12. Humpday Heavies

    Sure but this game isn't Microsoft Flight Simulator...
  13. Yes, and to check I noticed I didn't add some time to the ServiceEndYear. You probably should change the ServiceEndYear to 2035 if not 2040. Yours right now is at 2020.
  14. Sure I can help with this...
  15. MiG-31 action.... Yup, just how Russian Naval Aviation would operate their Foxhounds against the JASDF in a real shooting war:
  16. Before it's too late in my time zone... Su-22 Fitter: Su-27 Flanker at Night Hoping the Flares Work: Su-24 Fencer Getting Some 20mm From A F-15J:
  17. Well if I had the time, I'd definitely create a Canadian Su-30 or Su-35... ;-). Canada would be fools not to at least give Sukhoi a good, hard look.
  18. Ha ha, so maybe the Brits stole the Russians' plans for the Fencer.......... and for some reason liked it @fallenphoenix1986. I would think as to repurposing Russian jets for NATO, maybe try a Flanker variant for Canada? Or Spain going for the Yak-141 Freestyle and/or the MiG-29 Fulcrum? Just a few thoughts.
  19. OK, serious question... why would you do this? It's unmistakably a Su-24 Fencer and if the Brits wanted another swing-wing to go with their Tornado they'd get a F-111.
  20. I disagree, you can limit nations to exclude US in terrain. But that is the price tag - total exclusion of US forces.
  21. A few airbase thoughts: #1. How does someone program them into a terrain? I'm sure the answer is somewhere that can be hyperlinked but.... #2. How about an airbase with a lot of hangars that are more like tents - open back & front, just provide shade and shelter for the maintenance staff? #3. Be nice if multiple hangars could be targeted. But that's me!
  22. You might want to take a browse thru 

    Put in a few fixes to the MiG-31BM building on your great work!

  23. I should probably also attach the MiG-31BM & AA-6D as successfully modified and tested a half-dozen times so others can use them. 2019-05-18 2014 Hours JAK Backup of MiG-31BM.7z AA-6D.7z Thanks again for the help Crusader.
  24. Well looks like I have a fix folks.... thanks @Crusader: Also here's why the Acrids and why I went into at least ten (10!) hours of trouble to get the SF2 Foxhound some Acrids:
  25. A Russian Naval Interceptor Pair Over the Kurils.......

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