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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. I have this book on 2-day delivery so you will please pardon me if there aren't that many updates for the next week or so... I have some genuine research to do and not a lot of time to do it.

    Su27 Book.jpg

  2. 1) Thanks for your hard work! You're awesome keeping the history of the Tornado alive and fresh! 2) For everybody's reference I know there's a Tornado ADV for SF2 in the Tornado F.3 on here already:
  3. Silly question as this may already have been answered but will you please do ADV and GR.4 and ECR variants also @guuruu? Just curious... thanks! Helps when I'm reading on the Kindle a dang nice book about the Tornado ADV...
  4. OK folks, it's been a little while since I've posted an update. Something about, "Fly, Fight and Do Admin" from the book about the modern Dambusters comes to mind with all the awesome GR.1 Tornado screenshots of late. Before you see my new spreadsheet... a) I found I was a bit underwhelmed by the number of single missions I had under some state of development. b) This is very much a living document. Filenames will obviously change, times will likely change between here and 25 March (fingers crossed). c) I'd love to set things up where you've got a mission 100% separate from a strike package... With that, here goes: OF course, once I get the air defenses on both sides all synced up... I need to make loading screens (which should be easy as I have the templates, loads of great screenshots, and Photoshop as part of my Adobe Creative Cloud membership) and get a soundtrack into this package (kinda easy). Also working too slowly on getting enough video footage for a video. Finally, need to start writing up a README with credits. As time permits before my deadline I do want to do some work with the F-2A and the JS Asagiri. The SF2 F-2A needs to be able to carry IR bombs like the real-life version and the latter needs a jammer to protect itself from anti-ship missiles. For V 1.1, I will throw together some kind of kit-bashed late model Flanker to replace the early-model Flankers in the missions now. Got most of the pieces, but want to do some professional research not just WikiPedia research. Obviously any 1.1 will have to address any found bugs. With that, enjoy a Flanker lifting off to intercept some F-2As...
  5. I have in a holding pattern until my current project is done some Dhmari paints for the JAS 39 Gripen. One brown & green digi camo, the other brown & blue digi camo. I might also release a straight grey Gripen w/ Dhmari decals Stay tuned...
  6. Here's some aggressor paint scheme ideas for you from the real bandits: Oh and then there's this I saw back in 2013 at NAS Whidbey when touring the base:
  7. I have the utmost admiration for the RAF and the USAAC pilots of the Second World War, as I do the RAF & RN Harrier jocks that took back the Falklands. But there is no apples to apples comparison. I would argue a bit of an apples to apples comparison between your Sea Harrier jocks and 2020's F-15Js & Su-27s mixing it up... Same general principles, just different politics and bigger, more capable jets:
  8. Anybody try to get this into SF2 NA? Or should I...
  9. Incoming Weapon Custom View

    Trying to make this work with mixed results @Snailman. Rarely get to see weapons firing...
  10. Incoming Weapon Custom View

    Tried to use this, only worked once or twice for me. But when working, creates some rather nice visuals of weapons firing from other aircraft. In this case a Su-30 firing a surface attack missile!
  11. OK, my turn. First, I'm a big fan of naval aviation so truly sorry no naval aviation action for a while from me... and when I do get back into my native environment, so definitely gonna fly a Tomcat! Second, this has gotta be epic in my blunt opinion: (I know, hard to be humble when you're the F-15J pilot ThatClose to a Su-30...)
  12. Hey @Stratos, the above is supremely awesome and gives me a few ideas for a more plausible casus belli. Maybe a few more partisan Japanese civilians try to take a Kuril Island and that starts the shooting? That said, little update guys. I am just pulling my hair out about trying to get a Su-35BM or Su-35S into my single mission pak. About to have to give up... and maybe make a V 1.1 that has a modified Su-27 :-(. For now, enjoy the visuals of a rather dangerous F-15J intercept attempt to get a Su-30 to jink clearly by in itself creating a diplomatic incident:
  13. I am just pulling my hair out about trying to get a Su-35BM or Su-35S into my single mission pak.  About to have to give up... :-(

  14. Sukhoi Su-35.JPG

    Any idea where to find this particular Flanker please @unitedLoves? Thanks as I'd rather use a Su-35 in my single mission pak than a Su-27!
  15. @acesfakia don't worry, I've reached out to @WhiteBoySamurai haven't heard a peep.
  16. This is awesome. I would love to see more drones in SF2... a lot more please, now that the supposedly Communist Chinese are selling theirs to anyone with the cold, hard cash. Link please?
  17. Now if only I could figure out how to convert this SF1 bird into SF2... maybe as a patch for my V1 campaign.



  18. Thanks @streakeagle. I checked the keypad and the "Action View" is F12. At least I believe in doing several run throughs and "what ifs" of each mission I write so yeah, I'll be using the F12 as I continue my checks of my coding. I agree. The AI wasn't intended for modern era air combat with AWACS, stealth, modern missiles that require at least some jinking to evade, jamming, and all you describe. I do believe with a big radar and some long-range air-to-air missiles (e.g. AAM-4B, AMRAAM and Meteor) you can just keep flinging them at unstealthy Fulcrums & Flankers. Also thanks for kicking a** in the Navy. I've seen "Hunter Killer". Amazed what you sub guys pull off when you literally can't see your adversary at least 95% of the time!
  19. Hey I'd be willing to commission a ship class or two from you please - both JMSDF. Namely the Izumo-class DDH and the Maya-class DDG. For starters... but they need to have weapons firing or someone to teach me how to transfer @WhiteBoySamurai's Kongo-Class weapons code over. No rush as the V2 of my imaginary Japan-Russia campaign needing them won't come out until December. V1 can't use them and is nearing final release. Just a thought!
  20. Sukhoi Su-35.JPG

    Hey where did you get a Su-35 for SF2? Thanks in advance as I could use some in my Nihon Hitori single mission pak please...
  21. F-14Z Cockpit

    This has got potential to be a great F-35 cockpit mod!

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