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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Hey I was going over this and noticed ServiceEndYear=1985. But F-4Gs flew in the Persian Gulf War... and kept serving until 1996. From WikiPedia: Just asking....
  2. Indonesian Flankers searching for RAAF strikers....
  3. F-111s strike a desert island doubling as a heavily terrorist base as if it was 1986 Libya... Fighting their way in Whacking the jetty with flak going off so much it's like daylight. Big, beautiful secondary explosion after bombing some trucks Whacking the warehouse A precision strike amidst the heavy flak Bombing a Crotiale site on the way out, after it fired off a desperation SAM.
  4. Looking forward to an improved MiG-23. The current one could use some work:
  5. Nice, but like to see some Eastern German version also for the German map plz...
  6. I think someone has my LRASMs... and maybe there's so rad already I ought to as well just release 'em.
  7. Timor, North Oceania (1950-2018)

    If you want some RAAF (Australian) action, this is your map. I really like the updated map that lets you put fleets in the game...
  8. Helping some pals here upgrade the B-1.... here's from tonight's test: Note the two racks of LRASMs and also Deliahs from Israel... Firing a Deliah as an IR anti-ship missile Heading home
  9. New free Ebooks in PDF

    I can't seem to get to "Continue to Payment Method"
  10. Timor, North Oceania (1950-2018)

    I can't place ships on this map to attack. @Menrva are you having the same problem?
  11. Curious here - editing the ini for a new anti-ship missile. Wonder what's the scalar on Explosives= ? I mean for a 500 lb Mk 82 it's 89.000000. Only 89 of WHAT? For reference a 1,000 lb Mk 83 is 202.0000000000. Thanks in advance.
  12. Oh, it's kilograms of explosive. The Mk 82 has only 89kg of explosive in it, hence the Explosive= 89.000000.
  13. The Corona Virus Thread

    I have an acquaintance who depends on the hydroxychloroquine for her compromised immune system. Scary times...
  14. Weird @allenjb42, I had the same idea for today. Long day getting stuff done for people on the computer, so needed to Mudhen to start my evening: Also my wingman can't drop his bombs anywhere near the target for some reason - the six bomb craters of misses are all his.
  15. Super Sunday

    Sorry to say I've got the same idea as some of you to yank out the F-100 Super Sabre, but here I was flinging rockets...
  16. Nuking some Soviet tank formations...
  17. I'd get more Rafales if I were them. The F-21 is a nice jet but looks way too much like a Pakistani F-16... and in the merge with split-second decisions to be made may not end so well.
  18. The Corona Virus Thread

    Sorry for the late response I was so busy. It's when a bunch of local politicians get together to set policy for and finance a local public transit. The video is below. Big Covid19 stuff at 42:12 til 1:18:52, 1:32:47 til 1:37:20, 1:39:14 til 1:42:20 and 1:42:45 til 1:47:27. Things are so serious for transit operators the Community Transit operator's union is posting weekday Facebook updates and the national unions are getting aggressive. Yes, if you depend on transit... essential trips only please!
  19. The Corona Virus Thread

    I've been busy since 7 PM trying to upload a Skype recording of a transit board meeting with extensive discussion about Covid19. One transit operator has passed on, another is in the hospital, and some more are infected. The logistics of shutting down the transit and dealing with boarding beyond social distancing were discussed, it's that bad. Oh and when you record a meeting on the phone, make sure the microphone is NOT recording otherwise you'll have not just echo but also the sound of typing in the background. Otherwise, expect to spend hours going thru Audacity and other programs to correct the error. Only now is the YouTube uploading and it's 2:15 AM here on the West Coast - well over an hour past my bedtime. Sigh.
  20. Sometimes two-seater jets just do it better......
  21. a) You got my Israeli idea right b) Well I meant K for former Aussie Finance Minister & Prime Minister Paul Keating but yeah B-1C also works. There was the F-111C for the RAAF, which was then augmented by FB-111s that became F-111Gs.
  22. From TheDrive.com: I couldn't agree more... sure seems like a fun What-If project for one of you guys. Especially if the B-1C - and it would have to be a C because the F-111C was Aussie - had AMRAAM and anti-radiation missile capability... JOSEFK

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