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File Comments posted by JosefK

  1. EDIT COMMENT: For SF2 builds... just ensure AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll in Objects\Aircraft\B-1R\B-1R.INI and you will at least have a functioning radar & some RWR sounds.  AIM-120s work again.  Now you have a self-escorting bomber and almost an EB-1C Megafortress out of a Dale Brown novel in SF2 builds.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  2. I'd love to see a FB-111 and an Aussie F-111 added long-term, but for right now wish the E & F could pack the SRAM.  Because that nuclear explosion is so... nice, like right out of a Dale Brown novel.


    Such a shame the F-111s & FB-111s got retired in real life.  Hell if they could be kept around, packing FOUR 2,000 lb JDAMs or many smaller ones at either high speed or long endurance would be priceless.  You do quite well simulating the F-111...

  3. Downloaded this awesome pack a couple of weeks ago.  Bummed I can't write a review, because it'd be 5-star.

    Love flying the Eagle around, feels like it's kindly close to the real thing!

    Hope the next pack will honour the Oregon ANG with some paints of them!

  4. Downloaded this kick-a** pack a couple of weeks ago.  Bummed I can't write a review, because it'd be 5-star.

    Love flying the Eagle around, feels like it's kindly close to the real thing!

    Hope the next pack will honour the Oregon ANG with some paints of them!

  5. Downloaded this kick-a** pack a couple of weeks ago.  Bummed I can't write a review, because it'd be 5-star.

    Love flying the Eagle around, feels like it's kindly close to the real thing!

    Hope the next pack will honour the Oregon ANG with some paints of them!

  6. Downloaded this kick-a** pack a couple of weeks ago.  Bummed I can't write a review, because it'd be 5-star.

    Love flying the Eagle around, feels like it's kindly close to the real thing!

    Hope the next pack will honour the Oregon ANG with some paints of them!


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