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About Adger

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    Good old Blighty

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  1. WOTR Screenshots and Videos

    Its been a while...WOTR+BOF and unfriendly skies patch http:// http://
  2. MODS release

    Fantastic skins Jerhear ..and Buckeye a fantastic mod. Thanks to you both on your continued work that must take dozens if not hundreds of hours to complete..cheers lads.
  3. Wings Over The Reich Dev News

    Nice one Pol, I’m really looking forward to what you guys are bringing in the next expansion
  4. Out of the loop...

    Speedy recovery Troops, hopefully you’ll be back in the cockpit very soon pal.
  5. Lieutenant Harry Bellingham 5 RFC flying out of Abeele Aug 1915. Another recon mission this time with Sargeant Peter Cutting and his Obs to photograph Troop movements... There's a bit of cloud up i hope it won't hamper our mission Archie opens up on us and i struggle to maintain my height and keep my wings level. But manage to get my camera working.. Both make it home unscathed and fingers crossed that the photographs taken will be of some use. Mission a success, 2 of the photos were good enough..time for a good stiff drink in the mess
  6. Recon Wars.. Lieutenant Harry Bellingham 5 RFC flying out of Abeele Aug 1915. Photo recon of enemy troops, no enemy encountered and a unsuccessful mission (3 blurred 1 overexposed, and 1 wrong location ) and...im having an absolute blast flying recons etc. Bloody fantastic job lads.
  7. OFF reinstallation

    Hi Socrate what version of OBD,S sims are you trying to get to work pal..OFF,? WOFF (PE, UE) ..or the newer BHAH II? It might help us members if we know what version you’re flying, you’ve mentioned on another thread about WOFF and here OFF is being mentioned, Polovski replied regarding a possible Antivirus issue which you acknowledged.?..tbh I’d be surprised if anyone could help if it’s an older OFF (p3 HITR) installation but you never know. Best of luck and hopefully someone will be able to help.
  8. MODS release

    Fantastic stuff cheers pal.
  9. Bloody fantastic shots VonS
  10. Absolutely brilliant stuff, even though I don’t fly the DiD campaign I absolutely love your reports shots and videos gentlemen. Thank you.
  11. Brilliant skins, cheers mate.
  12. MODS release

    Thanks too Robert for your consolidated facilities mod and also to Jerbear for the brilliant skins..cheers lads.
  13. Couple more from my latest campaign ..were getting the DH4 any day soon.
  14. What a Shot Seb, beautiful mate.

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