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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. Has anyone tried to create a nation and add it to both sides?
  2. He wants the airliners to fly and not be targeted by anyone. If they are friendly, then the opposite side will shoot them down anyway. On the one hand, this is superfluous, because during a big war no one in their right mind will fly on a civilian plane over the battlefield, but on the other hand, neutral planes fly in low-intensity wars. Coud be nice to have a way to make civilian aircrafts neutral.
  3. Kuwait getting the Baykar TB 2 drones

    Welcom to Bayraktar club! I wait for Kuwait skin)
  4. Su-32 34 Skin Packs

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a set of Camouflages for Su-34 THIS IS ONLY TEXTURE SET and decals, There are no other files in this pack. This set is for persons who have this aircraft. I know that it is difficult to find this model last times. Do not ask me how to get it cuz I do not know. I got this aircraft many years ago and do not know its fate and why it is not available. I tried to make the skins as accurate as possible. But some details missed because of the limitations of the model, some details i was too lazy to tune. As all old aircrafts, it has ugly UV map which is hard to use for texturing. Some early cammuflages can be not accurate too much to real aircraft for some details. There is a long "antiblick" strip over white nose on one photo, and the same aircraft has short strip before gray nose at another photo, one aircraft has "no step" dashes, anothe haven't it etc. Сoloration is often very different from year to year and sometimes from an aircraft to an aircraft from the same serie. If you ask me why there is a chaos in a decal folder, the answer is that there is a chaos only for a first look ;) I used decals from NATO fighters pack and all decals on places which in that pack. I do not like doubles and i do like in my Mod folder. That is why decals not in one folder. Skins was drawn based on outlines by Mariusz Wojciechowski and real photos. http://www.mariwoj.pl/ NEW SKINS: Prototype Su-32 1993 Prototype Su-32 1995 Le Bourget 1997 Russia_1 - Standard modern colors Russia_2 - Standard modern colors with "No Step" marks Serial Su-34 2006 OLD SKINS Aubergine 2011 - old gray skin from pack below looks too black in game. i tuned it and made some decals. Aubergine 2012 - same with color tunes and some different decals for 2012 with "No Step" marks =========== BACK UP you original Su-34 folder first. installation: unpack and copy to your installed Su-34 folder. Be sure to overwrite the decals folder. It is very important! There is a fix for the UV grid of the original model, cause of which the tail had a reflection of the another. All other decals like numbers are not changed and ruins nothing if you overwrite. If you didnt changed them youself. =========== I used these files: Decals: NATO Fighters 4+ https://combatace.com/files/file/12230-nato-fighters-4-part-5/ By Dave (approved by Dave, January 20, 2016) I took some skin details like engines, nozzles, marks, from this skin: Su-34 Skins https://combatace.com/files/file/14713-su-34-skins/ By WINGSOVERISRAEL (approved by Dave, April 5, 2014) =========== All the best, bazillius other skins by other users are here: https://combatace.com/files/category/565-su-34/
  5. Thrustmaster T-Flight X HOTAS . i Use it for SF2. Simple and cheap. Can't say that I recommend it. I'm just used to playing SF2 with this joystick. I have 3 joisticks for different games but i think it makes no sense to take them out now and check it out what is written on the bottom of them, because they are already out of production anyway.
  6. you owe nothing to anyone. I was just joking
  7. I want 2 things from this mod. 1. to play it ASAP 2. to kill as many pigs as it possible in the bay, I beliewe there will be a lot of them
  8. Congratulation! That's one small step for mankind, one giant leap for beeing a modder. REMEMBER! Now you have to make us new planes, new skins and new maps. You took it upon yourself to make modifications for all of us.
  9. For our part of the globe Facbook is about to be dead after a while. he's still in fibrillation arrhythmia , in convulsions, but on the heart rate monitor there's already a flat line and peeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. Facebook is not the best place in the wiorld i agree. i stoped using it some years ago when it began quickly and rapidly roll into shit. I use it only because of the messenger, which many people still use.
  11. and find and replace this in data. ini it needs to be // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0000,5.879,1.52 PilotModelName=Red7001 SeatModelName= SeatPosition=0.00,4.239,0.84 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=GLASS Armor[FRONT].Thickness=62 CanopyNodeName=g [Pilot1] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0000,4.504,1.78 PilotModelName=Red7001 SeatModelName= SeatPosition=0.00,4.239,0.84 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=Obj_000035
  12. and reinstall cockpit. take it here.
  13. Find wingstations where these pods are l;oaded at *_LOADOUT.INI file open *_DATA.ini file, search that weapon wingstations with this numbers and edit coordinates StationID=13 StationID=14 as i remember but i am not sure. end edit walues AttachmentPosition= X.Y.Z bigger value uper position smaller lower
  14. For example iL-38 here. Center of gravity is set faaaaaar from its real position. And you have no any chance to fix it in ini. so you fly as is. This is me describing the center of gravity from the polygon model maker's point of view. Maybe you have some other center of gravity meaning. the texture is also not tied to the center of gravity in any way. The texture coordinates are set by the person who makes the model in polygons. These coordinates are firmly nailed into the LOD file, fastened with screws and glued with molecular superglue. They cannot be changed by editing ini files. There is, however, a trick with decals, but that's another story.
  15. No No... The aircraft model is one object, the cockpit is another object. They do not intersect in any way in the flight model. As for the aircraft's center of gravity. You set the center of gravity in the aircraft model and it is included in the LOD file. It is set by the person who makes the model itself. in the polygons. Often, the aircraft is made by a team of 3 or more people. The flight model is made by another person. Well, for example. He takes the number purely guided by some kind of internal sensations, often from numbers generated in his mind under beer. He writes a flight model and sees if the plane flies well or not. The texture is drawn by a third person. Then someone finds the mistakes. Rewrites all scripts for himself. After someone repacks and uploads again. This is why planes often behave unpredictably. Everything is configured individually. Often a situation arises that it is impossible to fix the model only by digging ini files, and the person who made the model in polygons has already died several centuries ago. So we have what we have
  16. As to me I almost always change these settings. This is because the missile hit marker is usually either above or below the missile's actual explosion point. ALL NUMBERS JUSY EXAMPLE!!!! Not correct value. to work for lead computing mode. in DATA ini setting ironsight [FlightControl] GunBoresightAngle=-2 RocketBoresightAngle=-3 a smaller number is lower than the sight, for example -7 is lower than -3 but it is the missiles themselves that will also move behind the sight. how to fix the sight separately from missiles, see below for AI Rockets [RocketAttackAI] AimPitchOffset=-3.3 Gun [StrafeAI] AimPitchOffset=-1.6 less number of undershoots more number of overshoots -3 will cause the missiles to explode closer than -1 and +1 may even overshoot the target. And this is in Avionics ini LESS NUMBER LOWER SIGHT if the missiles fall below the sight, reduce the number. -0.7 is lower than -0.2 [HUD] HUDMaterial=HUDMaterial HUDColor=0.0,1.0,0.0,0.7 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.125,-0.155 ViewportBottomRight=0.125,0.135 GunBoresightAngle=0.0 RocketBoresightAngle=-2 ...... Without computing ironsight [CockpitSeat001] .... ViewAngles=0.0,-0.2,0.0 Less number of sight together with the cockpit tilts lower more sight higher
  17. Aaaahhhh.... Backed in time.. I still play using only keyboard. There is the Best Campaign ever. But there is no way to remap buttons. And i remember DID's F-22 woooaaahh!!!!! and this game was able to play itself, without your participation. Same as SF2 after pressing the F12 button. Button combinations just could not fit in ones head
  18. Hahaha, everyone has gone this way . as an option, remap the buttons as in your favorite simulator. I always do that. I have all my simulators with buttons remapped the same way as possible
  19. Helo. I Recommend to watch video tutorials by Devin Horner Watch videos and click next in his playlist .There are videos about installing , modding and flying in this game. And in somecaircrafts you can find PDF file with recomendation how to fly. F-14 and FA-18 aircraft packds have their pdfs
  20. everything in this simulator you will fix by iterating over numbers. Unfortunately, there are no universal values. It is difficult to predict how the plane will behave. Well, you will fix something in each plane every day. These will have to be dealt with. I dont recomend to play with CGP so it can influence on Floight Model in general as it was told above. Fix in Gears section. But for experiment sure check and change everything :D Looka at this section in Gears section ao a data ini file: ShockStroke= SpringFactor= DampingFactor= I fix dancing aircrafts here usualy. try to add weight to aircraft itself. Real EmptyMass not works sometomes and aircraft sometimes less realistic in flying with it real EmptyMass. so dificult to say what need specific aircraft to be realistic and playable
  21. Jaguar and hard rock

    May be soundpack from France release
  22. Falcon BMS 4.37 released with VR

    Have you installed already? I downloaded it today and tried to install and it writes Falcon 4.0 isn't installed inst aborted. I have original CD but i havent CD\DVD Drive. So I showed the original CD to the installation file, but he says no. Instal it . Yeah-yeah, someone will say that this game is on GOG. And I can unscrew the computer cover and fasten the old CD drive with wires, but I'm just too lazy. I play Falcon BMS 4.32 which i installed at times when MicroProse Falcon 4.0 was in abandoned status. This is interestind that BMS 4.37 doesnt see this instalation. My version is with every possible theaters, custom tunnings, custom cockpits and missions so I wouldnt deleting all this if the updated game is not worth it. But from the other cide it is interesting how far the game gone from my version. Looks like i will wait till they reconvert old Theaters to not to fly over long-suffering Korea only. Which Theaters are builded in?

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