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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. The same. i just read it from spam folder and from combatace site
  2. He wants AMRAAM, definitely
  3. i not overlooked this i just didn't understand the question of topic starter. csb. you can use userlist.ini if you dont like to fly wing to wing with soviet machines. But looks like China exported this migsto both sides.
  4. Georgia agains Russia the same. Su-25 and Mi-24 on both sides. Moldova against russia the same.
  5. yes. for example Ukrainian MiG-29s fight in Eritrean side against Russian Su-27s on Ethiopian side. I dont even say that soviet vehicles on both sides at Russia against Ukrain war
  6. This is captured MiGs. Some enemy pilots changed their side and steal aircrafts. I have read about it in Dhimar's newspaper as i remember. its in aaa its in a number from last Saturday. try to check it out in ycentral city library of your city.
  7. https://combatace.com/files/file/16208-f-4e-phantom-update-for-sf2v-air-ground-war-expansion-pack/ READ INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!! There are addition links on required things there
  8. how can you do this! i haver never seen this. nice.
  9. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,63457.0.html
  10. I stand in line with persons who want to get Banshee
  11. you need to download Mue's tool. Open the cockpit with this tool. Look at the HUD nodes using this tool. See which node correspond to which texture and then look in ini and change it. i cant say it in nutshells what to do .
  12. Or just download already converted Su-35 from my personal mod folder and relax. i already converted this some yers ago for myself. not perfect but for me its nice https://filetransfer.io/data-package/5FsXCPaS
  13. and i see you use SF1 variant of Su-35 cockpit. how to convert it to SF2 you can check it out here 30. Missing Missile HUD symbology (From Oct 2009) 30. Missing Missile HUD symbology (From Oct 2009 SF2I) With version Oct 2009 - If you are missing HUD symbology for missiles on modern 3rd party jets like I was (Tornado F3/MiG-29s/FA-18 etc)then you may need to add some new code to the xxx_avionics.ini [HUD] HUDMaterial=HUDMaterial <--------- add this HUDColor=0.36,1.0,0.82,0.7 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.00 ViewportTopLeft=-0.140,-0.195 And all of this below the [HUD] section [HUDMaterial] EffectShaderName=fltHUD.fx DepthBufferCheck=FALSE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0 PriorityLevel=1 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE
  14. The best way is to watch and try to change ini by yuself. change, compare and experiment. if you watch at me im engaged at my personal project and not interested in Su-35 modifying
  15. you need to watch in ini files. just copy hud folder isnt working
  16. i was shoted down yesterday by Flak. Yes they work. Rare but in a not expected moment
  17. Interesting interview. i am glad that i have read it Nice work, i like this model. Thanks a lot

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