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Everything posted by Do335

  1. OK Gunrunner could you calm down. If you (and heck, anyone that have) perceived this whole idea as an insult then I really apologize, for it is certainly not my intention. This was meant as a compensation, not a way to "manipulate" the modders. No. Hell. I'm sure you've been staying late till 4am modding? Late for work because of modding? Had an argument with family/GF because of it? Yes? You know I had become good friends with a modder. At the end of his modding life he pinged me on IM and said "mate are there any work over there man, no jobs here." You know how I felt? Dude has been puking his heart out for something which he doesn't get a dime. Think it is fair? And I can't help him for it wouldn't have mattered, not by myself. Could he have used something like 200$. For him was a month's rent. You words may sound like a true "realist", but still.
  2. Gunrunner, Perhaps my posts were too long and hard to read. Maybe I should've led with this: the finished product would be free for all. (Not sure if that's how you understood it.) So why would I pay for it you might've asked. I dunno but I would, if it's something I'd really like to see modelled. So perhaps, in your words, by entering this agreement, I already "waiver" my right to ownership. I pay for (a small part of, ofc) it in order for everyone to have it. A few others guys with same thought like me, and we'd have a good offer. Also, by saying foul play, are you saying there're a good percent of modders at combatace would do it. Nah I don't believe so. We're all nice and reasonable forum-active people here I'd think. If you don't trust someone, don't hand him the work. Like a new guy with 10 posts who says he's a 3d modeller with a few pictures as proof.. No. The idea is the work is only handled by members with Modder status. This should all be done in public and the end result for everybody to see. Tis one of the reasons I started a public thread instead of sending a bunch of PMs. Something in your post caught my eye: a problem that doesn't exist. I'd say it is a problem that has always existed, everywhere with freeware mods, but many ppl simply chose to swallow it, dealt with it, or withheld, like accepting it as reality. Especially as the commercial market in the down low and many turn to freeware mods. The ugliness of money is indeed a concern. But I believe we could make rules to address them. The rules can be adapted to address new problems. For example, let's say someone entered the agreement but then started asking for this and that after work started. Well the 3rd party treasurer has to be fair and firm. If his requests are legit, and said with respect and reason, but outta bounds with the original agreement, then fine perhaps there can be some goodwill to talk about it. If he's acting completely outta bounds then outta the question and the funds transfer as same. The principle is that the original agreement has to be honored, and if not, the final decision to alter that is in the hands of the modder. Or what if someone only gives 1$ and starts making requests. Maybe an entrance level fee be put in place. Something like 2 anonymous polls from 2 sides would give an indication to. Common sense is all I reckon here. ehm... Stratos maybe later, apparently it might get busy. But look man perhaps I went a bit too far as I know you meant well with your thoughts....
  3. I read that idea from you Stratos, and I would never agree. Hiring a coder to write code is simply too "out there" to rely on a community that has all kinds of preferences and priorities. How's about you and me phone TK privately and sort something out, instead of just emailing him for some kind of pseudo permission, you know, do some real work by ourselves instead of always asking others, if we're truly serious here.
  4. I'll tell a story. Names are intentionally left out. I'll not comment on it later. Believe it or not, up to you. I have a flight sim buddy, who's got a good job, financially rather well off, ya know. And he's a very nice guy too, I mean really really decent, completely opposite of the usual rich guy type one'd imagine. He was on this forum with another free mod group, who publically claims to work completely for free, for the community. Doesn't even accept a cent of donations. There's this modder of this group that writes flight models. See the real jet of the question has got force sensing flight controls, so control surface movements on the real thing are extremely snappy. Nice advantage in dogfights right. But obviously, such force sensing equipment doesn't usually come with your average armchair sim pilot joysticks. So the new flight model rolls out. My friend, who's got all kinds fancy gear, of course has a force sensing joystick. He asks the modder "mate, why is the FM response so sloppy?" The modder ofc denies it. It is realistic, the hard data supports it, ya know the usual back and forth debate that goes on and on. But in the end the modder implied, that he doesn't own a force sensing joystick, and he wrote the code to compensate for a common joystick with gimbals. My friend then buys the force sensing 3rd party parts for the modder's joystick, a few hundred euros apparently, ships them to his address, and said there you go, now you have the necessary equipment, so make the FM correct will ya. Which he then did. Food for thought perhaps. For sure there're stories everywhere for corporate law, intellectual rights etc etc. But both sides have stories man.
  5. Yep the model is finished when the request is completed. So when making the request make sure to ask for what you really want. However, imagine how you would ask an existing modder to model something for you, I think it is the same way: clear and concise, but with courtesy and respect. Also the finished model is uploaded to CA, available to all. If one wanna make a private arrangement, I'd imagine PM or Skype is better way to go.... DA's words was/is also my main concern. However I hoped there would be a free choice. I'm modelling an aircraft, at the same time an offer pops up for the same plane. But I hold on to the belief of free modding, or find the request unreasonable, or find the sum too meager to mean anything, or for other reasons, to not accept it, I can keeping doing it for free without accepting the offer. Otoh, if the offer does sound worth taking I'd go for it. So.. each modder could have a choice. I reckon we're all grownups here there's nothing wrong getting a little compensation for some good honest work. Think of it like... atm the modder has to do all the work. This is a measure to meet someway in between. edit: OK Erik the owner has spoken and looks like it won't happen. But Erik look the SF community has been shrinking considerably since TK stopped working on it. If there ain't another way to revive this place it is going to keep getting smaller man. I have an idea of what your plan is when the sub fees no longer cover the download bills so, while it is a long shot, it had to be taken. PS @Erik this is not payware but more like donation, as the finished product would be available to everyone. To call it payware would be somewhat opposite of my intention! But it isn't donation either as those don't come with strings attached heh. So I don't know what to call it. The modders contribute via their skill, labor and time right. But I'm sorry I didn't study 3dsmax in school and I don't have time to learn now. How about I contribute via what I can do? That was the intention. To keep this community going.
  6. Stary should have the final say on this but I've found that, one can not mix ParticleSystem.ini and separate effects inis. If you got a PS.ini in the flight folder the game engine will simply ignore the separate effects INIs.
  7. I'm offering a 50$ cash compensation for the 3D artist who finishes the Tu-2. What's needed is an optimized LOD0 with greatly reduced poly count and a few low rez LODs. Any other edits and fixes is considered a blessing. Money via paypal or whatever suits. I know, it could be considered a joke if you put it on the commercial market and sell it for a lot more money. But with the freeware spirit of the CA community I'm hoping you could find it in your heart to give us a big discount. Plus keep in mind that it is not a brand new creation, as Wrench already has the source max files, and the exported LOD already works in game. You just have to optimize it so that the SF2 engine can run it without too much performance hit. And 50$ is still good money I reckon, smokes, drinks, a few good meals or a video game or 2. I could use 50$ myself! Alternatively if ya want to go all in, there're some good quality commercial max files (like http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/tupolev-2-max/774415)to build upon. But in that case my funds will likely go into purchasing the source max file instead, so this is if you're really commited. Why do this Do335.. Well the Tu-2 is not a popular aircraft by any means, I hardly see it get finished otherwise. As this is likely the last aircraft needed for korea I'm willing to give it a final push. IMO SF2 is really the best platform for a 50s era dogfight theater and would like to see it complete. In case anyone is interested plz send a reply in this thread and shoot me a PM so I know we got a taker!
  8. ey it's a gold mine for ini editing, it's like.. the author of the source code is explaining it all in lay man terms. Anyway what I got from the thread is if it's not in the stock planes it ain't (properly) implemented. But.. just my own take.
  9. re aircraft systems http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7127&p=44314&hilit=PNEUMATIC_SYSTEM#p44314
  10. eh it's all good! Luckily it's not war thunder that everyone has to be on the same stuff. Overflew the chosin reservoir in a corsair. It felt.. quite historical. Since the water's not moving might as well consider it frozen:) Man I could hear the screams. @Emp_palpatine single missions are always good. Campaigns not yet. In time i'll probably make it work so.. shouldn't be too bad.
  11. Yeah those are just cosmetic texture changes, I made north korea ABs use TK's North vietnam/eastern europe runways to provide some variety is all so no biggie. But I also added some placeholder cities as strategic nodes on the south korean eastern coast so the campaign could function, like forming the pusan perimeter etc. I'm gonna have to add those in when I got more time. Long term plan's staging Incheon and Wonsan/hungnam amphibious landing. No idea if I can pull it off
  12. Combat Air Patrol 2 preview

    eh... It is self criticism.
  13. Combat Air Patrol 2 preview

    hmmm... From the outlook it seems as a 'FC3' level Harrier with CV Ops and dynamic campaign. The idea is quite solid imo! I mean I don't really need extreme hi-fi FM or an avionics suite a direct copy paste from the pilot manaul.. as long as it's fun to fly, which CAP2 seems to be about. I guess a lot of KS campaign has so little going, if they spend more time developing the project before showing them to the public it might have more pull, especially in CAP2 as they claim to have other funding. ...Or maybe I just dont get the spirit of KS..eh. Another explanation... it is a bit similar to SF2NA no? Notice that TK got burnt by NA pretty bad. Personal thing, not a lover of the harrier that much. It's a bit 2nd tier/alternate for me. Ofc lots of ppl love it, but surely the numbers can't compete with say the hornet. Anyway I still hope they stick with it, it does sound like a fun sim and could become its own. Just the dynamic campaign part can be a life saver, if the ppl moaning and complaining with DCS/Bos has any genuity that is! (heck, want dynamic missions? Don't buy russian! See, avionics and flight modelling, it's just research, or more plainly, about copying. It's just spending time and money to get the source material, the best original so "your sim is realistic" or, the copying is accurate! Missions and campaigns... Now this takes genuine creativity. There's NOTHING for you to copy from. The russians get the copying part pretty down pat, they can get right down to every tiny detail -- if the real thing had a toilet in the back, we put toilet in back! But creating mission generation and campaigns.... You live in a collectivitity for so long man.. it leaves a toll on your individualism and thus, creativity. Tis perhaps something the western people have difficulty imagining. So, the "russian" solution is either no auto mission generation at all, or just pit the humans against each other. They are unable to invent something like that. It is not who they are. --- My personal realization since 2009.)
  14. Battle of Britian Simulators for 75th anniversary

    BOBII is the stuff! Campaign is awesome, historical immersion is way up there at the top. It is indeed old, takes a bit messing with files to setup, and the campaign engine has a learning curve. One of those for real sim nuts.
  15. Anybody with an iPhone

    I'm one of those suckers for movie tracks. My fool-proof way is to listen to the lyrics and type it out in google enclosed with "". However sometimes the song/movie is unpopular, it then becomes quite hard to find.
  16. The project continues! Ironing out some strategic node glitches in campaigns. The time needed for play testing is a black hole. Current result looks satisfactory enough. Probably needs one/two more adjustments still.
  17. A heli carrier can still give ASW a huge buff I reckon. Other than political reasons, proper CVs are way more expensive. Plus USN carrier wings and land based f-15s can fill in for top covered when needed. (just off the top of my head...)
  18. Liking Steam and Iron quite a lot by consistently beating the Grand Fleet to a pulp:D Meanwhile Naval Warfare Simulations, developer of SAI is making the next game called "Rule the Waves". http://nws-online.proboards.com/thread/260/rule-waves-information
  19. Subsim review http://www.subsim.com/2015/RTWaves.php
  20. There was some artillery back and forth with civilian casualties between the North some days ago. It is like.. maybe the Mediterranean? Real armed conflict doesn't happen but constant tension. A few years ago it was a similar incident. Heard it not through the news but ethnic Korea delivery guy: "The war is on! "
  21. hmmm.. I had been flying 1960+ missile era and indeed mid-air was not a cause for concern, even less when it was mud moving. You just don't need to think about it. Probably missile seeker accidentally locking onto friendlies etc. was more of a problem. I've since then moved onto guns only jet fights and collisions became frequent among the 3 parties: me, wingies, bandits. (It reads a bit funny atm but when it happens it really doesn't...) Not a "daily" occurrence but enough to pay constant attention to.
  22. Sorry. I made my suggestion based on the assumption that it's not a nice thing to run into wingies for anybody. Apparently I'm wrong and I apologize.
  23. Midair with wingmen does happen occasionally... short of turning off "collisions" in options, asking wingies to "spread out formation" might help at times.

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