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Everything posted by Do335

  1. hey good news Stary thanks. Not so good that just wasted my Sunday on this...ehhhy. But yes, nice one Baffmeister, thank you.
  2. Wrench, Great, more hidden goodies:P Anyway, reckon it's a forgotten plane in a forgotten theater, so... oh well. Attached tweaked La-11 FM w/ mustang aero, functional since it's stock TW, in hope of the experts someday taking a look at this plane. oh the damage modeling and hitboxes are updated. LODviewer rocks.
  3. Help Us Prevent Cable Company F..kery

    Extreme cases are imagined, but a US "state run internet" also feels a bit.. paranoid. I hear ISPs and phone co. have blocked/restricted ports that common P2P transfers use, blocked whatsapp transfers to facilitate SMS usage and bundled in their own IPTV service that doesn't count towards monthly traffic cap etc. Net neutrality should just be considered as anti-monopoly regulation, instead of big brother taking over the net. I'm sure if one pays a higher price one will still get faster connection. Otoh the bill that gets passed before publicly reviewed is weird. I think americans should indeed have a problem with that... But internet has developed to a stage where an ugly decision has to be made, and at the end of day it seems that ones that opposes the bill are ISPs and those support it are google/facebook/smallbiz who provides service for millions of people who are just average guys. So unless one is anti-google might as well go with it for own self I reckon. On the tech side though, a better video compression format that prevents the net from chocking should be really welcomed...
  4. Help Us Prevent Cable Company F..kery

    Seems to boils down to choice of lesser of 2 evils, the evil big corp or the bad gov't. Or the belief that in this net provider market, does free market sort itself out, or is regulation ultimately necessary. Or... is one more left (democrat) or more right (republican)? I think there's need for regulation here. Internet is becoming more of an infrastructure. Meanwhile whoever controls the last mile of the cable has monopoly, thus free competition fails. So this has to be intervened by government. In Europe, Japan, Skorea the gov't is regulating the ISPs, and they have better net, with lower prices. The US is the most free/capitalistic market even among 1st world countries, but in this instance free market bites back and becomes a hindrance. In China the internet is becoming a national intranet. In the beginning, the communist government did not have the means to cordon off the net other than keyword filtering, but guess what, for several years Cisco supplied them with critical hardware and technology that built the Great Firewall higher and higher. The biggest human rights suppression instrument on the internet is supplied by western big corps, who would do anything to make money. Why do I care? To access web content outside the wall I subscribe to several commercial VPNs, which have become my lifeline. These guys and the servers they rent are start-ups or small businesses. And guess where they're located. Also I love ma internet.
  5. Help Us Prevent Cable Company F..kery

    Am I right to understand there will be a lengthy lawsuit, of cable companies vs. FCC, before the rule is finally in effect?
  6. yeah looks to be a good way to divide 'em up and eh Europe theater is always the most popular. Guess I'm the kinda new and "impulsed buy" type as got all 6 in quick succession engulfed with Phantom love. Plus.. upon landing on CombatAce at the time everybody was saying go with full merged.
  7. The future is all kinds of bad-ass. http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/lockheed-reveals-small-self-defence-weapon-for-fighters-409219/
  8. more.. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150224005136/en/Orbital-ATK-Completes-Key-Test-Helicopter-Active#.VO3dtC6LdZ-
  9. Full merged plus a few DLCs. At 200$ it's indeed not cheap compared to the average games price these days. TK's gotta put on a sale sometime or.. looks like he doesn't even bother.
  10. Help Us Prevent Cable Company F..kery

    http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/technology/path-clears-for-net-neutrality-ahead-of-fcc-vote.html?ref=business GO Team Internet!
  11. LOL. I'm more amazed that they can put an active radar seeker on an APS projectile now. Recall that at the AIM-9's inception they thought about using that but it was too big to put in a missile.
  12. I'm also from China, but just another sim head and not in any group. I was a beta tester/modder for BMS (for Falcon4.0) until retiring that is, so aware of all the community rules and ethics. Yes piracy is rampant here, but it has more to do with the government enclosing the internet from the rest of the world, generally doing that to the entire country, and not respecting individualism, than ppl's deliberate acts of IP infringement. In short, big brother's in play and affected its citizens to the point of not aware and not caring. My take on it anyways.
  13. Yes Dave, but there is a difference between content platform and content author. CA is the former, as in "I downloaded the mods from combatace" and not "I used CombatAce's mods". Former refers to the website platform and latter refers to a group of people/modders. Anyway I have said enough, hope it is taken as food for thought.
  14. Dave I obviously have no knowledge of CA's inner modders circle. When ppl think Strike Fighters, they relate to thirdwire and TK. There needs to be a time, when ppl think Strike Fighters, Mod Mafia is the name. I guess basically am saying modders unite. (Or at least go towards that as I know reality and humans are more complicated...)
  15. IIRC "Mlracing" had been doing that and posting screenies at SimHQ. It was called by many as unethical, immoral and piracy. Now that a payware group uses it suddenly it is OK.... In light of TK's words and growing the SF community I guess one can ignore that (and myself agrees) as more content is always great. But even if the payware starts selling eventually I fail to see it generate enough effect on SF games as a whole other than making a small improvement within a niche of niche users. The current situation as I see, you guys at CA is working towards all directions, the mods are numerous, but all scattered. As a result none generates enough community impact. In return new talent is scarce. The payware groups are just some guys that makes semi-decent stuff to take a few guys money. The users side they're mostly kids or very casual players that downloads a few mods and play for 5 minutes and then move on. All of this is too... "loose" and wouldn't go very far. The way I see it, there needs to be a modders group which 1. has a substantial talent pool 2. is more united. Said group picks up the ball TK dropped and pushes this series further by releasing patches/mods under one name and supports the releases. I think this is the only way to make SF go further. Think BMS for Falcon4.0, TSH for Janes F18, Team Fusion for Il2Clod, AvHistory for CFS3 etc etc. Then hex editing, dlls and pushing TK to release source is on the table and will have some practical use. I think combatace is a really nice platform and already has a stage for it. Question is will there be ppl to go for it. And for me it is the big question mark... Excuse me for being blunt and the whole 20cents but it's an honest thought.
  16. Well there can be tools to edit models. But you can't put up the edited models for download. The tool itself can be freely shared. This is what he means I think. However, such a tool doesn't exist yet afaik. If, say one day, Mue's LODViewer becomes LODEditor, then that is such a tool. As for exe hex editing and dll injecting, sounds more like dreamland to me. It is a nice thought but heh. Anyway my 2c.
  17. @Dave nice jet there sir. I think it can even have 4 extra hardpoints alongside the fuselage for sparrows/slammers - multirole FTW!
  18. War Thunder - Any takers?

    Sometimes I'm really tempted. At least it's got community and you can talk about gameplay with other ppl. But then I went to the forum and don't quite like what I see. Apparently if one wants to pwn, play Russian... which sounds familiar with all Russian games... So I realize IL-2'46 is still the better choice where at least there's open modding. Then again who knows, maybe i'll come find you oneday, MrGoTime.
  19. Cool, just what I need! TK said lots of stuff like these over the years. More please if anyone has it! Shame on myself as I only saved TK's notes on some FM param.
  20. Version 1.2


    Wings over Korea Part 2 of 3. Part 1: http://combatace.com/files/file/15221-wings-over-korea-1-of-3/ Part 3: http://combatace.com/files/file/15587-wings-over-korea-3-of-3/
  21. Thanks Gunrunner. Liking the nosearts and polka dots. Didn't know at all the cheetahs flew entirely the slatted Fs. From the SAAF forum thread you posted, 622 the hard wing one only arrived after armistice?... I'll make a slatted F-10.
  22. Apparently video description says it's from San Diego Air and Space Museum. Took me to links like this: http://s92006.eos-intl.net/S92006/OPAC/Search/AdvancedSearch.aspx?TaskCode=129028&TitleListPageSize=10&PageNumber=1&ReturnToSearchIndexCode=1 One could nerd out for days in that place. Oh man...
  23. yeah no he's not coming back to PC. Oughtta be obvious to anyone at this point. The biggest loss I feel is the forum... perhaps old heads like eburger68 etc have memorized by heart all what TK said over the years on game info but I haven't searched the thirdwire forums nearly enough. Does anyone have any backups?...
  24. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    They do say one needs a good gfx card. Updated gfx engine, 4096 textures and whatnot. Being rather frame rate sensitive I'm probably gonna do hardware upgrade even.
  25. hmm another problem... Comparing Jul'12 to Jul'13 I even get better fps in former with the same setup.. beginning to suspect that TK lost the love and hence the touch in the last few patches.

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