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Everything posted by Do335

  1. too hard. missile.. meh... gun.. meh... flak... meh but collisions are way too hardcore. collides with bandits, collides with wingies, collides with mother earth...... (also collides with carrier but that's ofc the norm) aarrrgh.
  2. Weird that I find his career story more interesting, the choices he made and how he got to where he is. Also I don't think Caesar's gonna be happy about the last part lol:D Aircraft comments tho read most already from other sources but good to refresh up, I think the gentlemen is a dogfighting fighter mafia descendent which prefers the better jet in the phone booth instead of bvr jousting
  3. Thanks a bunch viper. Definitely gotta check these out when my SF energy recharges!
  4. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    gameplay shots! yea and also drag select with A pressed will only pick combat units.
  5. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    Lol exactly fastcargo mate. you don't get what im saying. there has got to be a better way of selecting a ship than clicking it. this is in 3d world and ships overlap each other. sometimes clicking on the one u want ain't easy. heck it becomes difficult to issue an attack order as the enemy ship is say covered by my own strike crafts and whatnot. click...no wrong ship. zoom in...click...no. rotate cam, click..still no good. wait 5 seconds so the ship in foreground moves outta way..click.. got it. meanwhile..."Battlecruiser lost" what??
  6. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    yeah, I'll see if it's still available somewhere. But not exactly fast paced i guess, it can be fast all the way, or step-by-step methodical all around, but not constantly pause it to do unit management... Maybe it's like playing SF and having to take hand off the stick and hold down the mouse keys for zooming the inflight map. One ofc map the mouse keys on the stick!
  7. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    FastCargo you apparently have more experience with the series than me as I never played HW1. Do you consider Cataclysm the best among them (or is the graphics already too outdated)? My main gripe with the UI is the unit selection. Suppose I have Group 5, composed of frigates, destroyers and battlecruisers, currently engaged with enemy. Now, a new frigate has finished construction and I need to add it to group 5. To do that I have to pause the game; go back to the ship yard; carefully pick out the frigate among a plethora of other ships; shift select it and smash Ctrl-5; Unpause the game. Way too tedius and a great pace killer to the game IMO. Red Alert 3 does this very well for example despite all its downfalls, single press a key select all units on screen same in group 5, double press the key does the same across the map. It works wonderfully. Secondly the zoom out distance in normal view.. way too small. I had to play in sensor view most of the time to get a good tactical picture. Until I started modding the game and dug out the camera distance value residing in the script files and changed it, and some other camera stuff... But that's a few hours of my life away. Lastly.. the mousewheel zoom, would it be too hard to implement a sensitivity setting for it on the game option UI. One mousewheel click jumps way too much. But yeah.. I reckon these are mostly considered minor by the masses but I'm always anal on control ergonomics. Wish I could just use the force and completely do away with keyboard and mouses . But consider the early date of the game and the 3D space combat perhaps there're some intrinsic difficulties. I totally agree with the scripted campaign and your other points too, but not holding my breath on the remastered version as what isn't scripted nowadays? Gonna give HWC a check tonight
  8. Some shots

    Is that Launchvipers reworked for BMS or has the mighty Janhas finally released his next gen F-16 models?
  9. Mission4Today hacked

    who in their right mind hacks a flight-simming community site? so strange...
  10. Il-2 '46 - North Africa!

    eh Africa is awesome. The yellow sandy terrain is just eye watering. And for the Messerschmitt it's king of the skies. Too bad it's often neglected by the masses and cool that it's getting some love! I've flown a scripted 109F-4/G-2 Africa campaign as well in the early days of Il2 and it was great fun... well, the 109F4 part was. The G2 was a bit too sluggish for my taste:| You have the emil here and it should be great!
  11. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    well, i kept going and finished it. And did some skirmish battles. Now i can somewhat see why it's liked but the RTS fans. Also.. completely open modding. some of the big mods are epic. but i'm modding it myself so to be aware of what changes are applied.
  12. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    so, dug out miraculously intact HW2 CD, installed, patched, win7 edits fixed, started campaign. Went til mission 7, completely pwned by carrier spamming AI. nop... still can't like it. It must be the hardest game in history, comes down to a matter of beating mission scripts. Or i'm just lacking the RTS multi-tasking/micro-managing genes.. dunno.
  13. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    Wow, I've only tried homeworld while in college, and it was sure an epic game, and it's reputation sure was out there, like man it's homeworld! But... I just can't seem to like it. The user interface control, like camera orientation in 3D world, was a bit awkward. IMO for a resource gathering RTS, a good UI is a must for I have to feel comfortable with its controls. Maybe it's just an RTS with a bit of steeper learning curve, and I did get blown away by its epicness... Gonna check this new one out.
  14. PAX South 2015

    Perhaps, TK was wise after all.
  15. Flanker vs Orion arch enemies since 1987 But I think the orion still hates the J-8 more
  16. Modern missiles have an engagement zone that results in 100%(nominal) PK. Avoid this zone. If pushing it, assume a "kamikaze" mindset.
  17. yea, saved by Wrench. tonight I'll take out HUDdata.ini in the DL.
  18. ricnunes, hmmm... did you try the [frontline] section in terrain_movement.ini first? I think that one has overriding priority on deciding the frontline position first & foremost.
  19. NP as I'd pondered to re-make a 7zip version, it's only ~25% of the .rar download size wise, it's just my own BW is not that great hence uploading takes a while, so decided to put it off. But now that there's a reported problem I'm prompted to do it.
  20. But standby, that download is too big anyway. I'll re-upload a 7z version, it's only 200MB+.
  21. rwatson, part 2 is 825.23MB in size, seems yours shows up as >1GB so might be some download error?
  22. ooops, didn't notice the posts' time stamps... eehh:D
  23. i'm sure it's directly related to [FrontLine] section in these 2 files: terrain_movement.ini campaign_data.ini this one is possible and worth checking: placement of groundunit in campaign_data.ini (if you placed an enemy groundunit on a friendly target area, what happens after you've flown the 1st campaign mission)
  24. OooKay.... whAt the... mwahahaha! If the bombs are delay fused after drop it might have a better chance! I wonder if you can just ditch the bombs in the loadout setup and go for gunpods instead. But oh well.. since the missions are linearly scripted hence number of kills don't matter I guess might as well fit for mission author's original intent.
  25. Panama Red this is interesting, I wonder which aircraft you are referring to, is it possible that it has a limited top speed and quite a high stall speed, so if cruise is set too low it is forced to do stall recoveries?... I did some cruise speed streamlining on the korean era planes. Most of them were initially too slow, so bumped it up to 70% but that made it hard for AI to score gun kills. I settled on 65% atm.

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