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Everything posted by Happy308

  1. I really love this mod but I have one problem. In cockpit view i get some stuttering when there is some action going on ( tank battle, etc ) I'am using vsync with triple buffering in radeon pro. Normally I can play this game with a steady 60 fps (exept in linebacker in the Hanoi erea) The poly count of the F-5 cockpit is almost twice as hig as the mirage F1 cockpit. This is what I tried so far: I resized all the images in the cockpit folder to 512*512 with photoshop. Still stuttering All graphics setting to low and setting the resolution lower. Still got stuttering. Lowering horizon distance, changed aa settings. Nothing seems to work. The Gpu is working at 60% and the graphics card ram is not fully used. My system is using a intel i5 running at 3.8 Ghz and 8 gigs of ram graphics card is a radeon hd 7800 2 gigs ram Could this be a CPU issue ? @ centurion, is a lower poly cockpit possible ? ( maybe a stupid question, I have no 3dmax experiance )
  2. Are you using one shortcut to start SF europe, SF Israel, SF vietnam etc, or are you using multiple shortcuts ?
  3. Are you using different profiles in your craphics card software ? ( radeon pro etc)
  4. Bossco82, you Don't need to go all the way back to a 2010 dll. Just try the May 2013 patch dll first. Rename the Original GraphicsEngineDX10.dll (so you always can revert to the original dll) This is my C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters\Core folder Good luck !
  5. I had a similar problem with the last patch, game crashed 1 out of 4 times when opening the loadout screen. Caused bij the graphics dll. Then replaced the dll with one from a earlier patch version. And no more problems after that. I use a radeon hd 7800
  6. Archipelago uses the vietnam tileset. http://combatace.com/topic/79194-archipelago-v10/?fromsearch=1
  7. F-8 pilot has a bad day

    Thank you for posting this story. Next time I have a "murphy's law" Day, I will think of Cliff Judkins
  8. Awesome ! Thank you for this great mod, the cockpit is unbelievable.
  9. I got CTD 1 out of 4 times I opend the loadout screen. I then replaced the dll file that caused this with an older one. And I have no more CTD's . So keep a backup of your original install, you might need a Dll file.
  10. @ russouk2004 and Soulfreak, What is the name of the terrain in your screenshots ? (Russouk2004 Picture with the royal navy aircraft) They look really nice. poor man'sDCS MIG-21 BIS FS2004,..?
  11. Wings Remastered

    Cool ! I played this and Wings of Fury manny hours on my Commodore Amiga 500. This is the Original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL-qtxNgoHU
  12. Good news

    Good news. I hope the lovenox doesn't have to many side effects.
  13. Aero L-39 C/ZO/ZA Albatros add on pack

    Hello Monty, Thank you for this great plane ! I rate it 6 stars. There is one small problem though. The the fuel gauge is not working. But fortunately I found the problem. In the cockpit ini the following statement is wrong: [internalFuelGauge] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR It should be [internalFuelGauge] Type=INTERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR
  14. Nice little attack aircraft. Shame on me I didn't download it sooner.
  15. Thank you Ludo and Mirage F.1 Team for another great Mirage F1 !
  16. I fixed the shimmering of buildings in my Graphics card software. Anti-Aliasing mode = super sample Anisotropic Filtering = 4X And in the options.ini : [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1920 DisplayHeight=1080 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 AntiAliasing=4 ForceDX9=FALSE ForceVSyncOff=FALSE LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=1 ObjectTexture=3 CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=0 CockpitReflection=1 EffectsDetail=2 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=3 HorizonDistance=3 GroundObjectDensity=3 WaterDetail=3 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=0 ObjectsFade=False Use32BitZBuffer=TRUE And FLIGHTENGINE.ini [unlimitedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=50000.0 DetailMeshSize=10 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=-1 [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=14000.0 NearClipDistance=1.5 I hope this is of some help to you.
  17. Hi Wrench, You mean like the picture below. It is from this thread http://combatace.com/topic/63496-j-35-draken-sfp1-cockpit-wip/ They made a work arround by using '' "opaque/see through frames" as a compromise." I opend up a SF1 A-4 pit lod with notepad, and found a bunch of Node's But not one of them made the front struts disappear. This is what I found: cockpit_P cowl inner cowl rail instument panel radar housing radar_screen minipanels detail002 details003 Details004 gau_alttitude needle_alt alt_dig1 alt_dig2 alt_dig3 gau_compass HSI_wheel HSI_CourseArrow HSI_HeadingMarker HSI_pointer gau_rwr RWRscreen gau_accelerometer needle_accel gauges_ADI ADI_cross turnsphere details001 warning_light_caution warning_light_overheat warning_light_fire ADI sphere ecm_switch ecm_light gau_aoa gau_turn needle_speedometer indexer_on_speed labs_dig1 labs_dig2 labs_dig3 gau_labs needle_RPM gau_RPM*TEMP screws gau_radar altitude needle_climb ecm gau_oilpres needle_oil_pres gau_machmeter gau_fuel mach wheel gau_vsi needle_turn needle_fuelflow1 mach wheel01 needle_radalt turnsphere01 canopy_frame canopy frame rear mirror_frame_left mirror_frame_right canopy glas rear canopy glas front mirror_right mirror_left sight gun sight panel sightglass lens sides HUDtop HUDbottom HUDGlas Centurion-1 and sophocles are both making a F-5 variant including a cockpit, so I'll wait patiantly for them to release them one day. I the mean time there are lots of other nice planes to fly. Coupi and Wrench thanks for the explanations.
  18. Hello Coupi, how did you discover the nodename "frame_front" ? I would like to apply your trick to create a cockpit for the F-5 from a A-4E or F-100D Pit. But the nodenames are unknown to me.
  19. wrench thank you for the explanation. Yes I believe it's westholt, the one with the tall smoke stack. Would the lod file from WOE work ? Al my SF2 installers are from 2012 and up. So al the lod's are locked. And I still have a boxed copy of WOE.

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