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File Comments posted by 1977Frenchie

  1. Per Coupi said, the IFR wing pods should be added because the RCAF MRTT's will have them, except the 330002 (VIP) and 330003 (STANDARD) as these will be transport only (no refueling capabitilies so on these the refueling boom should be remove)...

    Yeah, we like to take simple things and make them complicated in Canada :)

  2. Don't get me wrong, but the marking for the RCAF on your bird is not ok. Especially the tail which do not represent the RCAF markings system. You should also use the current system markings. I made a 410Sqn RCAF F-35 skin but i did not posted the file at CA because is was far from my standrad for a release:)

    I think the RCAF might call it the CF-135 or CF-355 (a plain guess here) if i got with their past designations...

    However, always glad to se people wanting to do RCAF stuff!

    See pictures of what i done then. Forget the beginning of the serial numbers (151...) as it as on the CF-151 thing months ago :) I think i might revisit the V2.0 skin i started for various squadrons. You can be sure the 409, 410, 425 and 433 will get some of the new fighters along with the 414. But now that the choice is almost made to get the F-35, i'm just wondering if they will go for a dark scheme or not :)





    Updated version : 


  3. A-1H Skin Pack

       202    4

    Great pack!

    Glad to see my old ''bee'' skin for the VA-176 beiing used as this was the first i made for SF2 :)

    I improved a little since then. héhé

  4. Grumman E-2C Hawkeye

       635    3

    Wow, beautiful bird there!

    Do you mind Paulo if i do some skins :) Already  working on  a ''clean'' one at a 2048x2048 scale and was thinking if some could be interested :) 

    Will check to do some USN skins if time aloud me to do so. Winter is hard here and i am a good friend of my snowblower :)

  5. 14 hours ago, Bodcap8 said:

    Excellent Frenchie, I eagerly await your CP-122 !

    A CP-121 and a CC-138 would be great also (and Wrench's upcoming CF-100, well, could it get any better?).

    I wish that I was capable of designing complete mods/graphics (all I have done so far is cobble together Guns and Weapons from existing downloaded stock. I've created some JATO/RATO pods to hang from any weapon station with a GP designation, and a 106mm Recoilless cannon pod, just for my own use/experiments).

    If I was capable, I would definitely focus on Canadian inventory (RCAF's CP-107 Argus, CC-115 Buffalo, CT-114 Tutor, and  RCN's F2H-3 Banshee) but alas, I will have to rely on Moder's like yourself.

    Keep up the good work !

    Here is a glimpse of my skin job so far for the early CP-122 :) Three skins will be done along with proper serials and squadrons markings/decals.


  6. 1 hour ago, Bodcap8 said:

    Another nice one Frenchie!

    I've downloaded all your aircraft, my Canadian Inventory looks better with each one of your additions.

    I'd like to run something by you, since you focus on Canadian military aircraft. Recently, I downloaded "Tracker's" Strike Fighters 1 series Twin Otter, DHC-6 Argentina Air Force version, directly into my SF2 series and it works quite nicely.  Just wondering if you could use it as a base to mod a short-nosed CC-138 RCAF Search & Rescue version with the bright yellow and red skin? She'd be a nice addition to your other creations!

    Thks man. It was long ago i made skins and started back lately as a hobby. Nice to know this is much appreciated! :) As a Canadian i love to do RCAF birds. I am currently working on the CP-122 (Canadian P2V Neptune). Decals are made, line, rivets. Just have to do the paint work and decal placement... still a few hours of work :)

    I am not able to modify the LOd files as i never did any work on models itself (might learn in the future). But i could have an eye on the CP-121 Tracker and the CC-138 Twin Otter. I might have a look at some other missing birds in the future to continue the RCAF plane choice :) I also know that Wrench have the Clunk on the board and it will be a great Cold War add-on when release! 

  7. VF-33 F-14A (TMF F-14A_82)

       128    16

    I already finished the ''What-If'' skins along with needed decals. Will test tonight and see if everything is fine then upload them (6 skins in all).


    As for the VF-2, VF-41, VF-51, VF-101, VF-111, VF-124, VF-142 and VF-143, i might take a look at them in the next days/weeks and do some. Will have to convert my full light gray to light grey/white scheme (which is not a big deal) along with the decals (Swordsman made some great one's and there is some in the Superpack as reference so shall be pretty straightforward). 


    I took not of your help offer Swordsman and in case of need i'll buzz you off!

    • Like 1
  8. VF-33 F-14A (TMF F-14A_82)

       128    16

    Fanatic :


    Will check what can be done for these squadrons. As i already have the templates, only have to do the decals but still load of work ahead.


    But as i said, ''What-if'' skins on the work board and i already completed one (still 9 to go), as i'm doing Hi-Viz and Low-Viz versions.

  9. VF-33 F-14A (TMF F-14A_82)

       128    16

    Okay, i put the lazyness aside and made the line bird skins for 1982 and 1992 :)


    I saw also that i made a sequence error in the TailNum decals so i already corrected.


    Will test back everything tonight when i'll be bck home and upload version 2.0 if everything is fine.


    As for the VF-31 (see Swordsman422 skins) and VF-21(already exist but can't remember if it's in the Superpack or if it's Swordsman422 who did it) and don't plan to do them for the previous reasons wrote.


    BUT i will now work on some ''What-If'' skins and work should be straight forward as i have the template done and all necessary decals already.

  10. VF-33 F-14A (TMF F-14A_82)

       128    16

    Same applies to the 1982 skin.


    I only made the CAG birds for the 1982 and 1992 skins as i felt a little lazy :)


    I may planned to do the line birds for these years and made the changes applicables to the CAG birds (numbers).


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