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Everything posted by Sheriff001

  1. Version 1.0


    Introduction Here is McDonnell Douglas CF-110E Phantom II for the Canadian Forces Air Command. It is based on ravenclaw_007's new F-4E. This package contains the CF-4E, skins in Canadian Voodoo Grey and SEA camouflage. History During the 1960s, the Royal Canadian Air Force commenced a search for a more affordable fighter to supplement the CF-101 Voodoo, and the CF-104 Starfighter. The RCAF advised the government to acquire the F-4 Phantom II. The Canadian Government accepted the RCAF's advice, but McDonnell made a counter proposal. McDonnell's executives suggested that the Canadian Government order enough Phantoms to replace their entire fighter force, in exchange McDonnell would buy back the Voodoos, Orenda would manufacture J79 engines. The Government agreed to order enough Phantoms to equip nine squadrons, plus an operational training unit. The high rates of F-4 production at the time would allow for fairly rapid delivery beginning in 1968. The official Canadian designation for the Phantom was CF-110, but it was universally known as the CF-4. The Canadian Forces Air Command fielded four Phantom squadrons for NORAD, two for NATO at CFB Baden-Sollingen, three more NATO reinforcement squadorns in Canada, and an Operational Training Unit. In Europe, the CF-4 undertook the roles of close support, battlefield air superiority, and strike with nuclear and conventional weapons. Beginning in 1972, the reconnaissance role was filled by twenty four new RF-4E distributed among the NATO squadrons. In 1981, 414 Squadron was made operational with twenty CF-4G Wild Weasel aircraft. Canada's Phantoms saw combat in the Gulf War, and in Bosnia. After the Bosnian War, Canada decided to replace the CF-4 with the F/A-18C/D. The Phantom began to be phased out of CAF service in 1995, and was finally retired in 1998. Most of the surviving Canadian Phantoms were converted into QF-4 target drones. Contents This package contains the following: CF-4E-75 CF-4E-78 Weapons, from effects Ravenclaw_007's F-4E Phantom II Sounds from Comrad's F-4C(67) Phantom II skin-soundMOD Part 1 contained the CF-4E, CF-4E_72, and CF-4E_72 MIDAS & Hard Wing. Part 3 will contain the CF-4E-79, and CF-4E-86. Installation Copy all folders into your mod folder. Overwrite when prompted. Loadouts While Part 1 had special NORAD loadouts, the Phantoms in Part 2 have a single set of air-to-air loadouts, with AIM-7, AIM-9, and ECM pods. Credits TK: SF2 series Ravenclaw_007: F-4E Phantom II Sundowner: original templates Comrad: sounds If there are any suggestions, bugs, or if anyone has been left out of the credits, please contact me, and I will make the necessary changes. Enjoy!
  2. File Name: CF-4E Phantom II - Canadian Forces - Part 1 File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 04 October 2013 File Category: What If Hangar Introduction Here is McDonnell Douglas CF-110E Phantom II for the Canadian Forces Air Command. It is based on ravenclaw_007's new F-4E. This package contains the CF-4E, skins in Canadian Voodoo Grey and SEA camouflage. History During the 1960s, the Royal Canadian Air Force commenced a search for a more affordable fighter to supplement the CF-101 Voodoo, and the CF-104 Starfighter. The RCAF advised the government to acquire the F-4 Phantom II. The Canadian Government accepted the RCAF's advice, but McDonnell made a counter proposal. McDonnell's executives suggested that the Canadian Government order enough Phantoms to replace their entire fighter force, in exchange McDonnell would buy back the Voodoos, Orenda would manufacture J79 engines. The Government agreed to order enough Phantoms to equip nine squadrons, plus an operational training unit. The high rates of F-4 production at the time would allow for fairly rapid delivery beginning in 1968. The official Canadian designation for the Phantom was CF-110, but it was universally known as the CF-4. The Canadian Forces Air Command fielded four Phantom squadrons for NORAD, two for NATO at CFB Baden-Sollingen, three more NATO reinforcement squadorns in Canada, and an Operational Training Unit. In Europe, the CF-4 undertook the roles of close support, battlefield air superiority, and strike with nuclear and conventional weapons. Beginning in 1972, the reconnaissance role was filled by twenty four new RF-4E distributed among the NATO squadrons. In 1981, 414 Squadron was made operational with twenty CF-4G Wild Weasel aircraft. Canada's Phantoms saw combat in the Gulf War, and in Bosnia. After the Bosnian War, Canada decided to replace the CF-4 with the F/A-18C/D. The Phantom began to be phased out of CAF service in 1995, and was finally retired in 1998. Most of the surviving Canadian Phantoms were converted into QF-4 target drones. Contents This package contains the following: CF-4E Phantom II CF-4E-72 MIDAS & Hard Wing CF-4E-72 Weapons, pilots, and effects from Ravenclaw_007's F-4E Phantom II Sounds from Comrad's F-4C(67) Phantom II skin-soundMOD Part 2 will contain the CF-4E-75 and CF-4E-78. Part 3 will contain the CF-4E-79, and CF-4E-86. Installation Copy all folders into your mod folder. Overwrite when prompted. Loadouts Air-to-air loadouts have been provided for both NATO and NORAD missions. NORAD loadouts have no jammers, and are armed with AIM-4D and AIM-7 Credits TK: SF2 series Ravenclaw_007: F-4E Phantom II Sundowner: original templates Comrad: sounds If there are any suggestions, bugs, or if anyone has been left out of the credits, please contact me, and I will make the necessary changes. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  3. Version 1.0


    Introduction Here is McDonnell Douglas CF-110E Phantom II for the Canadian Forces Air Command. It is based on ravenclaw_007's new F-4E. This package contains the CF-4E, skins in Canadian Voodoo Grey and SEA camouflage. History During the 1960s, the Royal Canadian Air Force commenced a search for a more affordable fighter to supplement the CF-101 Voodoo, and the CF-104 Starfighter. The RCAF advised the government to acquire the F-4 Phantom II. The Canadian Government accepted the RCAF's advice, but McDonnell made a counter proposal. McDonnell's executives suggested that the Canadian Government order enough Phantoms to replace their entire fighter force, in exchange McDonnell would buy back the Voodoos, Orenda would manufacture J79 engines. The Government agreed to order enough Phantoms to equip nine squadrons, plus an operational training unit. The high rates of F-4 production at the time would allow for fairly rapid delivery beginning in 1968. The official Canadian designation for the Phantom was CF-110, but it was universally known as the CF-4. The Canadian Forces Air Command fielded four Phantom squadrons for NORAD, two for NATO at CFB Baden-Sollingen, three more NATO reinforcement squadorns in Canada, and an Operational Training Unit. In Europe, the CF-4 undertook the roles of close support, battlefield air superiority, and strike with nuclear and conventional weapons. Beginning in 1972, the reconnaissance role was filled by twenty four new RF-4E distributed among the NATO squadrons. In 1981, 414 Squadron was made operational with twenty CF-4G Wild Weasel aircraft. Canada's Phantoms saw combat in the Gulf War, and in Bosnia. After the Bosnian War, Canada decided to replace the CF-4 with the F/A-18C/D. The Phantom began to be phased out of CAF service in 1995, and was finally retired in 1998. Most of the surviving Canadian Phantoms were converted into QF-4 target drones. Contents This package contains the following: CF-4E Phantom II CF-4E-72 MIDAS & Hard Wing CF-4E-72 Weapons, pilots, and effects from Ravenclaw_007's F-4E Phantom II Sounds from Comrad's F-4C(67) Phantom II skin-soundMOD Part 2 will contain the CF-4E-75 and CF-4E-78. Part 3 will contain the CF-4E-79, and CF-4E-86. Installation Copy all folders into your mod folder. Overwrite when prompted. Loadouts Air-to-air loadouts have been provided for both NATO and NORAD missions. NORAD loadouts have no jammers, and are armed with AIM-4D and AIM-7 Credits TK: SF2 series Ravenclaw_007: F-4E Phantom II Sundowner: original templates Comrad: sounds If there are any suggestions, bugs, or if anyone has been left out of the credits, please contact me, and I will make the necessary changes. Enjoy!
  4. It is basically done. All that's left is to populate the aircraft with skins, check that everything works, do a little test flying, package and upload. I've decided to put 430, 433, 434, and 444 Squadrons on the back-burner until some better material emerges. I will therefore have the following squadrons: NATO421 Squadron 422 Squadron 427 Squadron 439 Squadron 441 Squadron NORAD409 Squadron 410 Squadron 416 Squadron 425e Escadron Loadouts for all but the earliest aircraft will include hard and soft options for CAS and SEAD. "Hard" loadouts will use the AGM-65, while "soft" loadouts will use the BL755 CBU. I recommend against using BL755 on an MER, as the BL755 is too long to fit. The Mk.20 Rockeye will be the CBU specified before 1972. Here are sample hangar and loading screens:
  5. Here is a possible set of badges for 427 Squadron. I grabbed it out of a Squadron Signal book on the F-86, and touched it up. Any thoughts?
  6. Air Conflict Vietnam?

    Not to mention the Navy F-4E. According to a game vid I saw, the NVA had MiGs, news to me! The trailer contains the single worst JFK impression I have ever heard. Actually, it's strange that no one here has done a what-if naval F-4E. It wouldn't take long to do, some ini editing, adapting an F-4EJ Gull Grey/White skin, and you're done.
  7. I've worked out my scheme for loadouts. The air-to-ground load outs will be subtly changed to favour Canadian weapons (BL-755, CRV-7). Although the centreline pylon will have NUC added, and several nuclear weapons have been "exported" (in fact, shared under the NATO nuclear sharing agreement), a nuclear strike loadout won't be provided. The reason for this is yield changes, I have made several copies of my nuclear bombs to accomodate yield selection. Air to air load outs will be labelled "NATO" or "NORAD" for all aircraft including the F-4E_72. There are two differences between a NATO air to air load out and a NORAD air to air load out. Firstly, the NATO load out will use AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, while NORAD will use AIM-4 Falcons. Secondly, the NORAD load out will have four AIM-7 with no jammer, while the NATO load out will have three AIM-7 plus jammer in the port-forward Sparrow recess. The first difference is justified by the previous use of the AIM-4 on the CF-101. If the missiles are available, they may as well be used. I have selected the AIM-4D as it has the best model and textures of the AIM-4 series on SF2. I think this is slightly incorrect historically, I believe that the CF-101 used the AIM-4F and AIM-4G. If improved textures and models for the AIM-4G come along, I will make the adaptations. NORAD aircraft will not use the AIR-2 Genie. The reason for this is the provision of the AIM-7 Sparrow. The capability of the AIM-7 far outstrip the AIR-2 (though the AIR-2 does put on a better show!), and I can find no reference to the F-4 carrying the AIR-2 Genie. This would also be a political positive for the Canadian Government, as it would allow the removal of nuclear weapons from Canadian soil (though nuclear weapons, as stated above, would still be available on Canadian Forces Bases in Europe). The AIM-9 is more common in Europe, and better suited to the European battlefield. If IR AAMs are available in any air to ground load outs, the AIM-9 will be the missile used. For the F-4E_75, the standard IR AAM will be the AIM-9J. For the F-4E_78 onwards, the AIM-9L and AIM-9M will be used. Here is a CF-4 of 409 Squadron showing the NORAD loadout. N.B. This post has been corrected to account for the fact that the F-4E_75 does not have AIM-4 capability.
  8. Controversially, Europe-based CF-4Es retained their nuclear strike role. 421 Squadron is making the Cold War very hot (about a million degrees). The NORAD CF-4s won't carry nuclear weapons, however I will put AIM-4s in specially labelled loadouts until about 1977-80.
  9. The early CF-4E is done. Two colour shemes, SEA for NATO and Canadian Voodoo Grey for NORAD. The Canadian Voodoo Grey scheme depicts 409 Squadron, a CF-18 (and former CF-101) squadron from CFB Cold Lake, AB. 410, 416, and 425 are also in Canadian Voodoo Grey. The SEA scheme depicts 439 Squadron, a F-104 Squadron at CFB Lahr and then CFB Baden-Soellingen, and now a CH-146 Squadron at CFB Bagotville, QC. I've managed to find insignia for 414 Squadron, but will probably not use it unless I get around to doing a CF-4G (that is a matter is finishing what I have in progress now, and getting/converting F-4G templates). Unfortunately, the internet provides slim pickings for 422, 427, 430, 433, and 434 Squadrons. I have also found very little in picking pieces of insignia from the downloads area here. I've grabbed all the Canadair Sabres, CF-5, CF-104, CF-18 skins and aircraft I can find, yet there is little that would seem to work.
  10. For skins, I am going to have the following arrangement: NORAD: Canadian Voodoo Grey, Hill Grey NATO: SEA, Euro 1, Hill Grey For the NORAD Hill Grey aircraft, I may use the arctic patches that I am using on Canadian Voodoo Grey (though this will make them look like QF-4Es). The reason I am using SEA is that it is the standard F-4E camouflage, and SEA was used by USAFE on several types. Using ravenclaw007's F-4E, there are several eras. They, and the marking schemes to be used are as follows: F-4E: CAF F-4E_72: CAF, Symmetrical F-4E_72_MIDAS: Symmetrical (all repainted during the MIDAS modification) F-4E_75: Symmetrical F-4E_78: Symmetrical F-4E_79: Symmetrical, FIP F-4E_86: FIP
  11. 421 Squadron - Red Indians: 421 Squadron was a CF-104, and later CF-18 squadron based at CFB Baden-Soellingen, Germany.
  12. Just an aside, here's a link I found that discusses the entire history of RCAF roundels: http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/382/language/en-CA/Roundel-Round-Up.aspx The early aircraft are effectively completed. The orange patches are USAF specification Arctic markings for the F-4. The hard part of getting the decals.ini right to position the last-three of serial on the wing. I may end up putting in a small clear patch around the squadron badge. The problem is that they are all slightly different in size. I'll see what I can devise. Here's the complete Canadian Voodoo Grey CF-4E:
  13. That is certainly true for the CF-101, CF-5, and CF-104, which had their roundels on the forward fuselage, however on aircraft with their roundels on the aft fuselage, the last-three of serial were repeated on the nose. The CT-133 is an example of this. I'll be using the Euro 1 scheme for NATO, in symmetrical and FIP formats. For symmetrical, I'll have the roundel and flag without white (as on the CF-104). FIP, the roundel, Canada workmark, and flag will be in black. All of this is ready to go on the templates, I simply have to export them to BMP.
  14. I think this is probably the best place for the corporate signature. I believe it is in that position on the CT-133. Canadian Voodoo Grey USAF ADC Grey I think I prefer Canadian Voodoo Grey.
  15. It's starting to take final shape. I think I'll add some dayglo patches to the ADC Grey CF-4, for extra visibility over the Arctic, and I'll probably move the corporate signature, either above the arrester hook mark, or below the buzz number on the nose. I'm using the standard USAF ADC Grey, but I will also experiment with FS 16515 (Canadian Voodoo Grey)
  16. You definitely have a good point on the speed with which new markings are introduced. Generally, that sort of thing won't be done unless the aircraft is going for a depot level service, or otherwise needs repainting.
  17. Thanks. I will work on firming up the national markings. I'll check out Leading Edge Models, and Can Mil Air. Another question: is there a corporate signature for the Canadian Forces out there? I can find one for the DND. I am working on one myself. Hopefully Arial works as a font for it. I'll post it when done for critique.
  18. I recently converted Dave's B-52D and B-52F (Vietnam Era Pack) to SF2, but I am missing the external pylons (model names "Pylon01" and "Pylon02"). If someone has these pylons, can you please attach them? Additionally, I found the "bomb rippling" not working. What I mean is that when I set the bomb ripple amount to any number other than one, only one weapon releases on pressing the bomb release. Once, I set the bomb ripple to 108, and I carried that number of Mark 82s, but only one dropped. If a solution is known, can I please know it too?
  19. I have attached a new skin for the AGM-28. In it, U. S. AIR FORCE is written in the Amarillo USAF font. I attempted to place the Stars and Bars on the skin as per this illustration: The result was, I am sure you'll agree, disastrous: Here is the new skin for the AGM-28 Hound Dog, to use it, copy it into the AGM-28 folder, and overwrite when prompted. For those who have a BMP skin for the AGM-28, delete before adding the new skin. Parenthetically, I should point out that all of those letters and numbers were to tell me where the skin fitted onto the model.
  20. Thanks! I've downloaded, and checked it out. Very nice.
  21. I found an extractor that would extract the B-52D LOD, and the pylons are absent. It looks as if CrazyhorseB34 is correct, the pylons for the B-52D/F are not available. I think we'll have to stick the pylons in the "Too Hard" basket, at least until someone makes a new model of a tall-tail B-52. As to interval settings, here is what I had originally: RippleQuantity=1,2,3,6,12,18,24,28,84,108 RippleInterval=0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,750 As you can see, the default interval is 0, obviously not workable. I removed it and ...
  22. I've worked out the problem, I never had Wings Over Vietnam, so I don't have the LODs. I've now picked up a copy from TW, and am trying to extract the LODs from ObjectData.cat. Not having much success. The extractor keeps telling me "Error accessing external object property filename". I'm running Windows 8, using the latest extractor and latest WOV patch. It does not seem to be able to extract any of the CATs, even when running in compatibility with admin privileges. This is most likely due to the fact that it's Windows 8. Would it be possible for someone to PM me the B-52D LOD and OUT file from WOV?
  23. Definitely, you should use the Mark 82 from the Ravenclaw_007's F-4E USAF pack.

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