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Everything posted by Sheriff001

  1. File Name: CF-110K - Royal Canadian Navy File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 08 September 2012 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar CF-110K Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Navy This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store. ======Back Story======== The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces) The aircraft was meant to serve on Canada's two Essex class carriers, HMCS Bonaventure and HMCS Warrior in the fleet defence and strike roles. In order to get the performance required for such small carriers, a new turbofan was developed by Orenda, the Orenda Huron. Redesign of the Phantom airframe to accomodate the larger engine was done by Avro Canada. The article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom ======Installation====== Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. =====Credits====== TK for the USN Grey skin, and the F-4K from the DLC Store. Click here to download this file
  2. CF-110K - Royal Canadian Navy

    Version 1.0


    CF-110K Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Navy This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store. ======Back Story======== The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces) The aircraft was meant to serve on Canada's two Essex class carriers, HMCS Bonaventure and HMCS Warrior in the fleet defence and strike roles. In order to get the performance required for such small carriers, a new turbofan was developed by Orenda, the Orenda Huron. Redesign of the Phantom airframe to accomodate the larger engine was done by Avro Canada. The article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom ======Installation====== Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. =====Credits====== TK for the USN Grey skin, and the F-4K from the DLC Store.
  3. This urge is not creditworthy! Phantoms Phorever!
  4. The problem with that is we're not going to have F/A-18s for that long, and most of the F/A-18A's in the world are knackered. Super Hornets would give commonality, as would F-35s.
  5. The left-hand fuselage side national markings are not showing in any of my aircraft. I can get them to show if I change the left marking to "InsigniaFuseR" and reverse, it does show. Here's the relevant part of decals.ini in one aircraft with the problem (the DLC Mirage IIIO) [Decal001] MeshName=fuselage_P DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=InsigniaFuseR Position=3.16,-0.12 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=fuselage_P DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=InsigniaFuseL Position=3.16,-0.12 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3
  6. Default roundels. So far, I haven't touched the specific decals folders because the issue is affecting every Australian aircraft.
  7. Is that yes, no, or don't know to the only question I have asked about that screenshot? Incidentally, it doesn't depend on the video card or monitor. Stretching an image always has a tendency to cause loss of quality. Let's say an image is 9 pixels in size (3x3) bgr grb rbg If you make that 4x3, then the extra three pixels have to come from somewhere, and that generally means extrapolating from the original image. This need to basically make things up is what causes the loss of quality. So, I can tell you that the stretched image is of lower quality than the original. It does contain distortions. All I am asking is if anyone else can notice them. I don't mean to sound rude, but I am not particularly interested in discussing my computer's GPU, which is why I have never asked about it.
  8. Intel onboard video Would you be able to tell me if stretching the screenshot causes a noticeable loss of quality (which was all I asked when I posted the stretched screenshot)?
  9. I solved the problem. I extracted ObjectData005, and found insignia038.tga and insigniar038.tga. I copied insignia038.tga into the Decals folder and renamed it insignial038.tga
  10. Yeah. It does the same on mine when not in the game. I was just worried that stretching the image would cause it to lose quality. I am normally loathe to resize images for that reason.
  11. This image was resized to 1366x768. Is there any really visible loss of definition?
  12. It doesn't help that much. The only way the game will run properly on my computer is to run it at 1024x768 at 24 bits. The aspect ratio is correct, however it doesn't display well on widescreen monitors. In the game, SF2 appears to compensate by stretching the pixels horizontally in order to fill the screen at that resolution.
  13. Hi guys, I am in the process of getting my CF-110M (Canadian F-4M) ready for upload. At this point, I have eight separate skins. SEA and ADC Grey for 409, 410, 416, and 425 Squadrons. Natually, this makes for a massive aircraft (over 300mb). I was wondering how to make it so that I could have two skins, and the ability to select the squadron I want. I have added the following to Squadronlist.ini: [squadron402] Name=409SQNRCAF DisplayName=No. 409 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadron403] Name=410SQNRCAF DisplayName=No. 410 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadron404] Name=416SQNRCAF DisplayName=No. 416 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadron405] Name=425SQNRCAF DisplayName=425e Escadron Nation=Canada I have named the squadron markings "SQN402", "SQN403", "SQN404", "SQN405" I am not sure what to put in the decals.ini for the skins.
  14. Thanks, guys. I've tested it, and it works! I'll be uploading sometime today.
  15. Considering uploading these Canadian F-4K and F-4M Phantoms (once I finish all the serial and buzz numbers) Je te plumerai!
  16. The F-111C's remained in SEA until the late 1990s. The F-111Gs arrived in gunship grey (ex-USAF). I believe that the repainting of the F-111Cs took place as part of the F-111C AUP, as the timing is about right.
  17. From what I've seen of the F-111s, until gunship grey, SEA camo with black underside was the standard paint scheme. On ADF Serials, I haven't been able to find the "Tropical Camo" scheme. Incidentally, I'd love to see an SEA/ARDU scheme
  18. Correct, Fast Cargo. On that topic, here is a good thesis on the Arrow programme, and Canadian defence procurement at that time. http://scaa.usask.ca/gallery/arrow/thesis/index.htm You might also look for CBC's documentary "There Never Was An Arrow" and this radio interview: And Wrench, yes please! Absolutely! By the way, I am currently working on Canadian Spey Phantoms (RCN and RCAF). I don't think there was much an Arrow could do that a Phantom couldn't.
  19. File Name: F-4K Phantom II - Royal Australian Navy File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 18 August 2012 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar This is an F-4K Phantom II in the markings of the Royal Australian Navy. 805 and 808 Squadrons are portrayed. F-4J loadouts are used. The aircraft has been tested in a merged SF2 installation, patched in August 2012. Incidentally, I'd suggest also getting Wrench's HMAS Australia (SCB-125 "What If") located here: http://combatace.com...cb-125-what-if/ Backstory The RAN proposed the acquisition of Essex class carriers to the Government in 1964 to replace the Majestic class HMAS Melbourne. The aircraft the RAN proposed was the F-4B Phantom. Operating an F-4B from the relatively small deck of an Essex class carrier is problematic, to say the least. On the other hand, the extra power of the Spey-engined Phantom would enable the operation of a Phantom from such a small deck. For further on this (including the RAN proposal itself) see the following: - http://www.secretpro...hp?topic=8449.0 For an alternate backstory, see this page on my wikia site: - http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation ***********NOTE: TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store is required for this mod*************** - Copy the contents of the Aircraft folder into your Aircraft folder. - Copy the contents of the Decals folder into your Decals folder. No new weapons are offered. During the timeframe of this aircraft, the Royal Australian Navy used standard US Navy non-nuclear weapons. Credits TK - For the SF series of games, the F-4K DLC, and the F-4J template skin. Sundowner - For the Spey nozzle grafted on to the F-4J skin. Spinners = For the squadron decals from his RAN F-8E Crusader. Click here to download this file
  20. This could be the problem
  21. I reworked my RAN F-4K Phantom II. Now, I am using TK's F-4K from the DLC store as the base aircraft. USNGrey and RAN roundel also his. From Spinners is the Black Knight and VF-805 badge. Numbers etc are mine. I think I will upload it to replace the RAN F-4K I have up now. Know your enema 'M*A*S*H' - 'The Novocaine Mutiny'

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