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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Hi.. CW values are just a work around for the lack of proper ECM / ECCM system. Radars flagged with CW cannot be jammed by jammers not having CanJamCW. It was exclusively used to get the SA-6 (Kub) an edge vs regular jammers. CanJamCW value is to be used with late type of jammers only (late 70's, early 80's) definitely NOT with early jammers developed decade earlier than the CW guided SAMs. (CW stands for Continous Wave, but in fact it has nothing to do with radar performance)
  2. Right on... that's the problem here, that there is no fuse control and the game's blast/frag radius. SAM sim guys, we know how it works)) Even early SAM could control the proxy fuse. Arming it with timer delay, at distance or instantly, setting it off in front of the target (like WWI shrapnel) against balloons (ADA mode), close proxy for tail-on (Dogon) engagement or regular 200m distance for head-on. This was the calculated lethality range, but of course frags could cause damage well beyond that. Later ones had ground filter to avoid echoes from ground to detonate the charge (USU). But the most simple (and inaccurate) method was the set off the warhead on remote detonate command at the calculated distance (K3). It was a fail safe method but highly dependent on the accuracy of the radar (angular and distance)
  3. R-3S had optical "non-contact fuse". BUT. Due to game mechanics proxy fuses cannot be correctly modeled, since we cannot delay, time or disable them, especially not by target type or aspect. The blast effect has been modeled badly and it does not count with fragment radius. If I had set the V-750 (SA-2) missiles with 200m (not 25) they would explode 200m behind the target causing no damage (most likely). Second, there is a bug (??) that disables proxy fuse when the missile loses target thus ruining the last chance for a near miss. They just go ballistic and explode only on ground or general timeout.
  4. The 11 worst Soviet aircraft

    I agreed with the Flogger as it was about the MS, which was - as is - a "beta version" downgraded for camel people... Without the main weapon the R-23 series. As with the Yak-38, the initial first impression (of the early series) has put the whole series into the POS box
  5. The 11 worst Soviet aircraft

    Nice article. Some of the planes I never heard of. I would however disagree on the Tu-144, and especially the Yak-38 - but it wasn't a surprise to see it high on the list...
  6. I was just about to ask this yesterday. I was adding them into weapons, then starting mission and launched them... very tiring process.
  7. I hope I did fix that for - at least - the soviet missiles. SAM included. As for range, max speed and effectiveness. But I would like to see a rationalized Blue side... ballistics fixed, hit probability (practical, not advertised... ahem) adjusted... AMRAAM... I guess it's not just the range. Many things need to take care of. IF we have the necessary data at all. IF it is accurate. Fairly new equipment is usually better advertised - or confidential.. Turn G, angle rate, ballistics (booster, duration, sustainer), duration (how much time is allowed after the engine cut off.. flight in passive phase), and of course the most spectacular - Noise and CM resistance.... Max Launch range is not equal to max effective range. Max launch range can include passive phase when the missile is decelerating with no engine but can still hit less maneuverable and slower targets.. It is possible the set missiles correctly - use the booster/sustainer values well, set accurate missile duration (self destruct time), fine tune with drag values. Test launch, test launch, test launch - 1000 times test launch**. Use the rearm key for unlimited stores Good target planes for various missiles: A-4C (with no jammer) or MiG-21MF, Vautour/ Il-28/Canberra, Tu-16 (both with or wo. jammer), F-105, F-4J (with jammer and CM), B-52D (stock with 50 jammer str, but with fixed engine hit zone). Check Noise resistance at low altitude*, as well as against jammers. Same value against both... that's we have in SF tho. EDIT: *also revise the plane radars, some older ones also need to be checked for MinRadarAltitude in avionics.ini - those planes which tend to work well for AI (turkey shoot) but the player finds the radar to be unusable at low alt ** during test launch you can also test your radars Search and Track Range/Strength. Substract noise jammer strength from your search strength
  8. I'm not happy to hear about any pilot's death - but the Turks have really worked hard to be hated by pretty much everyone. They should have fought against terrorism - any words about Turkey fighting against daesh is premium quality bullshit, and means they were actually bombing kurds instead.
  9. It depends on which AMRAAM and which aircraft launched it. But generally you have the following options - try to break the lock by getting lower than the launching platform's RadarMinimalAltitude value (this works against SAHM, or ARH in the passive phase) - .. or get behind terrain cover physically blocking the missile's path. - Get into a steep dive at a high speed, giving the missile an interception point which points to (or below) ground level. it will impact into the ground earlier than you. - use deceptive jamming against the frequency used for guidance. Jamming Strength has to be higher than the guiding radar's track strength AND the missile's Noise Resistance value. Equal values give you about 50% chance. - use chaff (CM) packages, when the missiles is within homing range - but generally within visibility (closer than 3-6kms). Each chaff forces the missile to pass the CM resistance percentage. - You cannot outmaneuver missiles with more than 7-8 Turn G. Except if they are Rear 60 seekers, but those are very old anyway. Early AMRAAM is doable... later ones were given resistance values belonging to sci-fi category - no missile should get resistance value higher than 95. Chaff does not evolve with radars and missiles, as this game was designed up to the early 80's. Creating new weapons should reflect this limitation, ECCM values should be counted against contemporary CM types not those designed in the 70's - so no point giving values of 99 which break playability
  10. Victory Day 2016

    Nothing new this time, but watch MAKS 2017 next year
  11. RSS SA-2 Guideline Pack Public Test Beta

    I got to revise the jammers as well. Which ECM you were using? Stock or mod? The Noise resistance (which is used against deceptive jammers as well) need to be high for such SAM which can engage at low altitude. SA-3 suffers from this heavily. That's why need to check jammer strenght (and freq) The Thud is suffering because it has no chaff. The maneuverability of missile has been reduced (to IRL level actually) next version will be out soon. Actually, the stock SA-2F is better than my SA-2F which is available from 1968
  12. Version 0.3


    RED SIDE STANDARD SA-2 Guideline Pack 0.30 Beta ============================================ This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on VietnamSE due SAM site density and fast loading time :) About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator. Introduction: ------------- To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The first of such, the SA-2 Guideline or System-75 family. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side. Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data. We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc). Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version. Contents: --------- - The latest 3D models of the SA-2 family missiles from Spillone104 with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc) - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks - Most objects use the stock TW 3D models Important changes: ------------------ - All missiles have been changed from Beam Rider to SAHM guidance, as a work around the faulty "tail chasing" game logic also present with Rear60 IR seeking missiles. Also, "Beam Rider" guidance does not allow lead targeting of the missile. - All Fan Song radars have been set to their instrumented range, now it is fully up to the RCS, altitude and noise jamming values to determine the range of detection. - Target tracking range has been made equal to the search range - what the Fan Song can see can track immediately - launch is still limited by the missile parameters. Credits: -------- Ground objects: TW SA-2 missile family: Spillone104 Work in progress: -------- More new 3D missile objects for all variants. New Fan Song 3D models (with correct size and antenna types) Various auxiliary vans or SAM site contruction New Search/Height inding radar 3D models associated with the sites on regimental level Experimental complete SAM site objects for terrains Sources: -------- - pvo.guns.ru - ru.wikipedia.org - www.airwar.ru - various forums - ZRK S-75M Uchebnik (Russian field training manual) - SA-2 Guideline (Osprey) - Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology) - Voyna v Vietname - Kak eto bylo (1965-1973) Personal journals of soviet personnel in Vietnam - Zenitniye Voyska v Voyne vo Vietname i na Blizhnyem Vostoke (1965-1973) SAM battle experience in Vietnam and in the Middle east. Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program. https://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home
  13. Red Range Revamp/Update for SF2

    Thanks very much!!! This will be an extremely useful tool - especially the wet targets!!
  14. SAM placement is done by three things... availability date, nations and Network type. If the given SAM site is active (by date), then all SAM network types (SAM radars available) will be chosen which have their nations active on that map, and the given launcher types (of the same network type) are also available. In EuropeCE too many nations to choose from in the given time frame... East German Dvina and Kub together with Volkhov M3... If there would be a choice for target areas to set nationality... would be little easier I did multiple missiles for SA-2 to show up, old and new in a single site. But a little messy. I have to revise all Userlist.inis ... especially for the SA-3 units. The 0.1 Beta was very poor, sorry.
  15. RSS SA-2 Guideline Pack Public Test Beta

    Missile maneuverability was reduced since, a new version will be out soon. I did test with a Modded F-105G but it was my player controlled plane, no anomalies detected... as for AI I will also take a look, with the less maneuver G values. Thanks for your testing, please share any result you have, in detail, which plane, which year against which missile. One thing I have also noticed - especially with the new SA-3 family - that noise rejection value is vital for low level performance. High Noise Rejection however makes missiles to resistant to deceptive jamming, this might cause their reduced effectiveness, especially againt AI craft which cannot really evade( So, after the missiles' base performance is set, some jammers might need some minor adjustments.
  16. File Name: Red Side Standard Weapons Pack - AAM Public test version File Submitter: Snailman File Submitted: 17 November 2014 File Category: Weapon Packs RED SIDE STANDARD WEAPONS PACK 0.90 Beta ======================================== This is a public test version, currently contains only AAM type weaponry. Full version will follow soon. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. AI vs AI combat is also to be observed. Note that missile perfomance is also affected by the launch platform's radar capabilities. You may have to edit your respective launch platform's plane data.ini in case of any weapon not appearing on the loadout menu. Contact me if help needed. About 1000+ launch tests have been done per missile against planes with various maneuverability with or without CM at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator. Introduction: ------------- Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) is a standardized, simplified weapons pack for eastern bloc aircraft ordnance. The pack includes weaponry from a time frame from 1950 to 2000. The main effort was to provide both users and modders with a stable and well organized collection of on-board weapons. With standardized references, station-specific entries and names there is no need for modders to include weapon files for the aircraft they have made and it is also more easy to construct proper stations and loadout arrangements. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory red-side player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This also provides more challenge playing on the blue side. We did not yet apply general changes to blue side weaponry (like the Rear60 IRM fix) some weapons may appear more capable than their blue side counterparts. Even though RSSW was designed to improve red side player experience and flyable aircraft, we will of course apply these changes to blue side to keep a balance challenge level. Effectiveness for guided weapons have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data. We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, Loadout ID, etc) Installation: ------------- Extract the files into the respective "Addon" Folder on your system. It is advised, to install it into a fresh (cleaned up) Weapons folder. This weapon pack will overwrite almost all soviet type ordnance including stock ones. RSSW compatible plane addons and their loadouts have been constructed to use RSSW weapon specifications, regarding StationSpecific entries, size, weight, diameter and availability dates. Because of that, remaining previous versions of soviet type ordnance may cause problems in loadout appearing with these planes. Contents: --------- - The latest 3D models of all Air-to-Air missiles with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc) - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks Important changes: ------------------ - IRMs with Rear60 aspect has been reworked with higher Turn G and/or higher Track Rate, to compensate the faulty tracking game logic related to Rear60 seekers. FULL VERSION FUTURE CONTENT: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Simplified (reduced) version of Lindr2's SovietBombPack - Latest and updated 3D models of Air-to-Ground missiles with revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc) - New racks for more realistic loadouts - Specific weapons for problematic aircraft loadouts (eg. racks holding rocket pods) - Revised and standardized guns for on-board and gunpod use - Patch loadout files for existing non-RSSW compatible planes Credits: -------- Weapon LODs: Lindr2, Krizis, Snailman Sources: -------- Internet - ru.wikipedia.org - russian-ships.info - militaryrussia.ru - www.airwar.ru - rbase.new-factoria.ru - worldweapon.ru - various forums Books - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-?????? - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-????? - ?????????????? ????????? ?????????? ??? - ??????????? ??????????? ?????? - Soviet Russian Aircraft Weapons (Yefim Gordon) - Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft Armaments and Avionics (Bilingual) Click here to download this file
  17. You are right, the pack miss that effect file. Check back soon, I will upload a new RSSW version soon!!
  18. Iraqi air defenses in 1991?

    Do you have plans on updating the ODS campaign? I guess it is fresh... seems Dave has updated it in 2016... It's time to take a look btw, there is a SAM update WIP so you might get tools to use
  19. Iraqi air defenses in 1991?

    Same material, with maps and better format http://www.waronline.org/mideast/iraq/airforce/ Another source with much more detail: http://waroffline.org/index.php?showtopic=315 Appears more reliable. I can help with translation. Also noted that Iraqi engineering has modified S-75M Volga (export Volhov M2, SA-2E ?) with improved mechanics for maneuverability (Like the soviets did with their 5Ya23, Volkhov M3) and also (maybe with chinese help?) also added IR seeking heads as well.
  20. Iraqi air defenses in 1991?

    A brief list with basic type designations. (Exact variants are unknown) Source, http://chekist.ru/article/447 ПВО До войны 1991г Ирак имел современную по тому времени систему ПВО (кодовое название Qari или Kari - обратное прочтение слова Iraq), созданную французскими специалистами. Вся страна была разделена на 5 районов, каждый из которых имел собственный центр управления, связанный подземными линиями связи с РЛС раннего предупреждения. В настоящее время - штаб в Багдаде/Al-Muthanna; 4 районных центра ПВО - в Kirkuk (север), Kut al-Hayy (восток), al-Basra (юг), Ramadia (запад). Основные районы базирования ЗРК С-75, С-125 и "Квадрат " - Багдад, Мосул и Киркук (по Jane s - Amarah, Basrah, Najaf, Nasiriyah, Samawah и Tallil). В последние годы сообщалось о прокладке китайскими специалистами подземных волоконно-оптических кабелей для связи между различными элементами системы ПВО, а также о контрабанде ЗУР и запчастей для систем ПВО из КНДР. Сообщалось о наличии у Ирака чешской системы разведки и раннего предупреждения Tamara. ЗРК 20-30 батарей (100-130 ПУ) С-75 "Двина " (SA-2 Guideline) 25-50 батарей (100-140 ПУ) С-125 "Нева " (SA-3 Goa) 3-4 ЗРК "Усовершенствованный Хок " (20-25 ПУ), захваченных в Кувейте (маловероятно, в любом случае они по-видимому не работоспособны) 25 батарей (36-55 по Jane s; 100 ПУ) 2К12 "Квадрат " (экспортная версия ЗРК "Куб "; SA-6 Gainful) 5 батарей (20 ПУ) 9К33 "Оса " (SA-8B Gecko) ? ПУ 9К31 "Стрела-1 " (SA-9 Gaskin) 30 ПУ 9К35 "Стрела-10 " (SA-13 Gopher) " 55-65 ПУ "Роланд-1/2 " (100 по JCSS) ПЗРК 400 9К32/9К32М "Стрела-2/2М " (SA-7 Grail) ? 9К34 "Стрела-3 " (SA-14 Gremlin) ? 9К310 "Игла-1 " (SA-16 Gimlet) Зенитная артиллерия (6,000 по IISS, 2,000-3,000 по JCSS) 23мм: ЗУ-23-2 ЗСУ-23-4 "Шилка " (Gun Dish) 37мм: М-1939 спаренные М-1939 57мм: С-60 ЗСУ-57-2 По IISS имеются также 85-, 100- и 130мм зенитные орудия. РЛС П-12 (Spoon Rest) П-14 (Tall King) П-15/П-18 (Flat Face) П-15М (Squat Eye) П-35/37 (Barlock) Thin Scin TRS-2215 TRS-2230 Thomson-CSF Volex III В состав одного из радиолокационных комплексов, уничтоженных вертолётами "Апачи " в первые минуты войны 1991г входило 7 РЛС - по 2 П-12, П-15 и П-15М и 1 Troop Scatter.
  21. Going Rogue

    Compared to that, everything is better. Our only hopes are these spinoffs to at least feel something like SW was. But I want to see it first... before judging too early.
  22. Going Rogue

    At least it looks like Star Wars... nowadays we can be grateful for that
  23. Not bad at all... reminds me a similar game on android. However, I would be more interested in the old Mi-24 Hind (DOS/Win95) game which was a full simulator with near perfect FM. What would it take to pump it up with a GFX engine... the program itself is perfect as it is.
  24. Tesla Model 3 nearly here

    The car is nice, of course, just a side note. Alternative energy? Yes. Green? Definitely NO. Producing batteries is one of the most polluting and wasting industry ever. That is exactly what greenish pieces cannot understand when demonstrating against nuclear power. and simply you cannot solar panel a heavy industry or a metropolis.
  25. RSS SA-2 Guideline Pack Public Test Beta

    Thanks for your thoughs!! Maximally agreed... add to that, the jammer values are also strange sometimes. I also did the testing against the AI planes, because of the same reason. Human player has the ability to see and turn - while AI relies on deceptive strength to break the lock and dumping tons of chaff and, of course the currect CM, jammer and radar features represent the early 70's. Technological "advance" can only be done with increasing values - and it has a max limit where weapons/jammers/radars etc turn into death rays, God's eyes, or invisibility devices.

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