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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Strahi, do you have info on the Yugoslavian fleet? In the far future I'm thinking about some Yugo vessels. Just came to my mind while watching the Yugo training movie on the Ka-25 helos
  2. I'm back, and it's in progress. What I am stuck with is a flight model, since the AI cannot land any kind of helicopters, not even on runway... to say nothing about ship deck... One experiment is pending, namely to try a biplane FM from FE2...
  3. Hi everybody) Speaking of landing support... Pr. 10200 "Khalzan" class helicopter carrier alias "Ivan Tarawa" http://alternathistory.org.ua/desantnyi-vertoletonosets-proekta-10200-khalzan-nash-mistral-70-kh
  4. Guys, take a look at the updated Kiev class carrier in Vertical pack 1.0 use it as an example... everything works like with planes, but the limit also applies. good luck!!
  5. I can help with that. All red Inf-SAM have been updated (Blue in progress) regarding ballistics and seekers. The non-launching bug is caused by the SHOWMISSILES entry, which must be TRUE. HIdden missiles won't launch... its a bug introduced with an SF2NA version as much as I know. I use Jul 2012 and I have it... For a quick fix, modify the showmissiles entry, and they will launch. Early (especially Rear60) missiles will be still unusable, but at least they will be fired. Further improvements will be release with next Red Side Standard. 3D models also needed a fix, because of the missiles shown were misplaced.
  6. there will be soon
  7. Cure for Cancer (more simple than we thought?)

    Perhaps that's true where you are living... US of A... but here anyone would come up with such statistics (life expectancy and health rate) would be laughed in the face... Even the most optimistic (=manipulated) statistics say that life expectancy has dropped 3-5years for women and 5-8 for men. Our generation may be healthier, but only because we grown up in a different world. Look at children's health today... diabetes, auto-immune, cancer, all the rest, increasing fast. No matter they receive four times more vaccines... about 25 before the age of 3 (compulsory) they are not healthier. Contrary. And we have free health care! While at it, vaccination. There is no need to fall into the other extreme. Of course the denial of the most basic prevention is of course mean stupidity. Agreed. I was given five or six vaccines, typhus, paralysis, measles, difteria, tetanus etc. But not 25.... for what?? But the other side of the coin is outright charlatanism what they make with - most remarkably with flu. In elementary school they still teach biology... as we learned 30 years ago, and the second time in high school ten years later on biology specialized class. And they still teach the same. My old classmates (two of them are GPs currently) say the same, my own GP says the same and she recommended me to stay away from that shit. There is NO antidote against mutating viruses which change in every two weeks. Never was. Lie. Comma. Did flu disappear? No. The number of cases are the same. There is epidemic every year, like it was, 20 or 30 years ago. A couple of people died every year, whose body had been weakened by other illness or their heart could not bear high temperature. I had flu the last time in 2007. cough and headache for a day or two. Those people who received the "vaccine" (some workplaces forced people to get it) they caught flu anyway, almost without exception. And they were sick for weeks not days. My friend was the same like me, almost never been ill. He received the stuff (unintentionally in a mixed antidote) and he got sick immediately for three weeks. After then he had pneumonia, and finally they operated out his tonsils. Since then he catches cold or any other illness in every month. Flu included. So Fuck all the charlatans, and their propaganda servants, they can kiss may Ass with capital A. Like lottery is the tax for those who are stupid for maths, flu antidote is the tax of people who failed to learn biology. Human stupidity and gullibility is our greatest enemy...
  8. Cure for Cancer (more simple than we thought?)

    They just ruin your own immune system. I don't believe in any chems. ANd in modern medicine. I just cannot trust. They either treat only the symptoms but not the illness... OR they just cause addiction for business and if you stop taking pills illness comes back. That reminds me of what Fastcargo said about the tumor. I think cancer is a symptom itself and not the main problem... Every one of us have cancer cells... but healthy people have immune system that keeps them at bay. plastics everywhere, chems in everything, radiation, GMO, trashfood, tons of unnecessary vaccines.. and we are surprised...
  9. Exactly this is why it is very important to revise all missile ballistics, because most of them were set up with no drag values, and unreal booster/sustainer values as well as way too much missile duration. I tried to reproduce that in the red weapons pack, however very little data is available. Launch range, maximum range, and effective range is veeery different. Also, correctly configured missiles tend to slow down considerably (if sane drag values have been added) on their outer leg of their trajectory.
  10. I did ask that myself... after some tests, my answer is yes. IF their RWR is capable to spot your radar. If you lock onto an AI plane, most of the time it will be noticed and the AI start evading. The same way your wingmen report you spike when they get caught by radar. AND they turn on jamming too. A moment ago a flight of B-52s were on the radar, but then they disappear, and can only be spotted again minutes later, from a closer range. The greatest problem is that wingmen can be ordered to switch radar, but they don't report it's status. Are their radars On or OFF by default?? and how to query if they use it or not??
  11. Phoenix homes on jam, that makes is hard to evade. Sparrows are not that good, they particularly maneuver badly. But keep in mind that SAHM are heavily dependent on guidance radar specs. It is not the same if an F-4 or an F-15 fires that missile.
  12. Heat Seekers, IRMs are affected by two things, flares and heat blur (ground clutter, sun) in game that means, IRMs with low jam resistance may fail at low altitude and can lock on the sun itself. Early IRMs (low track rate and turn G) can be outmaneuvered, if you react quickly. Late IRMs can only be stopped by flares (a lot of). BTW each plane has a IR signature value like RCS but it is not set in any data ini, maybe in stealth only. SAHM missiles are more easier to get rid of, at least they are prone to more failures. First, the search radar range is reduced by noise jamming. Second, the radar lock range is reduced by deceptive jamming. The guidance radar, IF not CW (countinous wave, or monopulse) RadarGuidanceCW=FALSE then also affected by deceptive jamming. If it is CW, then only CanJamCW jammers can defend against such guidances. Third, the target has to be in the radar cone of the launching plane. Lock breaks, missile goes ballistic. Fourth, such missiles are also affected by ground clutter, low jamresistance values mean very poor performance at low range. Fifth, radar homing missiles are far less maneuverable than the IRMs, so if you spot them, or just start maneuvering, you have good chance to avoid them. Too bad we have no usable eastern RWR set in cockpits, but I trust the cockpit GURUs will invent something ))) Most planes are being reworked on the eastern side too, so a lot more planes will have CM ejectors and jammers which they had them historically. Also there is a serious bug in the latest SF2 version that AI planes cannot use external CM pods, a serious cutback to early MIGs. That means a Jul 2013 level patch will be released to provide a workaround (giving planes CM by default, internally)
  13. Jump Wings

    Good luck)) You have chosen the best arm, I think. For me the second jump wast the most scary. At first you are curious and excited... but the second time you already know what is it to jump out) We did not have problem when jumping, we had problems with landing) One girl had a candle (closed canopy) opened reserve and landed in a soft ploughed field. Not scared at all.. huh. She did count 10 waiting if the canopy opens, only then opened reserve, at about 200m!! I landed with a double roll losing my helmet in the process. Has sore neck for three days. Wind was too strong, and they miscalculated the drop. Two years before us there was a double water landing, one guy suffocated, because the fishermen nearby did not help him out. Low altitude drops are the worst, however, when you are dropped from 150m with high speed, reduced para gear (no internal sack that could slow down the opening process) the canopy opens horizontally and tears you out of the plane. When you turn vertical, you are almost on the ground... Hi alt drops with minimal gear are good -- you can fly, and even make photos, but there's a greater danger of missing the target. If you have a big wing (over your weight limit, usually 270-290squarefeet), you can even glide on thermals. just be prepared for a numb ass, by the time you land
  14. Как я могу помогать? Что с именно? Пожалуйта пиши больше... Подробнее
  15. Terminal Guidance is a feature for Air to Ground and Cruise Missiles with Inertial Homing feature. That allows them to follow moving targets when they get close (within seeker range). Not used by any AA missile, same thing like sea-skimming or pop-up. When creating a new weapon, use the New Weapon feature in the Weapon Editor. So you can see what options you will have with the given guidance type. With the exception of cruise missiles, with those you have to create it as Missile type because the editor has bug. After satisfied with the result, you have to change the weapon type value in txt editor. Note that guidance type also changes the weapon type flag. Certain guidance types are available only to specific weapon types. Such as Beam Rider is a feature of SAM. IRM, SAHM and AHM is for AAMs only. The rest are for guided bombs and/or missiles On AAMs. Active homing (AHM) guidance type can be set up with greater launch range than seeker range. It is the only type of AA weapon with this feature. It will self guide within seeker range. Note that this function does not work with long range IRMs, as the IR seeker coding does not allow Semi active mid course guidance. Contrary, ALL missiles with SAHM and IRM must have the at least the same seeker range as launch range in order to work properly.
  16. Matchbox Rockets

    Cool and smart! Thanks!! I guess this is the best rocket to make here, since our legal resources are limited to zero. Black power is not allowed, even though we made it... but white powder from sugar and nitrates was easier to mix.
  17. 2224 US Troops KIA....

    Like Potroshenko in Ukraine... the people want his blood. Same with our president, whom - now how interesting - the US too wants to get rid of because he proved to be a bad puppet)))) We also want his blood because a corrupt maffioso. Next Maidan in Budapest? )) If the joke is about you, you aren't laughing ))
  18. Thanks for the testing everyone. Now you can use the full version instead. http://combatace.com/files/file/15167-red-side-standard-weapons-pack-full-beta/
  19. Version 0.9 Beta


    RED SIDE STANDARD WEAPONS PACK 0.90 Beta ======================================== This is a public test version, currently contains only AAM type weaponry. Full version will follow soon. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. AI vs AI combat is also to be observed. Note that missile perfomance is also affected by the launch platform's radar capabilities. You may have to edit your respective launch platform's plane data.ini in case of any weapon not appearing on the loadout menu. Contact me if help needed. About 1000+ launch tests have been done per missile against planes with various maneuverability with or without CM at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator. Introduction: ------------- Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) is a standardized, simplified weapons pack for eastern bloc aircraft ordnance. The pack includes weaponry from a time frame from 1950 to 2000. The main effort was to provide both users and modders with a stable and well organized collection of on-board weapons. With standardized references, station-specific entries and names there is no need for modders to include weapon files for the aircraft they have made and it is also more easy to construct proper stations and loadout arrangements. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory red-side player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This also provides more challenge playing on the blue side. We did not yet apply general changes to blue side weaponry (like the Rear60 IRM fix) some weapons may appear more capable than their blue side counterparts. Even though RSSW was designed to improve red side player experience and flyable aircraft, we will of course apply these changes to blue side to keep a balance challenge level. Effectiveness for guided weapons have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data. We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, Loadout ID, etc) Installation: ------------- Extract the files into the respective "Addon" Folder on your system. It is advised, to install it into a fresh (cleaned up) Weapons folder. This weapon pack will overwrite almost all soviet type ordnance including stock ones. RSSW compatible plane addons and their loadouts have been constructed to use RSSW weapon specifications, regarding StationSpecific entries, size, weight, diameter and availability dates. Because of that, remaining previous versions of soviet type ordnance may cause problems in loadout appearing with these planes. Contents: --------- - The latest 3D models of all Air-to-Air missiles with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc) - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks Important changes: ------------------ - IRMs with Rear60 aspect has been reworked with higher Turn G and/or higher Track Rate, to compensate the faulty tracking game logic related to Rear60 seekers. FULL VERSION FUTURE CONTENT: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Simplified (reduced) version of Lindr2's SovietBombPack - Latest and updated 3D models of Air-to-Ground missiles with revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc) - New racks for more realistic loadouts - Specific weapons for problematic aircraft loadouts (eg. racks holding rocket pods) - Revised and standardized guns for on-board and gunpod use - Patch loadout files for existing non-RSSW compatible planes Credits: -------- Weapon LODs: Lindr2, Krizis, Snailman Sources: -------- Internet - ru.wikipedia.org - russian-ships.info - militaryrussia.ru - www.airwar.ru - rbase.new-factoria.ru - worldweapon.ru - various forums Books - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-?????? - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-????? - ?????????????? ????????? ?????????? ??? - ??????????? ??????????? ?????? - Soviet Russian Aircraft Weapons (Yefim Gordon) - Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft Armaments and Avionics (Bilingual)
  20. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Ahhh huge thanks to you and all your colleagues to create this unified Korea Mod.... Long long wait but it is here at last!
  21. It is me, to say sorry. If you had used the RSSW MiG-21MF, in the loadout file, the rack name was mistyped... [AirToAir_82] StartDefaultDate=1982 DefaultFor=CAP,INTERCEPT Loadout[01].WeaponType=AA-8 Loadout[01].Quantity=2 Loadout[01].RackType=2IR_AA8 The rack name is Loadout[01].RackType=2IR_AA-8 This typo causes the exact problem. If you load the missiles manually from the list, all worked fine, but the call from the ini caused this bug.
  22. 2224 US Troops KIA....

    Not for nothing. The government (of any country) "waste" it's budget on military/security expenses (and propaganda media) which goes to private firms of their friends. The fat gets more fat. The people pay more taxes... and lose freedom. One planned "crisis" one after another. More strict laws that ties normal people who are being kept if fear by projected and fake enemies, staged violence. Create a problem. Be the solution. For good price. Have internal problems? Project it on another nation, relieve tension and distract the attention of the masses. This a certain form of modern, pervert, terrific science ...
  23. 2224 US Troops KIA....

    Wars of such is not fought to win. War is like disease. The longer it lasts, it brings the most profit for the vultures. Victory or defeat? Who cares when the public money, the property of the people is being transformed into private property of the chosen few?? How many millions dies to feed the world's cancer? God only know if they acted right of not. But they thought to serve their homeland with honor. Utmost naivety to think anyone can tame those lands. Even if there were intent. Only the NATO occupation keeps it together, like Bosnia or other such places. The puppet is dead without the masters. There is no "afghan" people. Afghanistan is a multi national country. Never will be unified or pacified completely. Only by partitioning on ethnic backgrounds, and annexation by neighboring countries with respective ethnicity. As a soviet politician said in the late 80s.
  24. China's New CIWS

    Whatever weapon we use.... Made in China anyway
  25. China's New CIWS

    He does not believe in technological terror to be created )) He trusts in the dark side of the Force )))

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