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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. US launches airstrikes inside Syria

    Now you can all see what this "Islamic State" is about. And why they are the richest "rebels" Create your own devil if you want to be saint.
  2. Yak-38 Vertical Pack 0.98 beta

    Hi, this version is already obsolete, please download the 1.0 version http://combatace.com/files/file/14488-vertical-pack-for-soviet-navy/ It has Stary's Yak-38 cockpit included.
  3. Yak-38 Vertical Pack 0.98 beta

    Version 0.98


    Yak-38 Vertical 0.98 beta The main reason for me to play Strike fighters 2 is that I can fly a Yak-38 in it )) That how I found this game on the internet. Unfortunately, being an AI plane it was not suitable for player controls... I found Gepard's addon which was the only one out there. It game me a lot of idea I decided to improve the plane's features and game experience. This is a fine tuned or modified collection of everything I could find to improve the plane. Mostly not my work, but I wasted a lot of time to put together and test a working and accurate Yak-38. This was my main and only goal. Try it. Since many things are in testing phase, all feedback is appreciated! Install I tried to include every component I have used with this plane, so it should work with a fresh unmodded SF2 NA. If you have DirX 9 and Win XP (like me), then you also need the IcelandNA modded terrain for XP to be able to play SF2NA on your PC. Just copy everything into your designated add-on folder and it should work. Beware it may overwrite existing add-on files and components you already have. Check it first, especially weapons. Contents - Paladrian's MiG-21MF cockpit (temporary solution) - Yak-38 VTOL flyable. - Yak-38M VTOL flyable. - Weapons: OFAB-100, 250, 500 etc from SovietBombPack; Kh-23 missiles, UB-8M, UPK-23 gun pod and MBD2 racks from Ordnance Shop II; APU-60-1 rack from Cocos (not yet in use) - Soviet Pacific Fleet skin (Modified stock skin, set as default) - Soviet Navy Grey skin (Redrawn stock skin) - Soviet Northern Fleet skin (Redrawn stock skin) - Soviet Navy pilot Bright orange overalls (Redrawn Red3202 pilot skin) - Two loadout.ini for both aircraft, a loadout.VTOL and a loadout.STOL. Overwrite loadout.ini to switch between them as you wish for AI and campaing use. - Three Kiev_data.ini's one for STOL and one for VTOL style take offs. Use the VTOL loadout file for the VTOL take-off modded Kiev, for safety reasons. The third INI has a "castrated" take off position #1 (Catapult 1) to enable human player VTOL take-off, for Soviet Navy campaigns and missions. - README FILE with FLIGHT MANUAL included Fixes - Fixed engine thrust vectors and exhaust positions - Re-added lift engines to fuselage - Fixed number decals position - Fixed pylon ordnance positions - Fixed Ranging Radar and gun pod's aim point - Fixed Kiev class carrier "catapult positions" and AI aircraft take-off. Now they can use all six takeoff positions, and supports vertical takeoff. Changes - Real thrust data added based on factory data. - Yak-38 automatic slats by Gepard - New vertical capable flight model, weight and torque balanced airframe. - Changed lift engines thrust angle to 80 degrees to the aft. - Engine thrust toned down by 10% to reflect real payload lifting capabilities. - Realistic payload choices added. Be warned, pylons are physically capable to hold much heavier payload than the plane can take off with. See payload info at the end of file. - Modified weapon stations to hold realistic payload - Removed plane numbers from 01-09 (Those were in use of Yak-38U two seaters) - Modification of plane numbers. Yak-38 tend to have lower numbers, grey 38M's take higher numbers, and extra easter egg))) (roughly to represent real planes) Added - Reaction control systems to nose, wingtips and aft fuselage. - Added gunpod station, exclusively for VSPU-36 (modeled by StationSpecific modified UPK-23) - Added choice of droptank (Uses Mig-17 400liter tanks currently) - Manual wing fold anim (Animation key 1 - Shift 1) - Skins and numbers - Dedicated engine sound - Yak-38M alternate sights with rangebar and CCIP (MiG-27, Su-25 style) !!BETA!! - Yak-38 model without recirculation dams on fuselage (Info from Peter2 and TK) - Added Siren-I ECM system to Yak-38 - Added Gvozdika ECM system to Yak-38M Kiev class aircraft cruiser new features - Kiev_data_STOL.ini for short take offs (default) - Kiev_data_VTOL.ini for vertical take offs (recommended for operating helicopters) - Kiev_data_Player.ini for disabling Catapult #1 to enable free vertical take off by player aircraft or helicopter. - Extra parking places added - 6 working launch places (catapults) - Fake arrestor cables untouched, they are needed for fake hooks used by AI Yak-38s. Overwrite Kiev_data.ini with the desired file. ************************************************************** Work in progress list - Yak-38M red, blue and white numbers for the late version grey skin to represent actual rare planes. - VSPU-36 Gunpod model - Avionics refinement for Yak-38M - Soviet Desert Camo (Afghanistan) (Redrawn stock skin) - Cockpit for both Yak-38 and Yak-38M ************************************************************** This mod, like all of its components I used are freeware. Commercial use is prohibited. You can use this pack as part of a bigger pack or campaign set freely. 2012 December 26.
  4. And radar dome must not be painted. It should be "dielectric" green or white
  5. I haven't seen such for land based planes. But give me a minute... They only have this CanopyNodeName=Canopy CanopyAnimationID=4 If parked, canopy animation is applied. (open) I guess you may add extra movement, but not sure. Maybe it applies only to the object defined as canopy.
  6. It is in the data.ini, at the first paragraph... It belongs to carrier aircraft (afaik) and activated when on deck. it represents a state, not a movement. It shows the state of the plane at the end of the anim (frame 9). Usually it is the wing fold animation, or the equivalent. It may include open doors, ladders, canopies, whatever. Gears not included, they are automatically open. Please anyone, correct me if Im wrong somewhere.. CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierParkSpan=4.99 /if span bigger than parking place, then plane is not placed CarrierParkAnimationID=3
  7. independent Scotland?

    by the way it is so strange, that some people may vote for their independence, some are called terrorist-separatist-rebel whatever, and being killed... Damn we are all equal...
  8. Ahh, how I envy you... Well congrats on your flight!! Can you tell me about the effectiveness and usage of the AAMs on the Mig-21? Especially the R-3S (Atoll A) and the RS2-US (Alkali B) what interests me... And yes, at least some scrshots please! ))
  9. I create, but im not a modder tho)
  10. independent Scotland?

    FREEDOM!!! )) Independence for everyone! We need an EU no bigger than Angela Merkels arse :biggrin:
  11. I completely agree!!! I'm waiting for that, myself. Actually I tried the MiG-21 (AI of course), and it looks fantastic. many new weapons that seem to work and the AI seemed to be smart to me (at least in AI vs AI dogfight). It even has an RN-28 nuke, but that does not work tho) On their list they have a Mi-24 too, from the same belarussian 3rd party group who made Mi-8MT, but it's in a very early stage. Years before it will be flyable((
  12. All good news. Actually they have a whole big status topic on the forum, listing all current and future development status (3rd party included) To celebrate the good new I have invested in a Flaming Cliffs 3 and a Combined Arms.... First time since Operation Flashpoint I paid for a full new game) (Not counting the occasional 1-2$ old ones)
  13. The end of WWII...

    Battlestations Pacific, outro. Not bad game, very nice, but too arcade to me) I could use a tactical simulator with the same graphics and effects
  14. Fvck!

    It happened to me once, a few years ago. The opposite house got hit into the chimney, when I went out to balcony to have some fresh air (and rain). The shit has frozen in me, heh This isn't bad either. it was in the links at the end of the previous video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8SM6Ynu558
  15. The end of WWII...

    Nice color videos. Too bad it was rare those days(( Btw, I like this ending better)))
  16. The Truth About the MiG-29

    Personally I like the SF approach of European conflicts in several different eras... mid50's late 60's, mid 70's, 80's... interesting scenarios to see, in which era which planes would have met, and which doctrines used. It is not only me who is curious about what if the contemporary first line units and top tech would have been facing each other. It's too bad we cannot model that level of realism in SF series. And lack of Avionics80+
  17. yet another question for gun knowledgeable peoole

    Yes that's what I told to someone, before. Not even necessary to penetrate a tank. Even if you have a HE near hit, it might turn over and/or the crew inside get their bodies broken... Can you confirm the name of the anti-armor rifle ammo the Imperial German forces used from regular Kar-98 rifles in the WWI? I heard it defeated homogenous armor, so later the british armor came with face hardened tank armor. (Hence Germany started using the "elephant" Mauser rifle13mm?) In that era rifle bullets were oval (ogival?) soft pointed, not sharp pointed with iron core.
  18. Which version is this... it depends. Do you need a book? or two?
  19. yet another question for gun knowledgeable peoole

    Very good question, I did not know little about that gun... We had the 36M Solothurn, 20mm... with the Gamma telescopic sight. About that I know something but generally very little info on other "heavy rifles". Imperial japan also had a semi-auto 20mm, the Type97... (an automatic AA version was developed too). Finnland had the Lahti ATR which was so good that it is still in use, as far as I heard... the soviet PTRD evolved into the KPV 14.5mm heavy MG that was used in the AAA mount of ZPU series. It would be really nice to know how they employed these guns other than the early AT role.
  20. Argh... that model is a visual orgasm.... finish it ASAP ))))
  21. Frigates are another thing.... STOL operations are not available to the AI. A Kirov MAYBE .... if the runway is set up well, and the craft can land that slowly. (Biplane OK for that) But heli FM and AI... no((((
  22. The naval Flogger was the MiG-23A a concept variant of ML. The final multirole variant (out of A) would have been the MiG-23K (with twin engines). http://alternathistory.org.ua/files/users/user349/02_19.jpg
  23. Whoa, i've never seen that. For me, heli works fine, as long as I fly it. Parking looks very good on Kiev, now it can auto-fold rotors too. For very slow speeds, the landing routine seems to be buggy. I am experiencing with biplane FM from FE2 .... long and painful but we will see.
  24. no they can't. the only heli that can land is the UH-1 from Falklands mod. But if I modify whatever data in it, it will broke. In the AI_touchdown phase, they lose control and start spiralling down to ground and crash.

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