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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Ka-26 in action - Preview

    Under powered? For what? If I can recall only Hungary fielded it for military duty as light liaison and medevac craft.
  2. Ka-26 in action - Preview

    Not for long though. With every day, less and less of these (and other agricultural) aircraft are in operation. Most of the pilots getting old themselves like their aircraft, and there are no reinforcements at all. Certain political and economical powers build more and more obstacles to stop all agricultural flight in Hungary - for a reason we do not know. Airborne delivery of chemicals (especially by choppers) is irreplaceable. Some of us, for example my friend Peter are using photo machine and camera to bring attention to the every day struggle of these wonderful men and machine. They are our flying farmers they bring food on our tables. Actually this blue one is some of the newest, still more than 30 years old. It was left in a hangar for a decade or more in conservation, so it has still lifetime left.
  3. Battle over the internet

    I guess non-US cannot fill the form(
  4. I think, after some consideration, that all the world's conflicts are between the people and the power-holders (goverment, elite, etc). Sounds a bit marxist, but this one feels true. There is no left or right, but up or down. The "up" trying to turn the "down" against each other to keep ruling them. But, on the other hand, what "liberals" and other chaos-seekers are trying to achieve is to degrade all governments to a minimal level in the name of freedom and equality - but their masters are the trillionaire elite. What will arise from their chaos is the most brutal and cruel dictatorship ever seen in human history... The pure despotism of money. Because you cannot be free without money.. you can do what you want if you have money for it. And the one who has more money has more freedom and is more equal than you. If I have trillions, without a responsible government or equal institute to limit me - I can really do what I want. I can be perfectly free and rule. I can buy the hospital I can buy the press, the church, the school, I can enforce my own laws and even recruit a personal army. I am the state. And the circle is closed. In theory I can be a "good king"... But as Machiavelli said, fear is stronger than love. People can sooner betray those who they love than those whom they are afraid of...
  5. All the terrorists are applauding - now they have air cover. Congratulations to "our heroes"... Allah Akbar America.
  6. What the hell is wrong with me?

    My games with big G were AOE and EAW... Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe... also F-14 Fleet defender... with back seat working.. Then.. HIND !!!!!!! with multiplayer, two man crew! I always wanted AOP.. . but the one I could get did not work with joystick. but there is even "worse" nostalgia if I look back to the C-64 era. Since I started on that... 1989.. Microprose GUNSHIP... all times No1. F-19 Stealth Fighter. F-16 Fighting Falcon. bit later Fighter Bomber... but I had a faulty version though - it was not very enjoyable on C-64. Heh... just remember those even more ancient games like A.C.E and A.C.E 2 with split screen multiplayer.... ehhh Speaking of naval games... Strike Fleet? ancestor of the PC Harpoon series. I have to note, at those times 99% of us kids and basically everyone in the country used copied programs... on casettes and some guys already had floppy drives... the lucky ones)) Good old copy parties and mail orders advertised on the back page of Commodore magazine. If you sent them an empty cassette or floppies, they copied them full with games you marked on their list... for some 3-400 HUF (=2-3 $ including postage) EDIT... how could I miss this one??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfmCvduacqU EDIT 2 It's in hungarian, though, but this article is the best of "Simulator History". Notable, however, that the author never encountered with TW games... http://www.pcpilot.hu/egyeb/3882-szimulator-tortenelem-1-resz-eloszo-kezdetektol-a-90-es-evek-elejeig.html
  7. Mali was just a random pick of mine, I didnt want to touch the nations.ini
  8. I think that is the way. But you also have to check if those planes were exported ... userlist.ini I had the same thing with SAMs. Now I can set a specific one to show up by setting EnemyNation=Mali and setting export within the narrow timeframe of my test mission available as VERY COMMON.
  9. Learn your callsign

    This rather reminds me of a "What's your american native name" generator
  10. Learn your callsign

    Dark Viper here.... Damn I am a Blackadder ascendant??
  11. They maybe missing the effects... there will be update to the RSSW next month, I will fix if something is broken
  12. At least, in weapons these two appears to be stopped working. When? I don't know, but I'm sure they were working before because I have seen old effects with these setting... StartTime and EjectTime does not work for me. If Start is set, the effect does not start. At Eject it does not stop. Did anyone else noticed this? Is this related to weapons exclusively? When I did the BattleShipFireEffect, it was working - but it was an effect used by a gun.
  13. Four-flame effect has been done to both, and two-flames for Kh-Series
  14. that effect is being started when the booster starts. It is regulated by booster delay. This is, what I am speaking of is within the effect itself.
  15. All kinds of missiles do this. AAM SAM etc. Basically all MIssileFIreEffect, MIssileSmoke all of of them. And new ones I made.
  16. Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack

    Very nice missile skins!! Well done) I only recolored them, due to the lack of time( Can you reskin the vehicle as well? EDIT: I mean more color variants.. winter, desert camo etc. On a miss situation, missiles still don't detonate tho... at least for me. RSS will also include SA-6, but only together with SA-4 as there will be new missile models.
  17. I suppose it is not just settings or HUD level (Ctrl-D)... Most interesting..
  18. You can speed up the process if you create a brutally strong jammer that would immediately switch off all threats. Deceptive preferably, because you need the sites to notice you.
  19. I am doing it right now.... not easy. The era in which such planes exist is narrow. You are limited to early Phantom, Thud and some israeli A-4 perhaps. Soviet planes and USN have internals. I need to try the Su-17 with Siren... because I remember it worked
  20. Windows 10 S released

    Personally, I would never fold to cloud and terminal s*... Unless forced at gunpoint. It's just makes everything vulnerable and most importantly, spyable and controllable. Win 10 S is just that. They tell me what to use, what to install and where to store. I would feel like chained and put under microscope. Smartphone is a different thing. That is a phone with extras... but just a phone. All I do, I do on PC will always do. I have experienced all this on a newly bought notebook of a friend, which was sold with "FreeDOS", but instead, I found Endless on it. That is exactly that.... an "Android PC" based on a limited Ubuntu source. Good if you look at the notebook as a "Large mobile phone", with some video, browsing, skype, facebook... some office apps, games for imbeciles... To me it all feels like we are going back in time 30 years, when each platform had it's own software... Enterprise, Commodore whatever. And again, we are divided - forced - to iOS, Android, Win10 Shit version, Endless-like linux clones... all use their own apps... Killing the flexibility of PC completely as an universal platform if they turn them into large mobile phones...
  21. Nope, jamming strength weakens tracking strength and comes up against missile noise resistance - For example a B-52D with stock 50 Jammer can evade (almost) every SA-2B Test the F-105 or a USAF Phantom with pods in 'Nam. Easiest. Beware, stock ALQ-71 is noise only. (That reduces ranges only) I would help but my SF2 is 2012 July...
  22. I have on phone... bought arming screen for some bucks. Good when you have no PC and bored)
  23. But there is way to install latest DLC onto 2012 July ver. In case you want to downgrade. I did that recently, when I reinstalled everything on SSD. faster load is the key of modding))
  24. Damn... I really hope it does not.... I need to test, because the whole SAM system would collapse from this...

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