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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. It is a bug that is present since the 2013 patch. Hence I am using 2012 July....
  2. I know this is wrong...

    Dee Snider, the Twisted Sister for president!!!
  3. I'm going to war against a mole!

    Ahh you guys.... what a moleocaust
  4. I'm going to war against a mole!

    There should be electric "scaremoles" which emit ultrasonic sound that scares them off. We have such I remember. Or just use cage traps made for rats and similar creatures... or perhaps flood all the tunnels. Maybe that also works
  5. Some days ago St. Petersburg, today Stockholm

    Religion is a way to control people, the masses. People's power over other people. For non-believers, the ob is being done by the mass media and politicians. We were just told about Islam. - as part of preparations in mission area. Well - apart from usual propaganda rubbish - what caught my attention is that Islam is indeed attractive and acceptive to a huge number of people. Not saying of radicals and jihadist, but the majority of. If provides a feeling of belonging to people who have nothing to lose, who are weak, oppressed and most of the cases very poor. - as said, religion of the lost masses and desperate. As the world is, right now with all the outraging inequalities (both wealth and rights) we should not be surprised that people "had enough" and go mad. Even I feel it sometimes, the helpless rage against all the world's scum who are untouchables because of their power provided by their wealth and genealogy...
  6. Some days ago St. Petersburg, today Stockholm

    Yahve's morons ARE aggressive and rather destructive to the society. Much like many foreign financed "religions" and "civil organizations". In Hungary many cases were revealed where they incited people to excommunicate family members, break up marriages, and encourage them to forcibly convert close friends, children, etc. Fanatic behavior IS always dangerous. I would not ban them outright, because they start to cry to the media. I would rather cut their foreign funding and enlighten people via media to avoid contact with them. The latter is being done on Facebook by a group of former sect members who try to tell people about them.
  7. Some days ago St. Petersburg, today Stockholm

    We say the very same. Absolutely agreed. But, in return we are subject to international smear campaign and called nazis fascist racist and - of course - antisemites. No need to think too much by whom. By people who are the most discriminating, intolerant and hostile toward assimilation - unwilling to integrate or even at least respect the host nation.
  8. Some days ago St. Petersburg, today Stockholm

    Nah, there is no problem with IS and terrorism... not at all. They are nice people. The only problem is Assad... bomb Syria and help Daesh to take it over. Then they will be so grateful that they will stop killing people in Europe. //Political correctness mode: OFF
  9. As far as I seen only aircraft which are in service today are included. OR will be in service.
  10. Well.... I tried the mobile version ... not too bad. For a mobile game. Compared to other free crap, it is still the best out there but I have the feeling of "among the blind, the one-eyed is the king". TW in this case had advantage, they have a complete game which just needed to be ported, downgraded - apart from some new models nothing new we haven't seen. Nicely playable, many planes (if you buy them) as I said not bad. I liked the previous titles as well, but quickly got bored, tho. Here you can buy parts of the game like loadout and custom mission screen, extra money, level limit removal, ad removal... that's at least five times 1100HUF=3.66$ =18.33$ I generally despise the in-game purchase policy in any game, including early release paid betas and to some point DLCs as well. I'm not going to pay for a half game, to pay the other half later. Just because they are in a haste to release and make money. I would pay for something that is extra, but not for fixing bugs and completing what was expected to be complete already.
  11. Now you have to register your sound in the soundlist.ini if has to be in the flight dir (or you have to get it extracted first if you don't have it yet) This one does work the way like that. Create a line with sound number, then make the entry itself. Weapon, gun and vehicle sounds have to be registered. Some do not need this... plane sounds maybe? I can't remember now
  12. The problem is that the gundata.ini and/or the weapondata.ini does nothing in SF2. You cannot modify them. Even if you put them into the objects folder. SF2 uses it'd own gundata.ini in the Objects001.CAT. You can either use Gun Editor which can access the stock gundata.ini in the CAT - OR create a gun addon into the <yourmod>\Objects\Guns\YourGun Need two files, YourGun.INI and YourGun_data.ini. There you config the sound of it. Same for new weapons. Weapondata.ini cannot be accessed directly only via editor or created mods in the mod\objects\weapons folder. These files are being compiled from stock and mod folder files each time the game is started.
  13. Seen at local gas station...

    The car is a Fiat 600, and a very rare variant "microbus" chassis. It was also produced by the Yugoslavian Zastava as well. In the 70's it was modified with a 750 engine http://www.origo.hu/auto/20160227-veteran-zastava-750.html
  14. This is a how-to guide for player who still stick to SF2 July 2012 version for some reason. (Like me) What you need: SF2 July 2012 install SF2 July 2013 update + 2013 hotfix SF2 DLC 29 AI Planes pack July2013 Thirdware Extractor Steps to do: 1. Install SF2 and update it to 2013 July version. I did with SF2NA but I think any version would work 2. Copy the file DLCData029.DLC from the game folder (..\Strike Fighters 2\DLC) to a temporary folder somewhere you will find it later 3. Use the extractor on this file (actually it is a CAT file), and copy the files gundata.ini and weaponsdata.ini to the same folder to find it easily. 4. Uninstall SF2 (July2013) completely. 5. Reinstall SF2 and stop at July 2012 version of SF2NA 6. Copy the file DLCData029.DLC from your temporary folder into the DLC folder in your game folder (..\Strike Fighters 2\DLC). 7. Start the game to create Mod folder and the ini files inside. (..\<user>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\SF2....) 8. Open Options.ini and edit the necessary lines... Now you can start the game and see the new AI aircraft flying - but it's not complete yet. 9. Copy the file gundata.ini and weaponsdata.ini into your <Mod folder>\Objects. This will add the new cannons and the TW stock AA-1B Alkali missile into the game. You can do this step by copying out the [Weapon140] AA-1B from the weaponsdata.ini entry and put the weapon into the game as a separate weapon add-on. Remarks: - As far as I experienced it works fine this way. I think other DLCs can be retro-installed this way just look for the new guns and weapons in the ini files. - You can't extract individual planes and convert them into mods without the ability to extract the LOD files. If you can tell more, and have any experience with this share it as well. Happy Hunting! EDIT, pls correct the title typo... crappy keys, I have.
  15. He abandoned modding community instead. Applause. Great achievement.... No cockpit means quantity over quality... and cheaper development. Understandable, but the result is questionable. Arcade game for 15 ruppos? I can find tons of such on GoG for 0.99... Do you still feel the contrast with Atlantic Fleet ? That's the way to port from mobile to PC. And the mentality behind.!
  16. Canada Wins

    And of course baseball bats... Not the Louisville ones Here people seen baseball only in American movies.... so hard to explain having a bat with you. Unless of course it's the winged mammal, and you are Ozzy.
  17. Canada Wins

    I like old school weapons... but that pocket SMG rocks. I'd order one if I could) Too bad. everything is illegal here. You can go to jail for a screwdriver if you can't explain why you have it with you.
  18. EW radar is not necessary component, but useful to emulate soviet height-finders and multi-radar systems, etc. Need guidance radar and launcher only. If you want to work on a "realisticisation" I can help. I don't have time for Blue side SAMs, although we need them for Red SEAD. If you provide data I can correct the missiles as well.
  19. Citizens of Tornado Alley! Stay Safe.

    Wahhh... .got me the chilling. One of my worst nightmare is a tornado. Actually, here in Central Europe, we are starting to have baby ones... demo versions... Not so excited about that... https://www.idokep.hu/hirek/tornado-veszprem-megyeben
  20. I try to explain it in short.. In game, there are three types of components which can be in a SAM site. Two is necessary, the SAM Radar and the SAM Launcher. They have be available at the same dates, and they have to be in the same network (Eg. Networktype=Hawk) If all is correct, then need to check functionality, maybe the equipment is faulty itself. Check radar minimum altitude, track strength, min launch range... etc etc. You can add early warning EW Radar to a SAM site, by building network specific EW radar. It has not much functionality, but it will appear together with the rest of the system. It hasn't been proved that they give visibility only to their own network - but non network specific EW radars give visibility to the entire side that's for sure.
  21. Version


    RED SIDE STANDARD SA-2 Guideline Pack 0.41 Beta ============================================ This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on VietnamSE due SAM site density and fast loading time :) About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator. Introduction: ------------- To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The first of such, the SA-2 Guideline or System-75 family. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side. Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data. We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc). Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version. Contents: --------- - The latest 3D models of the SA-2 family missiles from Spillone104 with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc) - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks - Most objects use the stock TW 3D models Important changes: ------------------ - All missiles have been changed from Beam Rider to SAHM guidance, as a work around the faulty "tail chasing" game logic also present with Rear60 IR seeking missiles. Also, "Beam Rider" guidance does not allow lead targeting of the missile. - All Fan Song radars have been set to their instrumented range, now it is fully up to the RCS, altitude and noise jamming values to determine the range of detection. - Target tracking range has been made equal to the search range - what the Fan Song can see can track immediately - launch is still limited by the missile parameters. - Missile Turn G and Seeker FOV has been toned down to (almost) real life data. It gives a chance to "Dance of Death" - outmaneuvering the missile in early planes. AI however will be still toast, though. - Now all missiles have new 3D models and new skins, thanks to Spillone104 Credits: -------- Ground objects: TW SA-2 missile family: Spillone104 In-game testing: Everyone who gave us feedback and shared game experience! Thank you very much! I do count on more testing with the SA-2 and upcoming systems as well. Work in progress: -------- New Fan Song 3D models (with correct size and antenna types) Various auxiliary vans or SAM site contruction New Search/Height inding radar 3D models associated with the sites on regimental level Experimental complete SAM site objects for terrains Sources: -------- - pvo.guns.ru - ru.wikipedia.org - www.airwar.ru - various forums - ZRK S-75M Uchebnik (Russian field training manual) - SA-2 Guideline (Osprey) - Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology) - Voyna v Vietname - Kak eto bylo (1965-1973) Personal journals of soviet personnel in Vietnam - Zenitniye Voyska v Voyne vo Vietname i na Blizhnyem Vostoke (1965-1973) SAM battle experience in Vietnam and in the Middle east. Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program. https://sites.google...ulator1972/home
  22. sure... take care of weight. As far as Yak-38 I did it intentionally on the edge, so it can VTOL with light ordnance only. Thrust vs weight ratio. You can calculate, IF Thrust - Take off weight > Ordnance then you can vertical off. Contemporary Harriers were the same, but they had the STOVL doctrine from trampoline from the start, Yaks had to develop this technique later on (1982-). Geez.. man - without joystick? That's quite masochistic if you ask me
  23. The Harrier was designed to start in short rolling take off. Early models can only take off vertically if empty. Try rolling a bit, accelerating to 50-100km/h, then turn the thrust. Same can be done with Yak-38 and 41 as well.

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