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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Nice day to be out with the camera..............
  2. RAVEN

    Glad you're back matey, we've missed you.
  3. A bit of Sabre rattling, same old 'Nam, different tileset........
  4. MF factory F-4's have had working TISEO for years now, just give your aircraft an EO camera like wrench said ( it doesn't even have to be a physical model , just a data ini entry) and add TV to your radar modes & that's about it........ I think.
  5. Trees, trees, and more trees.....
  6. A bit of 'Nam flying today......
  7. I think his original post about it had instructions of how to do it.....If not in the download itself.
  8. Very strange m8, just downloaded & everything is ok.
  9. I don't think a new max exporter is top of a lot of folks lists of "improvements" as the current exporter works fine, max 2009 is readily available if you really want it, secondhand etc. Somebody with the talent needed to make a new exporter would be far better off fixing or improving some of the many issues/wishful thinking threads that can be found on here. Biggest problem is everyone wants summat different, it needs folks like Mue and Gerwin to just go off and do/make summat without asking for anyone's opinion as once everyone chirps in the whole idea either gets bashed to bits or is buried under piles of requests which invariably put off the proposer from even starting something. Just my thoughts after watching these sorts of topics since day one of the SF series. Spudknocker has hit the nail on the head really with the last sentence.
  10. And they still got the colours wrong........
  11. Experimenting with Stary's Germany terrain tiles on the UK map. Javelin by veltro 2k.........with a few tweaks here and there.....
  12. Can anybody remember what the line "Reported=FALSE" on some of the types entries actually does ??
  13. Thanks Coupi, that is the only reference I can find as well, but it doesn't say anywhere what it does or doesn't report..... I'll have to do some testing I think.
  14. I had the same thing a while back, I found it was only happening when flying in terrains with seasons folders. Copying the contents of one of the seasons folder to the actual terrain folder cured it for me, it seems as though the game needs some actual tiles in there for some reason, seasons still function as they should.......very weird stuff.
  15. The data ini could be Unicode, needs changing to ANSI.
  16. F-4M Phantom[ FGR2]



    This is a completey re vamped version of the original TMF F-4M, that's why I'm doing it as a seperate download. If you have the TMF versions installed I strongley reccomend that you remove them before installing this pack as you will end up with lots of redundant files and less risk of something going wrong. The model itself has been heavily modified by Ravenclaw, so you know it will be of the highest quality. All skins are now jpegs and all are new......no two skins are the same regards to weathering etc. All new bump maps. Please read the readme for additional information. Again, many thanks to Ravenclaw for the time he has spent helping me with this project.
  17. Saitek X55

    I've recently got an x56 & got the throttle set as x-axis, took me a while to sort out though. Not on my main PC today but I'll have a look tomorrow to see exactly what I did.
  18. Hey Everyone....

    Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all got everything you wanted.
  19. Is that part of the damage model showing through? If so it's that that's causing the flickering issue.....try commenting it out in the data INI. Just a thought.

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