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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. I've done a similar thing recently with my UK airbases, I've created different versions of the same runway [say runway1] in the types ini and given them small, medium and large targettype entries, that way I can change the active years of a base and its changing role over the years....eg, large runway entry [and inis etc] for bomber operations, then a few years later the same airfield is using the same runway but using the small entry and inis for parking etc for fighter operations. You need to have your aircraft "MinBaseSize=XXX" entries set up to match the base sizes you would like them to operate from, it's not perfect but most of the time things work as they should.
  2. File Name: F-4M Phantom[ FGR2] File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 05 May 2013 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft This is a completey re vamped version of the original TMF F-4M, that's why I'm doing it as a seperate download. If you have the TMF versions installed I strongley reccomend that you remove them before installing this pack as you will end up with lots of redundant files and less risk of something going wrong. The model itself has been heavily modified by Ravenclaw, so you know it will be of the highest quality. All skins are now jpegs and all are new......no two skins are the same regards to weathering etc. All new bump maps. Please read the readme for additional information. Again, many thanks to Ravenclaw for the time he has spent helping me with this project. Click here to download this file
  3. Not sure about the fuel consumption thing as that is beyond me....lol. The ECM station was added as a "very probable" addon in case of war, bear in mind the no RAF Phantoms ever fire a shot in anger so whatever you do in this game is really a case of "what if" so going on what happened with the Black Buck Vulcans it's fairly safe to assume that the Phantom would at least have been given some form of ECM if things ever got out of hand. The engine set up is a bit of a mess really, you're right about the clean engines but every FGR I ever saw take off smoked like hell, so you'll notice the data ini has 4 engines........2 of which are supposed to be dummy engines soley to give us a smokey trail once the burners are engaged, it's one of those things limited by one's own perceptions and game engine limitations I'm afraid.
  4. vote

    Ok...........not the Fuji.
  5. vote

    Hawks....both of em !.
  6. Have a look at your event viewer, it should point you in the right direction, sorry I can't be more specific but I'm on my tablet at the moment.
  7. I agree, the mission editor is great [i did request it] so long as you can be bothered to use it fully to achieve what you want from a particular mission..... But on the second point, well, I think we have no hope !.
  8. Probably the first thing you should do is add more ram, 4gb seems a little mean by today's standards, other than that you should really be able to run SF2 flat out.
  9. Getting ready for the base open day........ KEEP IT TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Two top quality addons... Ludo's Superb Mirage F1 flying over Piecemeal's equally superb Desert V4 terrain.....
  11. It just gets better and better, outstanding work guys.
  12. RAF Bentwaters, July 1961........
  13. I'd better chirp in here, any templates made by me are NOT the best way to learn, my stuff is usually pretty confusing as I don't bother to label all the layers adequately so you can sometimes get fairly disheartened with them. There are some excellent templates in the download section made by folks that label things as they should be,take a look at any,even if it's not the plane you want, you'll soon learn how to get the results you're after...…dont be afraid to experiment, take a look at simmerspaintshop for some excellent tuturiols, it won't all happen overnight but you'll enjoy the end result.
  14. LOL....looks great m8......personally I prefere those long nosed Scanias meself....
  15. Doors are at the wrong end of the container...........
  16. Looks good, how about some older 60's & 70's versions as well ?

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