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Posts posted by Sundowner

  1. Well I see that overnight [here in the uk] things have spiralled out of control, but whether everybody likes it or not, a modder has the right to say "no" IMHO either with or without reason, if something is no longer available its time for somebody to re-do it.....this whole game is a WIP...... one of continual improvement, I also think that personal feeling , insults etc whether deserved or not need to be kept to pm's, its up to the individual to decide who his friends are and not to be steered in any one direction.....peoples own experiences are the best judge of some-one.


    BTW......I thought this topic was about modders in general, not just one person.

  2. Well.....as one of the folks that has had enough just lately & taken my toys and gone home, I've decided to re-upload some of my stuff, starting with the camo version of the F-100D by request of USAFMTL.


    One thing that I will add though is that whether you are a modder, a whiner or a fly on windscreen checker is that this is ...1, a game, 2, a hobby or 3, a combination of both.....but the main thing is its supposed to be fun.....a stress free zone, I get paid to get stressed at work, non of us need stress here.

  3. F-100 Camo

    View File

    OK ....by popular request I'm re-uploading my mod of the stock TW F-100D, all this mod does is create a seperate plane in the aircraft selection dropdown that only uses camo schemes, it uses camo droptanks [in the current wep pack .....I think] made for me by Russo, so many thanks to Russ too.


    Read the readme please.




  4. In my opinion, if someone sees a problem and can provide documentation in the form of phots or quotes from an authoritative source to back it up, they should always post that, or at least PM someone on the mod team about it. The problem arises when someone posts nebulous comments about, for example, flight models not "feeling" right when they have never flown an airplane before. The secret is that most of us have never flown a real plane, and even fewer have flown an F-4, or F-14 or any other military aircraft, so we do our best to approximate things and its no help whatsoever to receive a lot of purely subjective feedback on it.


    Absolutly Don, IMHO most wip pics are the modders way of saying..."this is what I have so far, how's it looking"....we're not looking for a pat on the back, more for re-assurance that things are ok.

  5. A "what if".........MF Spey powered fuselage & wings mated to the RF-4C nose section [also MF] a true multi role aircraft.


    Times were hard for the RAF and Royal Navy, they needed a "jack of all trades" [if not master of all] aircraft.......one that could do just about every job needed....most missions were now dual role....this bird could takes pics of tomorrows targets while attacking todays, it underwent constant upgrades to try to keep it on the frontline....ecm,new pit,flir, cft's [dont laugh] money was tight.. :biggrin:








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