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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. This bug is a reminder to modder that sometimes should get out from the barn...and click the fly button. nice little thingie...
  2. according to rules of acquisition - it is more profitable to sell a few 'NEW' W10 games than one single that contains the whole anthology. Quark would be proud.
  3. And this is perfectly fine. And everyone should make peace with it. If the modder wishes to stop supporting a certain game - that is his choice it is not a lifetime obligation. But a community can not just disrespect his choices by redistributing his work ( if this is against his will). Even if he is not giving a damn what is happening to his old model...still it is his property and should be treated this way. So if cockpit was payware a long time ago - now, no one should post his work without his consent. side note...Just be patient. I am quite sure we will have some new models in the future again.
  4. Uhu...when you start working full time for him. both answers are correct?
  5. if you need help with Nimrod uvw mapping/skinning - bet there are few of us willing to help.
  6. Yes. I think it will be possible. Maybe not all features of 'real' display will be present (same as in any other cockpit we can not simulate all gauges/displays etc) Of course, it will need quite a new and different approach. Little challenging, but might be fun making it.
  7. guess it would hurt too much if putting so divine simulation amid...' light sim trash'... not to mention that GOG/Steam price probably would cause a heart attack...9.99$ for full set (considering age and genre).
  8. Next time just shoot pm. If it is about Harrier than I am all ears Well, the gun pod is asymmetrical and that is how it should be. Ammo in the right pack, gun in the left pack. I would be nice to find a way to limit firing above certain airspeed (depends on engine model 150/250kts)
  9. Something like this? 5 minutes in notepad and max.... Did any of you try to contact modder to address those issues? By the way...to one of the posts above. With data from this mod vertical take-off and landing is already possible.
  10. yes, you are absolutely right! My mistake.
  11. Thanks. As you can see there was at least 3 type of underbelly launchers in use. NATO catamaran - Denmark, Norway, Germany... double Aero-3B used by Japan/USAF. and Italian/Turkish fixed pylons with BRU and attached Aero launcher.
  12. Since we are here if someone has good photos of catamaran launchers I would really appreciate it. All types
  13. Still a long way till April 1.

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