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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. if you want a special weapon to appear only on specific aircraft you are using specific station code - and in aircraft weaponstation entry should match entry from weapon data ini. do you have actually entry [dispenser pod 1] and [dispenser pod 2] under any aircraft component ...like: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=FALSE ...... ...... SystemName[001]=............ SystemName[002]=............ ........................ ........................ SystemName[007]=[dispenser pod 1] SystemName[008]=[dispenser pod 2] SystemName[009]=
  2. Or simply install pilot from Harrier pack ..it is folder named 'Pilot_USMC' containing fake pilot clear tga and ini file...
  3. on some cobra and stallion i have chaff/flares as part of 3d airframe and i have : [WeaponData001] TypeName=ALE-39_C1F2 FullName=AN/ALE-39 Chaff-10/Flare-20 ModelName= empty here Mass=10.000000 Diameter=0.350000 Length=0.350000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode=ALE39 NationName=USA StartYear=1979 EndYear=2050 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=20 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1979 ExportEndYear=2050 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=2 NumChaff=20 NumFlare=10 EjectPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 EjectVelocity=0.000000,-25.000000,-2.000000 and in weaponstation of aircraft dataini... : [L-CMDS] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=18 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.378,-0.276,0.145 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=45 AllowedWeaponClass=EP SpecificStationCode=ALE39 AttachmentType=USN,USA ModelNodeName=ANALE39-L calls to 3d model part PylonMass= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition=
  4. ModelNodeName= did you try this ? F5a_Chaff / Dispenser_R F5a_Flare / Dispenser_L how these two are related in 3 d model? how do you want it to be shown.. because that part I don't understand... If its just pack with chaffs/flares why not use model node name....same as with any other pod... unless I don't understand how chaffs flares work on tiger
  5. I like smoke trails on your steam jet... @namedders - looks like you have two pilots in that harrier....
  6. you have to edit weaponstations in data. ini file by changing station group id. both wingtip stations have same id number - change left / right to 1 / 2 etc. but !!! aircraft can have only 6 stations groups...so you have to check if there are available stations group. . Is this working ? thought it has only 6 available station groups. and 32/36 weaponstations.
  7. RNoAF Starfighter in air again.

    After years Starfighter took off again today.
  8. AV-8B Harrier II - SF2. ver.2019

    did you copy Pilot_USMC folder into Pilots folder ?
  9. TAV-8B, AV-8BNA, AV-8B+ then..we will see. Royal Harriers.
  10. Since we are in f-5 area - does anyone have Centurion's F-5e templates
  11. View File Kfir Over Israel. SF2. This is total pack of IAI Kfir versions used by Israeli Air Force. Pack contains all required models and it is based on regular TW model and available mods on Combat Ace. All skins are based on templates by ludo.m54 => http://combatace.com...ge-5-templates/ Ive edited ini files mostly in weapon stations to seperate bomb stations from IRM, FT etc. Also removed some lines of unrealistic loadouts (like inboard IRM,lgb on belly station etc.) Two seater mod is based on denisoliveira models. Ive renamed all required folder /fake pilots/ mods to avoid causing problems with older versions. You need fake pilot mod to run some of the parts from this pack. To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2:I (lods and cockpits for Kfir) Generaly full merged instal of SF2 family is recomended. All canopies can be open by Shift+1 animation key. Aircrafts in this pack will apear as: Kfir '75 - First version of Kfir (often wrongly named C1 - it is Kfir only) Kfir Canard '77 - upgraded version of Kfir with small canards added. Kfir C2 - most common version, with bigger canards, additional pylons, Kfir C7 last version of Kfir with engine and avionics improvments. Kfir TC2 Two seater training version. Kfir RC2 Tsniut - early Kfir recon version with adopted from Shahak Tsniut nose with LOROP camera. Kfir RC2 Tsilum - late version of recon Kfir with new nose. All skins are done by me in 2048x2048 format based on templates by ludo.m54 Kfir C2 and C7 can carry MER and TER bomb racks. To have realistic loadouts I've made seperate weapon racks for Kfir based on regular racks (diameter and weight limits) Credits: Ive made all decals for all versions covering years of use in IAF based on available reference materials. All C7 Kfirs were named. Even if i know all names I didn't do all decals..(update may follow soon) Weapons MER and TER racks by ravenclaw. Two seater versions are based on original pack by denissoliveira =>http://combatace.com/files/file/15490-kfir-tc-2/ 3d mods - denissoliveira nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79 data.ini Coupi and small fixes by me. C7 version is based on original pack by denissoliveira =>http://combatace.com/files/file/15556-kfir-c7/ 3D mod: Denis Oliveira Original C7 Cockpit: MirageFactory RC2 Tsniut is based on Tsniut nose from denissoliveira pack => http://combatace.com/files/file/15132-mirage-iiirj-iiicj-recon-converted/ 3d mods - denissoliveira RC2 Tsilum - mod made by me. Its version 0.9 update will be released someday in future. National and squadron markings as always in my case are painted on skins. Effect files are added. Ive also used standard sound files that everyone should have at this point (year 2017). report bugs. Hope you will like it. Enjoy Jarek Hereda Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 07/08/2017 Category Israeli Origin  
  12. When IIAF started to paint camouflage in 60s they used FS color palette. Later all new aircrafts from US were delivered with camoulfage applied already - also following Iranian instruction. Until revolution, all aircrafts were very well maintained and in pristine condition...later well. war and 'own way' took a toll on aircrafts. as for colors in SF2 I would recommend standardization with ravenclaw's colors.
  13. View File Gloster Meteor T.7 SF2 V.2 Gloster Meteor T.7 second improved version for SF2. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) Install: If you are here which means that you like old jets, and for sure you downloaded the previous pack already. You should have proper squadronlist.ini from the previous pack by paulopanz. Fuel tanks- not to be afraid. Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy. 175 gal tank also. Tanks are just ini files. Mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod. This is highly modified Veltro2k model uploaded on CA somewhere in 2016 by paulopanz. Some time ago few guys decided (because they have a chance to do so) to rework this pretty aircraft. So, first of all, thank you Veltro2k. Although. There is just very few original parts of an old model. Most of it was remodeled. Added bits here and there. We changed mapping and we made new skins...and a lot of new stuff. You will see. Of course, you could expect more skins. And if you are expecting more skins - you will have to do it on your own. But templates are available. All skins are in 4096x4096 format. You can easily resize to needed resolution. better to downsize than rescale to higher res. For sure Israeli Meteor will be uploaded someday soon. WIP. Credits. Veltro2k - original model Me - model rework and some other mambo jumbo, hangars. 76.IAP-Blackbird - also model re-working. Soulfreak - skins. bobrock Weathering Decals - soulfreak and some are borrowed from paulopanz pack. Charles - original FM from original T.7 upload. Pilots - I have no idea / don't remember who did it. All credit to him/her. - one of my favorites figures in a game - I've added this to correspond with the data file. And yes the pack is huge - but we put a huge amount of work also. Have fun Report bugs. Expect the unexpected Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 05/23/2018 Category Meteor  
  14. Gloster Meteor T.7 SF2 V.2

    Version 1.1.1


    Gloster Meteor T.7 second improved version for SF2. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) Install: If you are here which means that you like old jets, and for sure you downloaded the previous pack already. You should have proper squadronlist.ini from the previous pack by paulopanz. Fuel tanks- not to be afraid. Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy. 175 gal tank also. Tanks are just ini files. Mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod. This is highly modified Veltro2k model uploaded on CA somewhere in 2016 by paulopanz. Some time ago few guys decided (because they have a chance to do so) to rework this pretty aircraft. So, first of all, thank you Veltro2k. Although. There is just very few original parts of an old model. Most of it was remodeled. Added bits here and there. We changed mapping and we made new skins...and a lot of new stuff. You will see. Of course, you could expect more skins. And if you are expecting more skins - you will have to do it on your own. But templates are available. All skins are in 4096x4096 format. You can easily resize to needed resolution. better to downsize than rescale to higher res. For sure Israeli Meteor will be uploaded someday soon. WIP. Credits. Veltro2k - original model Me - model rework and some other mambo jumbo, hangars. 76.IAP-Blackbird - also model re-working. Soulfreak - skins. bobrock Weathering Decals - soulfreak and some are borrowed from paulopanz pack. Charles - original FM from original T.7 upload. Pilots - I have no idea / don't remember who did it. All credit to him/her. - one of my favorites figures in a game - I've added this to correspond with the data file. And yes the pack is huge - but we put a huge amount of work also. Have fun Report bugs. Expect the unexpected Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT
  15. Final tweaks take always 2 weeks.
  16. not really... It's just a lot of guys from here were banned there because of abuse, stealing property, trolling and being part of Criminal Association. edit: or just simply forget that inferior plane...and get nice mods from CA.
  17. EOGB and LGB works different way than EOGR and LGR. If you really need eo camera locked on target.... make laser designator for aircraft....create weapon station for eogb with specific station code and then create 'fake' eogb or lgb with same station code...and add this as always loaded weapon on loadout ini....then in flight select target.....chose fake target designator eogb/lgb bomb it will lock...then you can even ccip iron bombs..with tv locked on target...
  18. Interesting idea. Bring it up in sf2 section - should have more applause. Aircraft need to have fake invisible hitbox towed behind....and then added via weaponstation model of a banner.
  19. I'm not an expert but I heard that is good to make base skins while the model is constructed. A lot can be adjusted, and lot errors can be fixed easily at a very early stage. And of course, a good mapping is crucial. And adding SM and BM needs (especially BM) needs ultra-correct uv mapping. Just saying what I heard.
  20. Sukhois

    And that is a good way to start cockpit... just saying...if someone is making some other Su..
  21. which terrain are you using? Im having similar problems on a single mission on latest Kamchatka. Not always...but at time to time...when usually all goes well...game blacks out...and freeze....Am blaming some ini file perhaps in terrain.

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