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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. It is possible only on cockpit that is made for this purpose. Meaning two cockpits in one must be build from the begining.
  2. F is at the very end of Army models. But yes, there will be time for F.
  3. Maybe to finish what i've started. Guess I will stick with helos for now
  4. I asume that taking off 40 degree left/right it is not problem for player but for AI. On Austin class i was launchin wingman 'backward' but after take off his helo was damaged (don't know why) and he escape from helo leaving helo hoovering somewhere over the ocean. Is it possible to land without arresting cable/hook? because as before on Austinclass LPD I've added cables and am landing without problem with helo. As far as I remeber after removing cables i was crashing or stucking and skiding strangly on deck. So for landing i think this entrys are important: LandDeckAngle= ? LandingAimPoint=X / -X and Y / -Y And properly set arresting cables on it ?
  5. 2 seater version (seats side by side like F3D Skyknight) would be interesting. And internal vodoo style bombbay.
  6. AH-1Q Wings Over Europe SF2 ver. 2016

    Version 2.2


    BELL AH-1Q COBRA Ver 2.2 for SF2 January 2016 This is a third party add on of the AH-1Q Cobra using models and cockpits created by me. The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters. I have just modified it a bit. It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Jarek Hereda ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************IMPORTANT****************** This addon works only with my WeaponPACK (included in rar file). All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack. Standard commands for activating Cobra features: AIRBRAKES - sun filter/shader on off - just for fun no airbrakes so empty animation slot for use. ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station. LANDING GEAR - belly light deploy/retract at any speed in late models - nose lights activate/deactivate in early model. Lights must on. A2A mode - gunner station guncross for turret. A2Ground mode - pilot M73 cross. ANIMATION 7 - turret doors ANIMATION 8 - ammo bay dooors ANIMATION 9 - gunner door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 10 - pilot door (ext and cockpit view) Added eye candy parking animation. WARNING! This is totaly new file. I highly recomend to backup your old files. OR just delete all old files. This is totaly new files and will not work in many parts with old. There is still old file available to download. New file is named AH-1Q_Ver2.5_SF2_2016.rar For take off: Around 75% of throttle vector (small needle on RPM clock in cockpit should be like 65degree up) - (default ctrl + ) and then increase power to 70-85% (or more for quick lift) and pull controll stick little and snake will take off. Then reduce throttle vector as needed and reduce power to 69%. It should fly around 110kts now. 69% is about cruising speed. When on the ground you can see rotating blades for pitch and roll. Just additional and unnecesary thing (not visible so much when flying) but it is possible so it is there. Not working like i want but better then nothing. There are two different pylons on inboard stations one for rocketpods one for gunpods. Just to have a proper angle of fire with GP. It is not proper for real model but in my opinion best what can be done for SF engine. Rocket pods are ok with correct angle on inboard stations. There is skin only for 11 ACR in Europe. Well Q was upgraded to S(MOD) quickly so not much info to find about Q in units. All serial numbers are proper for Q model but am not sure if these numbers appeared in 11th ACR. 15086 for sure was there. Weapons. All weapons are reskined. TOW models are new. Most of the weapon are same as in previous packs and are common to G/Q/S/P model. Including XM158 and M200 launchers. TOWs BGM-71A/B One more thing. I am using mostly standard weapon effects. Make sure to edit it your way if you decide to use this weapons. CHANGES to previous version: New skins, fixed some details on model, fixed some ini lines. TOW Weapons redone. Changed loadouts, TOW launchers are part of airframe, now it is loaded diferent way then before and not using weapon rack. Pilots: I am using helopilots by OldDiego. Some pilots models might be too big for this helo. Instalation: Copy all files into specific folders. ********************************************************************************************************* IMPORTANT If you dont have US Army Aviation service you will need to add the following to your Nations.ini file which should be in your Flight folder. Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next number in sequence in your file: [Nationxxx] Name=USA DisplayName=United States Army Aviation Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesUSAF.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsUSAF.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsUSAF.str UseFAC=TRUE ********************************************************************************************************* Reference: TM 55-1520-221-10 Operators Manual Army Model AH 1G Helicopter TM 55-1520-234-10 Operator's Manual Army Model AH 1S(MOD) Helicopter TM 9-1425-473-20 Technical Manual TOW Guided Missile M65 TM 11-1520-221-34P Electronic Equipment Configurations... Combat Aircraft Series 09 - AH-1 Huey Cobra (1987) Aerofax Datagraph 4 - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants Squadron Signal - Bell AH-1 Cobra In Action Osprey - New Vanguard 125 - Huey Cobra Gunships XM-118 Organizational DS GS and Depot Maintenance XM118 11thacraviation.com usarmygermany.com airport-data.com aerialvisuals.ca planepictures.net
  7. HMH-362[C] Det. HMA-269 USS Guadalcanal, October 1976. North Atlanitc.
  8. Did you try older plugin just for try ?For max 2009 there are 3 ? Before i had similiar problem but recenty i just reinstal on fresh drive. Just don't remember which plugin I put into plugin folder.
  9. Since my PC is crashed and no chance for now for new one I decided to mess with my laptop. And temporary am runing SF2V merged with SF2NA on it on very low details. Anyway. Trying to launch AH-1J SeaCobra from LHA-1. Changed to USMC class ship. In map before flight it shows that flight starts on deck. But when launching game crash each time after 100% load. So ive downloaded moded file of LHA-1 from download section. And now flight is not starting from deck. SeaCobra is set for minbase=small, Aircraftcarrier (orsomething like this)=true, Distance when parked 2.0. Is it possible that game chose sometiems start from deck and sometiems from ashore ? Also is it possible to convert LPD Austin class for aircraft carriers ? I think it will need CAT station ? Could be tempting for Marhukers flights.
  10. Again i made some edits. Maybe someone discover it but i just instaled NA week ago (long time since i bought NA right after release). Previously i made CAT station on LHA and LPD ships. Player can take off with helo using thrust vectoring. But AI was taking off aircraft style. And for me it was anoying. I changed again CAT entrys. example: StartPosition=-8.0,30.0001,11.75 EndPosition=-8.0,29.0009,120.0 LaunchTime=12.0 ------- need to bee adjusted to look proper wey. In this way player also is not using thrust vectoring. After releasing brakes you are launched up and after that you can continue level flight. Somehow AI pilots are doing this correctly. And it looks much ok than standard take off. It is not perfect solution but for now i think only way to fool game if you want to use helos. I belive fixed wings like Harrier can do the same but i did not tested it. As for landing i equiped Seacobra with fake arresting hook and vessel deck with cables. And landing on deck is also posible. I wanted to post video but my ancient laptop is... anyway maybe next time. regards.
  11. You can depend on weapondata.ini /dat file still. It just need to be in Weapondata folder. Entry in own_data.ini must be same as in global weapondata.ini. This allows to put weapons in any order in game (alphabetical/nonalphabetical by weight, year, type etc.) edit. But thist still will not allow you using selected rack throu loadout menu. I think only loadout.ini file. I had the same problem with BGM-71 and launchers. Interesting thing is that this issue is not present in SF1 series.
  12. Position indicates where node will be moved after action. In (for example radar altimeter) position will be rotation angle of needle. Value wil be set for example 1000 for position -30 and 1500 for position -60 etc. In two position switch (like master arm or weapon selector) you can set position (example) rotation_X - 30degree. it will rotate node 30 degree up/down when activated weapon. value will be 0 off and 1 for on. example [weaponStationR3] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName=Switch_R-Wing-out MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-30.0 Set[02].Value=1 ItemNumber=6 Item number (in weapons selector) is related to weapon station in main aircraft_data.ini. So if weapon station (your example) IRM / sidewinder station is weapon station ID 2, then in cockpit ini file it will be Itemnumber=2, and for example bomb centerline station is weaponstation ID=3 then in cockpit it will be item number=3 Mirage factory A-7 and F-8 are good reference to know how it works.
  13. I think i got it. Crashing to desktop is not related to vessel. It was my mistake in ini file. I was testing some totaly different thing and didn't remove whole tested entry, I don't know how but in some specific setup it was causing crash. My mistake. As for the LHA. I downloaded SF2NA LHA update file from here and maybe it is working with other aircrafts but not with helo. For LHA deck i used: CollisionMesh=LHA_DECK.LOD is that right mesh for LHA.lod ? I don't know but it is not causing any damage. Black screen in cockpit view was caused by deck height. 10cm more solved problem. Changed entrys for CAT1 to4 and 4 helo flight can start without problems. I was trying to land but wife was interupting and I scratch island with rotor...BAM!
  14. Do you have instrument[001]= there ? If not game will not pick position entry for instruments 2,3 onward. Positions and values stands for movement type- rotationx,y,z and position x,y,z. For light it is not needed. Maybe shouldnt be there.
  15. It is park span issue. I will test some values. Am using vietnamsea_water bmp from download section. With G model i was able to start from Tarawa. But two issues. span 2.0 was working while with J cause crashing. I had also some cockpit issues (black screen) but external view was ok and helo was properly placed. But for launchtime=0.1 it was still "rolling" through deck which cause some helo damage (i lost left stab and wing and something else). And it is carrierbased=TRUE Need to test more. I have changed LHA - Availability=COMMON but still seldom flight starts on deck, Wrench thanks for tips.
  16. Thanks. Yes, i can run max. As for crashing. I don't know right now, I meesed up something with ini file. Need to find where cause on Range terrain I am fine, on Vietnamsea am crashing always to desktop.
  17. AH-1Q Wings Over Europe SF2 ver. 2016

    2 weeks ago my pc crash, so i am little bit slowed down now. I can't buy new right now. But yes, there is a chance.
  18. Yeah. Holly Backup always. Yesterday (sunday) after years of service my PC crashed died and it is not responding to my actions anymore. Can be used as target now. Miracle - drive is still much ok. And after quick recon, files seems to be ok.
  19. How about removing fixed hardpoints from plane and add them as fake rocket pod that can carry RP rockets ? edit: This will cause of course adding them as group in RP, not as single RCKT but should be ok for external model view.
  20. View File Mk40 FFAR Skin Update. This is update for my weaponPACK included in AH-1G/Q downloads. Originaly in pack there are FFARs with colors from 3dsmax. Here is version with skins. You have to copy files (lod and bmp) into designated folders in your game weapon folder. Just that. Copy old lod files in case you don't like new ones. New ones need skin to work. There is also Mk40_m257 weapondata ini file. Copy it also to specific folder. It will fix not animated fins on this rocket. Jarek. Regards. Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 01/15/2015 Category Weapon Packs  
  21. Mk40 FFAR Skin Update.

    Version 1.0


    This is update for my weaponPACK included in AH-1G/Q downloads. Originaly in pack there are FFARs with colors from 3dsmax. Here is version with skins. You have to copy files (lod and bmp) into designated folders in your game weapon folder. Just that. Copy old lod files in case you don't like new ones. New ones need skin to work. There is also Mk40_m257 weapondata ini file. Copy it also to specific folder. It will fix not animated fins on this rocket. Jarek. Regards.

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