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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Decals.ini file

    If you go read the SF2 Knowledge Base, you will understand FE2, since FE2 and SF2 are 99% alike.
  2. Today is my First Anniversary!

    I too would like to say thanks and compliment you on all the great planes you have made (with ojcar's FM's).
  3. I'm back

    Tamper: I "draw' over 800 watts normally on my game PC in it's current configuration because I have an OC'ed i7 975, five HD's, two 6970's, two DVD R&W, one sound card and five fans. That is why my three year old 1000 watt PSU (which apparently degraded to below 800 watts) could not keep up the power when playing my heavily modded flight games. The PC was fine as long as I had my old 4890's video cards in it, but when I upped my video cards, it was to much for the old PSU and that is when my problems started..
  4. I'm back

    One of the bad things about not having enough power is that you start getting random errors on you PC, not consistant but random. As a result, you start chasing ghosts all over the place unit you replace your PSU with a newer/stronger PSU and the problems all go away. I know because when I added a second GPU last year, I started getting random blackouts & freezes (even though I had a two year old 1000w name brand PSU). When I replaced it with a 1350w PSU, ALL my problems went away because I had enough power for the two ATI 6970's.
  5. I'm back

    This is another reason that I "over buy" a PSU. You can never have to much power, but you are in trouble if you never have enough. The other thing that people forget, is that a PSU degrades over time, and can lose as much as 20% of it's wattage output over a couple of years (if run continusely like a lot of people do now days). As a result, if you keep your PC for a long time, you need to ensure you have enough power for all your components several years from when you first bought the PSU.
  6. Trapped under Ice.

    That's old news, can out this past weekend.
  7. Mod Question

    Plus FE2 uses dual cores versus FE1 which only uses a single core (so higher FPS in the game).
  8. Armchair Aces updated

    Thank you.
  9. weapon loads inconsistancies

    trotski00: You accuse others of not reading, but you do not either, because you have still not answered the FIRST question that I asked you !!! That question is do you have FE1 or FE2, because that makes a BIG difference on how weapons are assigned in the game.
  10. weapon loads inconsistancies

    Which game are you talking about, FE1 or FE2 ??? Second, have you read the SF1 or SF2 Knowledge Bases yet ??? FE1 is based on SF1, so the SF1 Knowledge Base applies to FE1 and FE2 is based on SF2, so the SF2 Knowledge Base applies to FE2. When you read these Knowlege Bases, they will tell you what you have to do the add weapons to your specific aircraft and get them to work.
  11. C-130s on Carriers

    Typhoid: Thank you. So that completes the rest of the story.
  12. FE2 Mod HELP

    If you become a paid member (to support the bandwidth and server storage), the download restrictions are lifted.
  13. FE2 Mod HELP

    I am glad you figured out your problem. Actually FE2 is easier to mod than FE1, you just have to read the SF2 Knowlwdge Base and you can see how to mod FE2. This is because SF2 and FE2 use the same modding convention (like SF1 and FE1 used their same modding convention).
  14. best damage mod for BH & H.

    HPW's DMs can be used for BH&H and/or HitR and they are outstanding.
  15. What Wrench is saysing is move the cockpit position forwad and to the right and this will cause the exterior cockpit frames to disappear once they are "inside" your interior cockpit.
  16. Faces High

    What faces ???
  17. Rumpler C.I is here

    Thank you.
  18. You are correct, I should have said P3 OFF BHaH / HitR, not P2 OFF. In my game P3 OFF I have Terrain Detail = 3 and Scenery Detail = 4, I had not noticed any hedges that Olham showed in his picture and I was wondering what settings I should try to see them.
  19. Olham: Thank you, but I guess I should have asked if you had changed any of your P2 settings ,i.e. 553455, other than "Ground Object Density = High", since you now have a better video card. As for Tesselation, it is used in DX11 and Triple Buffering is used in OpenGL, neither applies to P2 which used D3D.
  20. Olham: So what are your setting now that you see the hedges ???
  21. ndicki: You need to do the same thing as me. Keep your old XP game machine for XP games, and buy a new Win7 PC for the newer games. I have several old PCs with their original OC (Win98, XP) just so I can play the older games without the hassle of tring to get them to run in Win7. Just get a KVM switch and you can hook up several PCs that use the same mouse, keyboard and monitor.
  22. Strange mission

    Are you using a modded FM ??? The original AI Weight mod has the planes to heavy and some of the planes will slowly sink and crash.
  23. More RAM and a faster CPU, but since you have a laptop, you can only add more RAM.
  24. Or if I recall correctly, just deleate the messed up Mig-15 folders, and when you run the game again, it will create the new Mig-15 folders automatically.

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