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About SilverDragon

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  1. FPS on OH-58D? and yes, funtionality confirmed by ED and others helos incoming (Bo-105).... OH-58D develop videos...
  2. DCS:F-4E Phantom II preorder

    Develop videos F-4E Develop videos F-4E video release date on May, 21 2024 on DCS World.
  3. More videos and Week updates.
  4. A little explanation about the incoming modern fuzes on progress by ED.
  5. The REDFOR AI units has comming when 3rd Parties release them: ED has building a Mig-29A Full Fidelity module, surely "suppress" the actual FC-3 Mig-29A AI. We expected ED will build version of other FC-3 style REDFOR FF modules on a future as Su-25A and Su-27P. Meanwhile old LOMAC/FC IA units has on progress to update them to the same standard as B-52/B-1B & S-3B. Has "rumors" about Crosstail Studios, actualy making a A-1H Skyrider, will make a Su-17M3 on a future. Deka has building a J-8PP and a J-8B IA Optopus-G has building a La-7, and plan a So-2 and a Su-22M RAZBAM has building a Mig-23MLA, has some rumors about a Mig-19S "planned" but not confirmed yet. Red Storm Simulation has building a Mig-17F Remember General Flight Model has on develop by ED, Old video.
  6. Last news show the module has malking progress (from RAZBAM discord / X / FB / ED forum): A video show some info about Mig-23MLA HUD and LAZUR datalink system.
  7. Other site with return.... sorry by the delay. Eagle Dynamics January / February recompilation video. 3rd Party January / February recompilation video. DCS World 2.9.3 New & Updated 3rd Models New modern loadout and fuzes FC-3 cockpit Updates DCS World 08 March 2024 news.
  8. DCS: F/A-18C

    Introduction to the DCS: F/A-18C Hornet https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics/videos/10159004303245341/
  9. DCS: F/A-18C

    F/A-18C Hornet Teaser video music by Btd https://soundcloud.com/btd/teaser-for-dcs-fa-18c-hornet
  10. DCS: F/A-18C

    ED / Belsimtek F/A-18 Hornet on E3 2017 https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3152953#post3152953
  11. The Coretex Design company broke some years ago and team dissolve (some build Polychop, others as me, continue on solitary) and we never get a functional ground radar or other complex system to a reach never to a stable "module" to release into DCS: W. The best options has other team intent first get a LM / F/A-18E legal license and build a stable team to get the SDK and 3rd party status by ED and start work from zero, not dream with a doom project with never reach a milestone. The only "news" about a F-4E has a new AI 3d model, but ED, BSK or none 3rd party has "confirm" a F-4E develop, some talk about legal issues and license problems, similar to the A-4 (Veao intent get the license and the cost to get them was prohibitive, drop the project). About the Aviodev F-1 not more news has deploy about them (I think actualy has "on Hold"). The Veao Thypoon has actuly a military contract to a DDT (Desktop Trainer) to the RAF, not detail news has get by VEAO (by the NDA military contract), but he planed build a Block IB, meanwhile, continue waiting to some news about them.
  12. DCS World Week Update 07 May 2017 (English version)

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