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Everything posted by Stary

  1. check my WW2 Generic cockpits upload... of course the're dated, I learned alot after making them, but some might be good to reuse Kevin
  2. thanks! I disabled the fuselage from showing because it was causing some mesh interferences with my interior cockpit
  3. GOG has FC2 with addon for 4.99 now http://www.gog.com/ I nevr finished this title back in the days, it's still impressive in some aspects today, and utmost frustrating in others
  4. Paint Shop Pro X4 sale

    you sure? X4 is some 229 zl at their site now? english/US online store has it indeed as 39.99
  5. Paint Shop Pro X4 sale

    hmmm... interesting
  6. Yak-23 Flora cockpit

    Version 1.0


    Yak-23 Flora cockpit For SF2 series with Expansion Pack 2! EXPANSION PACK 2 required for Yak-23, you won't find this little day-only, stay-away-from-clouds fighter in any other release than Exp2! (However you can use this pit in other planes like Yak-15/Yak-17 just fine) Extract to your Aircraft folder, overwrite. Supplied data includes just modification to guns, making them two individual groups.
  7. Yak-23 Flora interception: everything was going ok until flight of P-47N-15s showed up and massacred my returning flight -who one Earth doesn't break approach when jumped by swarm of enemy fighters? Dumb as rock AI Russo's revamped model is such a beauty! and it's a demanding opponent too! Flora cockpit still a WIP
  8. you learn something new every day... thus I proved I'm a caveman LOL
  9. Aeritalia G.91Y

    one of the best 3rd party addon aircrafts IMO! Love it!
  10. Ed, you're sure you set the 3D views correctly? It does look a bit too bulky -like stretched in Z axis
  11. seems like you didn't run the batch conversion or whatever tool you use on them?
  12. hmm will check but nothig like this in my case so far..? you do use the IcelandNA_data.ini included gillg?
  13. thanks Jules and Slarti
  14. MAKO just found Thirdwire Mirage F1! sorry couldn't resist... I have no idea -some company promotional shoting mock-up?
  15. Version 1.0


    Designed for Modern Darwin map by Wrench (it kicks ass Kevin!) and optionally stock SF2:Vietnam VietnamSEA terrain This is 1024x1024 tileset for Modern Darwin v2 by Wrench, together with custom tree/city mod. Included is my new waternormal.bmp to give water slightly different look, you are free to replace it with waternormal of your choice. Also data for use in VietnamSEA map is included.
  16. Try changing selected colour tool im GIMP, and replace some greenish brown ISGREEN-type tiles... Hmm seems I will have to upload new version with darker water and second winter season...
  17. so let it be snow specular fun disclaimer: Great idea by: Julhelm
  18. no need for seasonal tiles IMO now... I'd prefer to spend time fixing few tiles instead as for water: 1) I wanted close to original NA water look 2) North Atlantic current is quite blue-ish much like in NA
  19. which is 100% based on my Isreal repaint Keflavik defender:
  20. I must admit I'm not familiar with that modifier but exactly this is it!
  21. Gerwin's Iceland 1024 tileset

    it's in the support topic to this upload but here it goes: http://members.quicknet.nl/lm.broers/
  22. test sort of... via good old TOD creativity

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