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Everything posted by Stary

  1. seems I had my own altered _data.ini but haven't included it (for compability/other mods sake)
  2. hmmm I have had no issues Kevin, we're talking stock TW SMB2 here right?
  3. F-94B cockpit (proper)

    nah, still something feels "off: with it to me that's why I kept it to myself for few months... but screw it
  4. yes TY, maybe dtmdragon could upload the pack? sorry for discussing in s-shots forum though
  5. Nyghtfall, what exactly mod/DLC are you using? That straight bars windshield seems to be added ontop of org model...?
  6. Thirdwire A-4E to K Cockpit Repaint

    looks really good!
  7. FRignon there >might< be slight textual mismatches, errors or omissions (lack of dedicated alphabet!!!) so please forgive if I butchered your beautiful language
  8. Anyone else thought like me, it's some new cool Yakovlev sturmovik COIN fighter unviled in current Syria war?
  9. my personal cinematic preferences are mine and mine alone lol still 2 weeks
  10. gee you release the game and two days later people are HEX-editing it Do335 maybe you could focus on SF2 engine HEX-hacks more, not our precious little gem? hint: key to succesful gunnery is not switching targets every second turn, let the guys manning the directors have time to adjust to single vessel, usually two, three turns is enough; that said bare in mind that wind must be taken into account (if turned in options)
  11. Spinners that Blackburn Shark FGA.1 looks very very nice
  12. juicy target of opportunity for me any my trusted Su-11
  13. Sheriff001 and anyone having the horizon band band line on terrains open range terrain's _data.ini and adjust the example line(s) under [HeightOffset] tab to match something like this: [HeightOffset] NonTexturedMesh=-10.0 TexturedMesh=-50.0 DetailedMesh=0.0 LowDetailMesh=-1.0 WaterMesh=0.8 red is the value to adjust to negative (-) values -that pushes the far distance terrain mesh lower than the near one and thus eliminates the band (created by high values of _HM displacement tiles) applies to ANY terrain with such issue; downside is far water might have slightly visible table fog mismatch
  14. It's ACES 2 - courtesy of Ravenclaw and with his permission - used here as a stand in filling with cockpit for Gina G91 R4 (post) 74 version.
  15. few days more when I relieve myself from work and voila!
  16. 42k isn't the number that would clog even older systems, so it should be ok IMO
  17. looks pretty convincing to me, just maaaybe add a bit of stock (read: Googled) reef texture to the sandy yellow patches
  18. Russo you're killing me with this MiG!!!
  19. umm yeah that would be me... check your Facebook messenger Daniel
  20. Fubar and Lexx were both up to something as I recall, with Lexx contrails being very conviencing despite using stretched particle (ribbon), the particles limits can be extended but the engine can't handle much of particles spawned/displayed anyway
  21. this is very nice work there! Love the new head position, adds to it IMO
  22. F-15 grey update with cockpit repaint

    very good job! Especially like the new head position -adds alot! More of this please! A-4 maybe? F-4?
  23. Kev, isn't that Sabre model..? or we lack Fury after all the years?

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