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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Bad enough to be making a sequel...

    You say Casablanca was in fact black and white? I think I wouldn't stand Iceman in 3D no more... (oh, at least he had promising carrer back then)
  2. can't you rebuild the TE texturelist from the data.ini? just the tiles sequence for slight tiling issues..?
  3. the last one is sweet Carlo have fun with your new system, you'll like W7 fast I hope
  4. Nuclear disaster close call

    naaa... nothing to scream the sky is falling run to the hills about... how many miners gets killed down low in the dark yearly? Atom is quite safe solution
  5. HOLY Brimstone! Must See!

    geez... that salvo was impressive
  6. looks better, the higherpoly one from my own (in)experience I know those placeholders tend to stay there for good @Paulo: I'd toss it into 31 too
  7. can't be done "just like that"... Flanders terrain is simply much much times smaller than desert one, you'd need to make new desert map from scratch using terrain editor... and there's no point in having 250x250 kilometers map for jet fighters
  8. good luck with that C. (what happened to freak btw? )
  9. I voted OFF, Like JM I wish I had time to fully play it, immerse myself into the campaigns and all the squadron life as it is, but I voted for OFF mainly because it has something developers in fact don't give a s**t about -the Single Player experience. ROF, I had to wait almost TWO years for all the shift and Campaign to arrive, Cliffs of (my) Depression, that's a joke in the face... FE2 is another nice one with good graphics delivered without ROF requirements, and is mean to be modded (like all TW sims in fact...) ROF, I have a problem with this title, at the beginning in mid-2009 I was soo pissed at the devs and the online DRM, now it's past, but still to me it's more of a FM/DM tech demo than a real flight simulator, whose aim is not to only (very accurately I admit that) depict the single plane one's flying but whole war environment "going on" around
  10. Dark Falcon released!

    I do like some parts of it, like the cinematic overdone effects (similar to way I mod effects in fact) some blur, self shadowing, but some things aren't that great -ground units suffer from the "it's still 1996 software rendering" syndrome... it's stable release given I tested it briefly, but in similar amount of time I used to have at least one or two CTDs with FF this is how your cockpit lights up when you get hit by AAA: some aircraft seem straight from F4: will dig it more during this weekend... anyone would like to remind me how to change aircraft (package) in TE?
  11. straight from game Soulman, untouched, the mod is the reworked 512x512 tiles, the season light snow I think: http://combatace.com...hanced-tileset/
  12. Invisibility suit?

    malibu, something's wrong with your picture, I can't see s**t! (that was a sweet one )
  13. Can't play the game!

    reset (reinstall?) from Manager's workshops menu? I remember having this once too after not playing for loong time
  14. Invisibility suit?

    Daddy we have drones for most of that... now they run to the village screamin' "Mohamed just pooped!"
  15. Centurion-1, nice work so far! If you want to check the gauges needles placement and axis orientations, mesh linking etc with ini magic, in this pack of "generic" WW2 cockpits are some core max files I have included to ease starters the work: http://combatace.com...-cockpits-pack/ Yes, we need more cockpits builders badly
  16. Invisibility suit?

    compression artifacts but, yes, rumor has it X and Y military is tiny step from having such suits but no, but yes
  17. I'm pretty sure these are as accurate as can be, it's Mirage Factory quality we all know of you know Dave, it's just me trying to get the best of the SF visuals to my liking
  18. I fly low, very low... wasn't updating my June install loong time thou
  19. great Volker! I think original (Oli's...) models are lost..?
  20. I think not... but let's leave this to other forum, as this is Monty's thread, sorry for OT Monty CZ!

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