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Everything posted by Stary

  1. here's early stage beta of F-89C/D cockpit I put together past evening; in fact it's just the main panel with rudimentary layout and the rest is intact sans some recolouring -but it has two engines indicators, radar, key instruments or equivalents of in the more of less right position, that lovely "pre-Phantom" feel to it etc: F-89C cockpit early beta.ZIP ingame view: skipping through 383 pages flight handbook I do realize all the things that are wrong with it at current state, but again, it's quick and dirty proto cockpit/stand in. The Scorpions currently use stock F-4B or F-4C cockpits so it's closer to real thing anyway. "Stary you lazy SOB, craving for post likes and reputation points like an emo teen" you might say at this point. "You're welcome. Next time I shall put radar display on my P-26 cockpit and call it Dragon Lady one"
  2. F-94C "Starfire" cockpit

    Version 1.1


    F-94C "Starfire" cockpit For SF2 only! Yeah I know, I know -we don't have real Starfire (F-94C) yet, but it's close enough to be safely used in F-94B without causing universe to spontaneously collapse ..I think Read the readme for credits and other informations eg. installation and usual stuff. Update 1.1: lower central panel texture update with windshield wipers controls and inverter switch labels, now it's like real thing
  3. Version 1.0


    Update: I forgot to mention in readme there is optional "icky green" textures set in it's folder for those who find this shade of blue not to their taste. Matter of copying that one into main cockpit folder and overwriting This is fairly detailed cockpit representing somewhat "generic" MiG-23 interceptor cockpit. Fits well or "close enought" MF ML MLD etc interceptors series 1 and series 2 of Floggers. Build for and tested with Eburger68&Team Floggers Pack: http://combatace.com/topic/66562-sf2-mig-23-mig-27-floggers-part-1/ and subsequent parts By default pre-set for use in MLD variant, so feel free to adjust to your favourite Flogger of choice. Do not use at the moment in the ground attack versions as dedicated BN cockpit is in the works Read the included readme for more informations.
  4. Hi gang, one of the reasons I sort of stopped caring for the series couple of years back and went my way of not flying combat flight sims was plethora of controversial movements by TK around 2010-2013 period -followed by lack of QOL updates and Thirdwire's focus on mobile market that followed; one of these design decisions was locking clouds altitudes at unrealistic and immersion killing levels of over 14-16k feet ASL which made game less of a fun or challenge turns out solution was very simple hack of vertex shader in ENVCLOUDS.FX which you will find attached in this post, just drop it into your mod's Flight folder, overwrite if asked tested with stock clouds, SARCASM 1.5 and excellent Menrva's realSKY Environment -which I am looking at modding a bit on my end technical blurb: this is simple vertex shader hack that pushes the vertices of clouds plane meshes downwards in world space by user-configurable value: const float4 P = mul(float4(input.pos.x,input.pos.y,input.pos.z - 1900, 1.0), g_mMeshToWorld); // position, world-space where 1900 is world-space units (= meters), all the hack does is feeds the shader skewed z (z being height in SF series, as things should be) value of course there are some issues with intersecting with close range terrain meshes (near_scene) so visual glitches might ensue at times but that was the reason TK pushed them up in the first place Also, if this or other method was posted earlier apologies, haven't looked around much the forums. Cheers, Stary ENVCLOUDS.FX
  5. Eurotrip or a non Official CA Getaround

    Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the experience Tio Enocito! And again, keep the socks
  6. Enhanced Explosions 2



    UPDATE 8.03.2008 v2.01 -included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it -included flareflash.tga, available in separate fix download __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a major update and extension of my "Enhanced Explosions" effects pack. If you've been using original Enhanced Explosions, you know what to expect -Hollywood style cinematic explosions, created to give TK's sims a blast. Also I still enjoy old "Jane's ATF" very much, and I missed some of it's spectacular fire in the sky lately. New stuff included is mostly about ground strikes and various air2ground weapons effects.
  7. those were there since day one IIRC, just modulation options built in, I was fiddling with those for some different trees graphics blending options for soem test treemods back when, never found them usable, nice to see those actually do have some use on certain materials/textures
  8. so is it out yet? find the trainers to be best bang for the buck in DCS for me
  9. well this is very crude shader tweak, messing with avionics -without even saying what specifically?- is different level and frankly out of scope of my interest
  10. this is most likely cheap 2002 era solution, puzzling given EAW had transparent see-through clouds layers (but not on overcast)
  11. Well on my end clouds disappear at times near borders but it's standard bug related to calculating what camera can see, nothing to do with this hack. Sadly only TK could fix some things...
  12. so Win10 when eh? tumbleweed? tumbleweed! prepurchased it and somewhat am not suprised it isn't here yet :insert suprised pikachu face: MiGMan_Flight_Sim_Museum -BTW pleasantly suprised to see a legend from modem times way back here, cheers!- made excellent points the biggest offense are the lighting and atmosphere, terrain I would argue still works in the tiled variant as titles like Falcon BMS or Vector Thrust show, it's the matter of polishing things there and ofc the big elephant in the room is lack of presence on Steam and GOG
  13. looking at his repo, seems intriguing what would improve the sim big time is going from stencil shadows to soft shadowmaps, man I need to hack in different flagging for inside views classes (cockpits) to cast shadows
  14. Hello Menrva! yes I seen the new fitting color in ODS 30, splendid job all the team! as for clouds I don't see much that can be done apart from extending their draw ranges and minimizing flicker/disappearances out of camera frustrum, which I have looked into and might have some tweaks -with the sacrifice of number or size of the individual clouds, sadly, but that is something I might look into in my limited spare hobby time.
  15. hello my name is Mek and I haven't been here in quite a bit that's nice, really nice please work on it
  16. View File Super Mystere B2 cockpit Version 1.3 posted, read the changelog. I strongly suggest you keep the 1.2 version backed up in case you don't like certain aspects of changes introduced in 1.3 (specular effect you might find too excessive) -------------------------------- Super Mystere B2 cockpit To install unpack to your Super Mystere folder, overwrite when asked have fun Stary Submitter Stary Submitted 02/28/2016 Category Jet Cockpits  
  17. Hollywood Explosions



    HOLLYWOOD EXPLOSIONS (Previously announced as "Enhanced Explosions 4") by Stary For Thirdwire series of Flight Simulators both Gen1 and Gen2 titles Note: This pack was made for, and heavily tested in SF2:Israel merged with all SF2 gen titles. Dec09 patch installation. No warranty for Gen1 Series/HDR Mod usage! ----------------------------------------------------- Hollywood Explosions f/x pack is my 4th edition of effects modding. I decided to name it this way, as a tribute to Longbow/Longbow 2 series of simulators -there was such an option there... And ideology besides, as EE4 sounds kinky, new name for the pack... ok, RAMBO 4 was good, ALIEN Ressu-whatever was not...
  18. regarding SF2 future discussion, check this one out: http://www.56.com/flashApp/out.14.01.07.a.swf?player_key=v&from=out&vid=MTA0NjU3NDkz&ref=simhq.com&swfhost=www.56.com&loading_deco_version=off
  19. Super Mystere B2 cockpit

    Version 1.3


    Version 1.3 posted, read the changelog. I strongly suggest you keep the 1.2 version backed up in case you don't like certain aspects of changes introduced in 1.3 (specular effect you might find too excessive) -------------------------------- Super Mystere B2 cockpit To install unpack to your Super Mystere folder, overwrite when asked have fun Stary
  20. View File F-94B cockpit (proper) This is correct 360-degree F-94B cockpit, to replace my earlier F-94C Starfire released in 2015 (as we lack Starfire model still...) unpack to your F-94B folder, overwrite when asked (you might want to delete replacement cockpit folder first if exists any) Submitter Stary Submitted 02/28/2016 Category Jet Cockpits  
  21. Version 1.0


    tiny additon, if you use Green Hell 3.5 here are slightly modified trees graphics also buildings textures made a little little darker unpack to your Vietnam map, overwrite enjoy
  22. Green Hell 3.5

    Version 1.0


    Description: This is optional high resolution repaint/treemod for SF2:V VietnamSEA map, I call it "Green Hell 3.5" ;) SF2:Vietnam required for Vietnam map (doh!) SF2 all-merged install preferred made and tested im May 2013 environment -included both 1024x1024 pixels and smaller 512x512 pixels versions for those with older computers -repainted hangars/base objects from my WW2 hangars pack, fits this particular scenery ok in my opinion -city textures by Brain32 from his excellent Vietnam repaint, used under freeware license -full TOD coverage included Installation: Backup your Vietnam folder, unpack and move/copy new VietnamSEA to your Vietnam folder, overwrite when asked. Legal mumbo jumbo: Freeware license apply, no to be used as part of any payware have phun Stary
  23. View File India/Pakistan Hi-res tileset This is set of satellite based 1024x1024 tiles created for India/Pakistan terrain by Deuces and Wrench Best to be used in dedicated India/Pakistan (AKA "Wings Over India") stand alone mod, but can be added to any install that has India/Pakistan map added into it. This pack assumes you do have installed and tested (flown over at least once) "Indiapak" map. Right now TODs and their placement is as they were for original terrain release, but they do work quite well. Also given the scope of the terrain portrayed and it's physical diversity I had to make some compromises. Submitter Stary Submitted 12/15/2011 Category Tilesets for Terrains  

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