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Everything posted by Eole

  1. F-4B Hi-Res Cockpit V2

  2. You can try this : cancel only your last system update
  3. Generally only in their respective set
  4. Shahak Over Israel. SF2.

    As usual outstanding
  5. Isfahan Int'l Airport TFB 8 The only one I took off from for now
  6. Credits : 3D model DLC TW , High res skins & decals by yakarov79
  7. Open the file with notepad save it as simple text file format (ANSI option)

    "Bonne année", Happy new year to you and yours
  9. Happy new year to you and yours Ace, I found this, interesting source about Naval weapons specially guns (unfortunately no drawings but lot of good pictures, and technical data) As example 100 mm/55 (3.9") Model 1953 http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNFR_39-55_m1953.php
  10. Related to a ground object I think
  11. you can try also at https://www.facebook.com/YankeeAirPirate-284823034925452/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf I received my SET 10 download link 5 days after my last YAP3 purchase
  12. This a bonus set granted to all the customers as you ( and me) who bought the 9 YAP3 first sets
  13. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    [AircraftData] .. Component[008]=Hide1 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Mesh01 ModelNodeName=Group1_ok DestroyedNodeName=Group1 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE ShowFromCockpit=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE Add all the green statements delete all the red ones work for me
  14. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Carlo try Mesh01 Bell_212.OUT.7z
  15. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    In fact this is the Bell 212 pretty well done but all the files have been improperly named "Alouette III" as you can see below
  16. Dassault Étendard IVM/IVP

    Nice, Thank you all , my SF2 French Navy aircraft collection is near to be completed except the Fouga CM.175 Zéphyr (Veltro2K made a good Fouga CM.170 Magister 3D main model, Stary a fantastic cockpit), and of course the SNCASE Aquilon series
  17. Ty Jared, I have the same problem, focusing now on South & North Vietnamese Tweety bird ( at the beginning the package size was 250 MB, now 500 MB +) , then Korean ones, MF F-8E(FN) & new F-8P, Spilonne Tu-22 Blinder series (I mean all the types) , TW SMB2 HD & derivatives, F-4B super pack, Ed Br.1050 & Br1050M Alizé and so on
  18. Using fake pilot method on Ed (Veltro2k) DC-8 main model ? And sorry but I can't resist, an ETA for release ?
  19. Nice Jared, this DC-8 is the French ELINT model Sarrigues I guess ?

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