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Lex2Limit last won the day on March 14

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About Lex2Limit

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  1. Hi Volks, another try to give the Phantom's Rader an immersive upgrade.... i tried to move the scope (graphicly alittle bit bihind the scope glass. because the Pilot's Screen is not directly bihinde the Scope glass like that from the WSO. But my problem....how can change the Radr position????? I can change the viewpoint, but not the Screen information. Like the Horizon Bar the Elevation Strobe... and so on. It's out of the center. because i move for psydo 3D th screen allitle bit up. the screenshot is Level Flight. but the Horizon and elevation is too low...
  2. By the way, is Here anybody that knows more about avionics.ini? What i missed in th 70.dll is the groundclutter in search Mode... Crusader?
  3. Nice Work!! i Play with some F-4J tweaks: RadarScreen early with Grid and Old Gunsight. Later Without Grid and New Gunsight. i'm not sure if this is correct but i see some Picture frome the new F-4J pit whre the Radar Screen is i little bit on the right (we don't have this pit in SF2 ) there s no grid and da Glass is a little bit pulpy.
  4. I play a little bit with your F-8 Avionics new Radar screen new Target Selector ( Yeah, after long time i find out how to change it!!!) and a color blured Gunsight
  5. Don't know the Type. but,yes its LCOS. MILS 50. inner Circle 30 Mils . Dot 2 Mils
  6. Niceeeeee!!!!! i also tweak some F-4 Avis last time. i have change a little bit, since i sent you my files. Specialy, since ravenclaw_007 give us his perfectly F-4D's Pits There is a nother gunsigt i think early F-4D's like in the Thunderchief (F-105?) you post a Picture of that.. And, what are these dark fields on the HUD you do???? you named it REFLEKTOR.TGA
  7. F-4D Cockpit Pack

    What a great Job, ravenclaw_007!!!!! Awesome! I Hope we get your F-4E/F pits too in the near Future
  8. Sure! i make PN and add my Files Give me some time so i can Upload all my stuff First for F-4s
  9. Hi Volks, Hi Eagle114th, i'm also tweak with some Avionics and Radar Screens since years. Specialy F-4, A-6, Tomcat and F/A-18C. I want to upload it as my own, but these great Mod is worth to bring all the stuff together! F-4B eary Radarscreen F-4C Early F-C 67
  10. Hi, there is only the mod0 in the download and no mod1 and no Pit with RWR or RadarScreen. If you want, i have some Nice Pit tweaks for the A-6B.

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