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Everything posted by hamshu

  1. This is originale! waiting Mirage V variable geometrie prototype.
  2. IAI Dagger A

  3. Super Mirage F1AZ

  4. img00006

    From the album F1AZ

  5. F1AZ

    F1-AZ cockpit work-in_progress
  6. img00005

    From the album F1AZ

  7. img00003

    From the album F1AZ

  8. img00002

    From the album F1AZ

  9. img00057

    From the album F1AZ

  10. img00056

    From the album F1AZ

  11. img00055

    From the album F1AZ

  12. img00054

    From the album F1AZ

  13. Super Mirage F1AZ

    Hello Denis, thanks ok i found the nose and exhaust .lod I rebuild a new .lod with the typical AZ noze but with the "classic" turbomeca ATAR engine. Your model is just perfect for this job. Did you have the "template" texture file, i would like to do à early sand/green AZ camo for your mirage... Perhaps one day a campaigne with Mirage F1 again Mig21&23 in the Angolane bush... Here work-in-progress-long-time-never-finishing AZ pit... http://combatace.com/gallery/album/1036-f1az/ I also finishing a Equatoriane KFire C2, seems we have some interests in common:
  14. Super Mirage F1AZ

    Nice rare model Thx on my SF2, No texture on the noze, No texture on the exhaust pipe after unzip/copy MF1AZSUPER.rar...? seems to be added parts. Did you have .lod of the base F1-AZ... Hey DreamTeam, can i use your F1GC cockpit texture to finish my AZ specific pit ?
  15. Kfir C2 (Ecuador)

  16. File Name: sfpedit.zip File Submitter: hamshu File Submitted: 13 May 2006 File Category: SF Utilities/Editors Just one other Mission creator for SFP with briefing map zoom possibility and drag and drop waypoints. Click here to download this file
  17. sfpedit.zip



    Just one other Mission creator for SFP with briefing map zoom possibility and drag and drop waypoints.

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