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About w3llt1n

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  1. i dont know what happen but my limit is 1 kb per day.. really? what is this? thank you...

  2. SF2 USAF F-35 redux

    thank you for sharing... Great Planes...
  3. AV-8B Harrier II - SF2. ver.2019

  4. F/A-18B/D Series By The Hornet Team (BETA!)

    like this aircraft. it is my best f18 variants in my game...
  5. South China Sea 250m v 0.1 BETA

    Thank You so much... I like this Mod....
  6. Fuji AH-1S Cobra Over Japan.SF2

    like it... cool...
  7. this the first post ww2 prop aircraft that i will try. thanks for sharing.. still enjoying this game.
  8. Kfir Over Israel. SF2.

    Nice fighter
  9. VF-154 Black Knights 1997-1999

    i will try this one. thank you for sharing... old yet still capable...
  10. SF1 -- IA-58 PUCARA Cockpit update

    I will try this one. thanks
  11. is there any latest max exporter for other version of 3dsmax like (v2010 - v2015) thanks...
  12. F-7N Airguard Over Iran. SF2.

    this is my first F7... thanks il try this plane...
  13. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    Thanks a lot for this pack... I enjoy flying it and still like f-15 for Air-superiority Role...

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