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About Tappedops

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    Close to the Edge...
  • Interests
    Escaping Reality...

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  1. Crimes in the Skies

    Ok that's it---this thread is locked by ME---I love you guys...I love this sim and I love America, and all this talk was caused by ME...please find it in your hearts to forgive me---im not who you think I am and im sorry...im going back to my Little -bird campaign and I don't want this thread to threaten my love for all that SF has given us all... end of story---mod please delete...
  2. Crimes in the Skies

    Ok that's it---this thread is locked by ME---I love you guys...I love this sim and I love America, and all this talk was caused by ME...please find it in your hearts to forgive me---im not who you think I am and im sorry...im going back to my Little -bird campaign and I don't want this thread to threaten my love for all that SF has given us all... end of story---mod please delete...
  3. Crimes in the Skies

    LOL...im actually talking about the commercial jet that flew into a hole the size of a thirty dollar backyard standing pool...
  4. Crimes in the Skies

    Thanks Atreides...I thought id go easy on them instead of posting the leaked footage of the Cruise Missile hitting the Pentagon...
  5. Crimes in the Skies

    Every airline pilot on this planet knows about GeoE---why so much backlash...you guys act like I posted this...---
  6. Crimes in the Skies

  7. Crimes in the Skies

    The think-tank word-smithing cointelpro disinfo term is "Persistent Contrails" ...fyi...
  8. Crimes in the Skies

    Ive been following the subject for 8 plus years...talked to pilots who fly these jobs... took 12 hundred pics for 2 different web-sites...ect. So I thought I would bounce it off you guys just cause its air-related ...--- http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
  9. Having a Bad Day at Work? Watch This

    To be honest, I first thought it was staged---but when I felt the anger of the mail box thing I realized he was sick and tired of having to dig wedged whatevers out of the can ( the anger started there)...and how the mail box got singled out is just random im guessing---the 40 thousand question is...how did it all end up being taped...at a perfect vantage?
  10. Having a Bad Day at Work? Watch This

    Wow...A truly professional debris specialist who not only takes care of your trash needs, but goes the extra mile to rid you of that pesky trash-mail we all hate so much...
  11. First of all --A big Thanks to Eole for going to the trouble of putting a Loach camp together for me. unfortunately I cant get it to work in my folder as is, probably because im missing something. (BTW Eole, what is merged in your main game folder...if you can post a pic---I could try to copy it and see if that's the problem...Thanks Again I was able to place the loach(1st/9th) into KJakkers highly *Classified* Rolling Thunder Expanded/Edited campaign and its working great so far and I will keep flying this for now... this is not to say that im giving up on Eoles campaign...but after trouble shooting for 3 days I just need rest. Thanks to everyone who has helped me...
  12. HH-53C / CH-53C Super Jolly Green Over Europe

    Big grey thundercloud overhead---run for your lives---sounds and flies as well as any modern day heli sim ship...all she needs is a campaign of her own...
  13. Stuffed the HH-Gray into the Red Thunder campaign...and so far everyone thinks were a gray rain cloud and runs for cover...well sometimes... Nice Ships...running both...VN and E---nobody mess with SJGGzzzzz
  14. Australian Army UH-1H Huey

    needs an update---it blows up if launched on ground...
  15. HH-53B, HH-53C, CH-53C Super Jolly Green Over Vietnam

    What a Gem...as much as I like the Loach and the Apache...this monster is the go-to of all whirlies---you can really feel the girth in the FM and pound for pound can probably stand up to any modern large heli sim. I stuffed the CH into the RollingT campaign, and after 2 sorts its holding its own---but it makes me think that with such a great ship, all its got is a few single missions to fly---not cool. I posted on the boards about this and got 1 reply to a Loach camp...which didn't work for me. Bigtime ships like this one need a campaign of their own where they can shine, not just blend-in---theres dozens of modders that could put one together in just a few hours...Search and Rescue Jolly Campaign or bust...please someone...

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