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About Pensy101

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  1. I think I found out what the problem is: The flyovers always happened with A-6s, never with A-7s or F/A-18s. I checked the A-6E_79_LOADOUT.ini, and to cut a long story short, I learned that the MK82 Snakeye BaseQuantity is set to 12, and the Strike loadout equips 20 of them! Thus, the A-6s' inboard racks (which should have been loaded with 8 Snakeyes) are instead loaded with 8 CBU-100 AT cluster bombs. The AI does not drop these on buildings or other targets of Strike missions, and thus the A-6 flights do not expend all their ordnance, and somehow the AI reads this as "target not destroyed, keep flying." I went into Objects/Weapons/MK82SE/MK82SE_DATA.ini and adjusted the "BaseQuantity" value from 12 to 20 (BaseQuantity=20) I started a new campaign today and I haven't had a single problem. To anyone reading this, go into your Objects/Weapons folder and check your BaseQuantity values if you're having the problems I described.
  2. I've been having issues with escort missions in the Med Crisis expansion for SF2NA. To give an example from earlier, I was playing the El Dorado Canyon campaign as VF-84, escorting WOLFPACK flight (4 A-6s from VA-35) to a target on the Libyan coast. When WOLFPACK reached the target, they continued flying off into the desert until they hit the Wall, rather than turn back for the carrier as they should. Thus, I could not complete the mission. I have also noticed other flights of bombers doing the same thing during this playthrough, and I've had to abort and restart several missions after I've got one of these unwinnable escort misssions. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, do you know what the solution is? Thanks!
  3. Evening (from where I am, anyway), I went through the campaign files for Rolling Thunder in the Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam Air/Ground Expansion Pack's latest iteration (the September 2014 Update) and I found a problem with the pack's Rolling Thunder Variant campaigns' use of Navy squadrons. Eburger did an excellent job with these campaigns and shifting squadrons between carriers to represent the historical air wing changes during Rolling Thunder, but the campaign start and stop dates are out of whack. The dates are based on when the carrier left or arrived at her homeport, not when she actually arrived and began air ops on Yankee Station. I modified the campaign files accordingly, so that the various Navy squadrons first appear on the days they actually began airstrikes, rather than the days they left their homeports. In addition, I also modified the "RetireDate" values so that the squadrons depart the AO when they historically ceased air ops. I spent a great deal of time on various websites trying to figure this out, but sometimes I was unable to do so, and to cut a long story short, I had to make an educated guess on when some squadrons started or ended airstrikes (the only way to definitively figure out these squadrons' deployments is to physically go to Maryland and read the actual deck logs.) Still, the modifications I did will give an extra bit of immersion for Navy grognards by more accurately depicting the ebb and flow of Navy squadrons during Rolling Thunder. Keep in mind that you won't be able to fly off of Forrestal anymore, as she only spent a few days (July 25-27, 1967) on station before her infamous fire that sent her back to the States, and never made another Vietnam cruise again. All this being said, though, I can't post my campaign files yet, as this is simply my personal work on Eburger's mod and I don't want to post anything without his permission. If he comes on here and gives me the okay, I'll post these campaigns in the Downloads section under my own account. Until then, I'll await a response. If you're reading this, Eburger, I'm also okay if you want to post the files yourself in Downloads as an update to the SF2V Air/Ground Expansion Pack. If that is your chosen course of action, be sure to explicitly credit me for my work in this regard. My title for this project is "On Yankee Station: SF2V Air/Ground Expansion Historical Navy Campaign Update." Cheers!
  4. Disclaimer I left out most of the support vessels, as well as all submarine units. This is to keep this list to a reasonable length and provide information that is relevant specifically to Cold War Pacific air campaigns (this is Strike Fighters 2, not Cold Waters.) For further information, go to http://ww2.dk/new/newindex.htm Conclusion I hope this provides a good outline of the major combat units (excluding submarines; see disclaimer) of the Soviet Pacific Fleet circa 1983. As a side note, this information would be useful not only for this proposed Midway campaign, but also for a Kamchatka or Bering-Strait-themed SF2NA campaign using the respective terrains posted by other modders. Let me go on record saying that a Kamchatka-based campaign in the vein of the SF2NA North Cape Pack's Kola Strike campaign (itself a remastered version of the campaign of the same name from Fleet Defender) would be something that I personally would very much like to see. I trust that my work here will be of great utility to both this and future modding endeavors. As for Menrva, if you have any further questions of me, please post them on this thread or PM me. All information listed herein is taken from Michael Holm's website at http://ww2.dk/new/newindex.htm, and all credit is due him for compiling this information. My thanks to him for doing the legwork to find out all these minutiae.
  5. Air Units The Pacific Fleet's aerial component was under the command of the Department of Naval Aviation, Pacific Fleet, and comprised of the following units: 25th Maritime Missile Aviation Division, based at Knevichi, Primorskiy Kray and comprised of the following sub-units: 341st Maritime Missile Aviation Squadron, based at Khorol, Primorskiy Kray (Tu-16K-10-26) 183rd Maritime Missile Aviation Regiment, based at Knevichi, Primorskiy Kray (Tu-16K and Tu-16 ELINT variants) 169th Guards Mixed Aviation Regiment, based at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam (Tu-16K, Tu-16Z tanker, Tu-95R, and Tu-142M) 143rd Red Banner Maritime Missile Aviation Division, based at Mongokhto (Alekseyevka), Khabarovsk Kray and comprised of the following sub-units: 568th Maritime Missile Aviation Regiment, based at Mongokhto (Alekseyevka), Khabarovsk Kray (Tu-16K, Tu-16Z tanker, Tu-16 ELINT variants, Tu-22M2) 570th Maritime Missile Aviation Regiment, based at Mongokhto (Alekseyevka), Khabarovsk Kray (Tu-16K, Tu-16 ELINT variants, Tu-22M2) 173rd Independent Maritime Assault Aviation Regiment, based at Pristan, Primorskiy Kray (Su-17M and Su-17UM) 311th Independent Shipborne Assault Aviation Regiment, based at Pristan, Primorskiy Kray (Yak-38, MiG-21UM) 304th Independent Guards Long-Range Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment, based at Khorol, Primorskiy Kray (Tu-95R) 77th Independent Long-Range Anti-Submarine Aviation Regiment, based at Nikolaevka, Primorskiy Kray (Il-38) 289th Independent Anti-Submarine Aviation Regiment, based at Nikolaevka, Primorskiy Kray (Be-12) 310th Independent Long-Range Anti-Submarine Aviation Regiment, based at Mongokhto (Alekseyevka), Khabarovsk Kray (Tu-142M) 710th Independent Shipborne Anti-Submarine Helicopter Regiment, based at Novonezhino, Primorskiy Kray (Ka-25, Mi-14, Ka-27) 51st Independent Anti-Submarine Helicopter Squadron, based at Novonezhino, Primorskiy Kray (Mi-14, Mi-8) 55th Independent Anti-Submarine Helicopter Squadron, based at Korsakov, Sakhalin Oblast (Mi-14, Mi-8) 317th Independent Mixed Aviation Regiment, based at Elizovo, Kamchatka Kray (Ka-25, Tu-16R, Be-12) 593rd Independent Transport Aviation Regiment, based at Knevichi, Primorskiy Kray (Tu-104, An-12)
  6. Naval Infantry The Pacific Fleet's Naval Infantry compliment was the 55th Naval Infantry Division, based out of Vladivostok and comprised of the following units: HQ 106th Naval Infantry Regiment 165th Naval Infantry (Air Landing) Regiment 390th Naval Infantry Regiment (based at Slavyanka, Primorskiy Kray) 150th Tank Regiment 921st Artillery Regiment (based at Slavyanka, Primorskiy Kray) 923rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment 263rd independent Reconnaissance Battalion 509th independent Engineering Battalion 1484th independent Communications Battalion 240th independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion 398th independent Material Supply Battalion 316th independent Medical Company 5th independent Chemical Defence Company
  7. Kamchatka Flotilla, commander unknown, composed of the following units: 173rd Anti-Submarine Warfare Brigade, based out of Ilicheva Bay (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka), Kamchatka Oblast (Riga-class patrol boats Lun, SKR-50, SKR-55, and SKR-59, Kotlin-class destroyers Vozmushshschennyy, Vliyatelnyy, and Vozbuzhdennyy, Krivak I-class frigates Letuchiy, Retivyy, Razumnyy, and Storozhevoy, and Krivak II-class Rezkiy.) 114th Coastal Defence Brigade, based out of Avacha Bay (Zavoyko), Kamchatka Oblast (Poti-class patrol boats MPK-1, MPK-17, MPK-111, MPK-112, MPK-136, and MPK-169, and Grisha I-class patrol boats MPK-122, MPK-143, MPK-145, and MPK-170) Continued on next post...
  8. Sakhalin Flotilla, commander unknown, composed of the following units: 193rd Anti-Submarine Warfare Brigade, based out of Zavety Ilicha (Sovetskaya Gavan), Khabarovsk Kray (Kotlin-class destroyers Veskiy, Blestyashschyy, Skrytnyy, and Vyderzhannyy, Kanin-class destroyers Upornyy and Gnevnyy, Sverdlov-class cruiser Aleksandr Suvorov, and Krivak II-class frigates Grozyashschyy, Revnostnyy, and Ryanyy) 33rd Coastal Defence Brigade, based out of Aniva Bay (Korsakov), Sakhalin Oblast (Grisha I-class patrol boats MPK-4, MPK-37, Zaporoshskiy Komsomolets, and MPK-155) 137th Coastal Defence Brigade, based out of Broutona Bay, Simushir Island, Sakhalin Oblast (Petya-class patrol boats SKR-18, SKR-92, SKR-36, and SKR-46) 196th Coastal Defence Brigade, based out of Postovaya Bay (Sovetskaya Gavan), Khabarovsk Kray (Riga-class patrol boats SKR-4, SKR-75, SKR-74, SKR-10, and SKR-61, and Petya-class patrol boats SKR-11, SKR-46, and SKR-135.) Continued on next post...
  9. Primorskiy Flotilla, commander unknown, composed of the following units: 165th Missile Ship Brigade, based out of Uliss Bay (Vladivostok), Primorsky Kray (Tarantul I-class missile boat R-42 and Nanuchka I-class missile boats Musson, Tayfun, Tsiklon, and Vikhr) 202nd Anti-Submarine Warfare Brigade, based out of Abrek Bay (Fokino), Primorsky Kray (Petya-class patrol boats SKR-78, SKR-43, SKR-3, SKR-128, SKR-23, and SKR-15, and T58-class minesweepers Primorskiy Komsomolets, Pavlin Vinogradov, Timofey Ulyantsev, and SKR-137.) 47th Coastal Defence Brigade, based out of Paris Bay, Russkiy Island, Primorsky Kray (Poti-class patrol boats MPK-107, MPK-114, MPK-134 and Grisha I-class patrol boats MPK-36, MPK-41, MPK-81, and MPK-117.) 45th Costal Defence Brigade, based out of Severnaya Bay (Vladimir), Primorsky Kray (Riga-class patrol boats Pingvin, Gepard, SKR-54, and Irkutskiy Komsomolets) Continued on next post...
  10. Red Banner Pacific Fleet Order of Battle, September 1983 The Red Banner Pacific Fleet (henceforth referred to as "Pacific Fleet") was under the command of Fleet Admiral Vladimir Vasilevich Sidorov. It was headquartered at Vladivostok, Primorsky Kray, and composed of the following units: 10th Operational Squadron, commanded by Vice-Admiral Rostislav Leonidovich Dymo and based out of Abrek Bay (Fokino), Primorsky Kray. The 10th consisted of: Sverdlov-class cruisers Admiral Senyavin and Dimitry Pozharskiy 175th Missile Ship Brigade (Kotlin-class destroyers Besslednyy and Vdokhnovennyy, Kynda-class cruisers Varyag and Admiral Fokin, Kresta I-class frigate Sevastopol, and Kara-class anti-submarine cruisers Petropavlovsk, Tallin, and Tashkent.) 201st Anti-Submarine Warfare Brigade (Kotlin-class destroyers Burlivyy and Vyzyvayushschyy, Kanin-class destroyer Gordyy, Kashin-class destroyers Sposobnyy, Steregushschyy, Strogiy, and Odarennyy, Krivak I-class frigates Poryvistyy and Razyashschyy, Krivak II-class frigate Gordelivyy, Kresta I-class frigate Sevastopol, Kresta II-class frigates Admiral Oktyabrskiy, Vasiliy Chapaev, and Marshal Voroshilov, and Kiev-class aircraft carriers Novorossiysk and Minsk.) Continued on next post...
  11. Here are some links that might help... http://russianships.info/eng/ You'll have to go through the list manually, but it lists everything from patrol boats to boomers (and everything in between), complete with records of what fleet they were assigned to. In your case, you need Pacific Fleet units (many ships were transferred between fleets. Also, try this one... http://ww2.dk/new/newindex.htm The OOB information this site offers makes even my head spin. It has a Pacific Fleet OOB, but this is from 1988, so you'll need to do some digging. Is there anything specific you need to know (battlegroup composition, basing, etc.)? I can look that up immediately.
  12. I noticed something with the VF-84 skin for the F-14A_82. I thought it was odd that VF-84 was using its full-color skins in the '80s (Specifically El Dorado Canyon, and the North Cape '86 and Iceland '86 campaigns from the North Cape and North Atlantic expansion packs), so I consulted my old Squadron/Signal Publications book on the F-14 from the early '90s, and the photos of VF-84 Tomcats taken in the mid '80s all show a lo-viz paint scheme (for line birds; I'm sure squadron commanders and CAGs had their full-color liveries), but the Superpack doesn't have any lo-viz liveries for VF-84's F-14A_82s.
  13. Every flight I've done, I've never been able to trap aboard this carrier. I always touch down at about 140 knots, but the arrestor wires do next to nothing, and my aircraft veers hard to the right and either smashes into the island or flies off the deck. I've done so many traps in SF2 over the years, yet I can't seem to manage this one. Is there something wrong with the model?
  14. I've already edited the Indian Ocean and Vietnam Air-Ground Expansion Pack Endgame Linebacker '75 campaigns to take the Super Pack Tomcats. I'm referring to something like a Korea or Taiwan campaign. I distinctly remember the Korean campaigns from Fleet Defender, and most of the campaign modders for the various SF2NA packs have, understandably, created Atlantic and Med campaigns based on the Atlantic and Med campaigns from Fleet Defender. Specifically, I'm referring to the Powder Keg campaign from the SF2NA Med Crisis Pack, even having the same name and backstory from its Fleet Defender counterpart (an American response to Soviet and Libyan intervention in the 1982 Lebanon War) and the Fighting Withdrawal, Return to Narvik, and Kola Strike campaigns of the SF2NA North Cape Pack that are direct recreations of the three campaigns of the same name from Fleet Defender, as well as the aforementioned Southern Calm campaign that is a recreation of the Khyber Rifles 1990s campaign from Fleet Defender. I'd just like to see someone recreate the Korean campaigns and potentially do a Taiwan-based scenario just for fun. On a side note, have you created a livery for VF-103 (the Sluggers, not the post-1995 Jolly Rogers) F-14A_82s yet? It already exists for the VF-103 F-14A+_87s, but there's nothing for the '82s.

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