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Everything posted by RustyKurnass

  1. Hi all guys,I searched in the download section,but look like if we miss the SEA/wraparound skins for the 26th TRW RF-4C during his day at Zweibrücken. I noted that in TMF RF-4C package we have the Euro 1 camo,but not the previous ones ( the 38th TRS ,one of the Wing Squadron with the short-lived 17th TRS,operated the RF-4C since 1965). Is only a my error or the community lack these skins?
  2. Thx Daddy, I'll search for planes covering the mid ' 70s to mid 80s timeframe
  3. And Zuni with the Marines in Vietnam. Gkabs, thanks for your work , the A is great and I'm sure the same for the B
  4. That's great guys, love your works! This can be adapted to other planes ; I remember reading somewhere that the F-4G had a similar system indicating the selected target for the HARMs, but don't rmember the source...
  5. IMpressive like always my friend, can't wait for it!!! Mandatory screen
  6. AN/ALE-40 dispenser

    Mate I've asked my friend for info but he can't help, this was is response "Beyond my time in the Phantom ... and beyond my technical expertise ... " Anyway, I posted a link of this thread in the modelling forum of which I'm a subscriber ; there're is plenty of expert about the Phantom.
  7. Hello guys,was quite some times don't play with our beloved sims, but today want fly a mission with the Nam F-111A and noted that the load out don't rotate with the pylons! Checked all the modded games and look like if only the F-111A, -D and -E (not in ODS30) are affected. Any idea? Don't remember correctely if the planes are from the SuperPack Thanks, Gianni
  8. AN/ALE-40 dispenser

    Can ask my friend Gene for any help, if at the time he still fly the Rhino
  9. F-111s problem

    Thanks for the help guys. Bazillius is exactly what I've done , extracted the Data.ini from the SuperPack and replaced those of the models that was wrong and now all work normally! Again many thanks to all for your time and suggestions Gianni
  10. F-111s problem

    Look ok to me, but here the Data.ini of the F-111A F-111A_DATA.INI
  11. ODS 30th AnniversarY!!!!
  12. SF2 Vietnam Scooters

    Fantastic mate, just fantastic! I waited for so much time foe this release, you know ! This's a work of love and an example to follow!!!!
  13. Scooters

    That's awesome!!!! I'm very happy especially 'cause finally we will havw correct skins for the Marines VMAs, there're a lack of good liveries
  14. Scooters

    Oh dear, cannot wait for all these beauty!!!!
  15. Italy, Southern Europe (1993-2006)

    Great Rob!!! Rima Urbe is at 5 minute or less of driving time from my house, have a short runway but STOL bird can operate, remember a G-222/ C-27 landing and take-off during the airshow in the mid/late 80's- Now we need some new campaign ( OAF...)
  16. Hi guys, I've installed the SF2I Exp Pack but when use the Vautour,in any timeframes ,both Campaign or single Mission,the planes are completely black. I tried also the following skins but nothing. http://combatace.com/files/file/11155-israeli-vautours-pt1-vautour-iia-1958-1971/ Any help? Thx in advance, Gianni
  17. DCS MB-339A

    Fantastic, love the 339 since a child!!!! Started recently play at DCS, will be perfect have a trainer to train in the game, like in reality!!!
  18. Beautiful!!! About the pylons, as far I know are the same ; think instead that the rear office will have the HUD repeater on the IP cover
  19. NO mate, I don't delete nothing, just checked all the Campaignes DATA.ini and strike is presente in all the DATA, maybe happened when I paste the text here in the thread
  20. Hello guys, I've recntly installed the Op. Darius mod and is great, modern planes and a lot of fun dropping LGB and JDAM, but I've a odd issue. The parked planes on carrier deck are pratically under the sea level! I don't know if someone else have the same problem or if was already discussed, but is there a solution? Thanks in advance for any help
  21. Already done mate but look like don't work,will try again... The Sufa Data.ini [MissionData] NationName=Israel ServiceStartYear=2004 ServiceEndYear=2020 AircraftRole=ATTACK AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=COMMON PrimaryRoles=STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON SecondaryRoles=SWEEP,CAP,INTERCEPT,ESCORT,ANTI_SHIP NormalMissionRadius=579.4 MaxMissionRadius=874.0 Ceiling=16760 MinBaseSize=MEDIUM
  22. Ok. I've sorted out the problem. There're two types of carriers, CVN68 ( used by default in the Campaignes) and CVN-68. Swapping in the Campaign Data.ini to the latter nmodel solved the issue. Another lil' problem; I modified the Campaignes in order to fly the IAF F-15I and F-16I , but the game assign only A/A missions when in reality the Squadrons involved are primarily strike oriented. Changed in the Data.ini the mission chances to reflect this MissionChance[SWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=90 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[SEAD]=50 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=0 But for the only campaign played till now i've only flown A/A missions. Any idea?

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