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About Chakat_Avocado

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    Photography, graphic design, aviation, sci-fi, futurism

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  1. SF2 F-16A Block 1 (TMF) Pack

    I have noticed when I attempt to fly at top speed mach at altitude, it will not reach the intended speeds and sit around mach 1.2ish and this is in a clean config. Suppose there maybe lack of thrust or high amounts of drag is being generated on the air-frame.
  2. Absolutely wonderful. :) Is this still private or ready to be released sometime eventually if I may ask?
  3. Hello everyone, I am asking any of those if they too are having similar issues though for some reason I am able to access it via my iphone. However, if I do not use incognito mode and open the website via firefox, it tell me that there is a 403 error and general access is forbidden. Please help me if you can, especially any staff at hand. Thank you sincerely. EDIT: I am now able to access the website normally without resorting to incognito mode and browsing via iPhone. Hopefully the issue has been fully resolved. I think all it took was clearing out some cookies in the browser.
  4. The thing that I was thinking of is flying the F-8 after the Vietnam era and trying my skill with my Crusader on more modern jets. Some of the times I succeed and the latter not so much. Pretty much a double negative situation which requires wits and skills to outfight anyone and anything.
  5. Quite frankly, during Vietnam, the later F-8E, J and H, while capable of having flares simply did not need them during the early part of the war due to radar guided sams. However, later on the war and after, eventually they will need them as air threats along with ground based ones evolve will have better aam and sams. The Soviet R-60 while agile and lethal loves to eat flares if done properly.
  6. After doing long research and reading up on the flight documentation of the F-8 Crusader, I have found that there is support for chaff and flares on the aircraft though in game, only 60 chaff is available unless editing the data file. I went and gave the F-8's 30 chaff and flares as the manual says in real life as far as the mod 3 F-8E to F-8J and H around 1966 to the latest. I would hope eventually someone can update the countermeasure options in a later update to the F-8 on one of the third party mods like the mirage pack, french F-8 and such. Just saying.
  7. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  8. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  9. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  10. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  11. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  12. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  13. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  14. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.
  15. DCS World images

    Just some random DCS World images at your disposal from my random single player flights.

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