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Everything posted by Spinoee

  1. Updated this mod to Version 2.0. Now includes custom cockpit with large area display and rear seat/WSO model (still only playable from the front seat though). You can read the description for more details.
  2. View File F-15EX Eagle II Mod for DCS World (Updated) The F-15EX is the latest development of the F-15E Strike Eagle. It features modernized avionics, radar, weapons systems, and new engines packed inside a 20,000 flight hour airframe. Fly-by-wire flight controls enable payloads on stations 1 and 9 (previously unused), allowing the F-15EX to carry up to 12 air to air missiles, though AMBER racks could theoretically increase this to 20. Unfortunately I can only include one livery with this mod due to file size limitations. The others are available on the User Files as well as in a separate livery pack here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n5qtz5axtph4xo5yautzo/F-15EX-Fictional-ANG-Liveries_123_194.7z?rlkey=fruyzwjm9580b9e1tffcog5z8&dl=0 Version 2.0 comes with the custom cockpit from @musolo, as well as the AIM-260A JATM and support for currenthill's AIM-174B missile mod. It is otherwise very similar to the previous release Version 1.8.7. Installation: Just extract the .7z file and drop it into Saved Games/DCS/mods/aircraft (or Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/mods/aircraft depending on which version you have). This mod has been tested with DCS 2.9 as of 11/10/22. Submitter Spinoee Submitted 02/09/2022 Category DCS Aircraft Mods  
  3. Anyone considered doing a DCS World mod of the Convair 201? I loved the one for SF2, and I know it never got built, but it would definitely be a lot of fun to play with in DCS.
  4. I'm pretty sure since Razbam is still selling the F/A-201 for FSX, they wouldn't be happy about me using it for DCS, but I could ask.
  5. Theoretically you could get four more if you give up the fuel tanks, but that's still better than the SH, because it can only carry one tank with 12 AMRAAMs, not two.
  6. Not an SF2 image, but proof that the Tomcat can carry just as many AMRAAMs as the Super Hornet. All you need is the right launcher...
  7. I found this mod on my hard drive from years ago, and since the dev has long since gone dormant and the download link may not even exist anymore, I decided to re-vitalize it. Therefore, I present the F/A-18E Super Hornet Mod for DCS World! This mod currently uses F-15C avionics and cockpit, just like most of the VSN mods, but I hope to change that at some point. The external model is not completely accurate (wing pylons are not angled outward like they should be and the outer wing pylons are shaped incorrectly), but it'll do for now. Full air to air capability and limited air to ground capability with unguided bombs/rockets. Now all I need is for someone to make some Top Gun Maverick skins for it! Releases soon!
  8. Version 1.5 is released! I have added the outer wing pylons, AGM-88F HSCM, AMBER racks, AIM-120C-7 (big thank you to the Gripen team for letting me use their code as a base) and the Legion IRST pod.
  9. I've been working on this for a while now, and a stand-in version exists already both on the DCS User Files and here on CombatAce, but I'm hoping to make it far more realistic with a new cockpit and external model. It currently uses the F-15C cockpit and F-15E external model, not exactly ideal.
  10. I hope to switch to this model when I can come up with the funds for it.
  11. This is a pretty old-school way of thinking, but you might think long and hard about whether she should have that kind of authority or not... DCS is definitely worth it. My first module was the F-14, and I love it so much it's not even funny.
  12. No wonder I never got a response :/
  13. F-19 Stealth Fighter

    If only we had this in DCS World! Would go well with A-10A avionics borrowed, and non-clickable FC3-style cockpit...
  14. Who owns the 3d model of the F/A-201 Kestrel mod that I have seen on here?
  15. I messaged Julhelm about getting the source files, no response as yet.
  16. Definitely would be.
  17. Version 2.0


    The F-15EX is the latest development of the F-15E Strike Eagle. It features modernized avionics, radar, weapons systems, and new engines packed inside a 20,000 flight hour airframe. Fly-by-wire flight controls enable payloads on stations 1 and 9 (previously unused), allowing the F-15EX to carry up to 12 air to air missiles, though AMBER racks could theoretically increase this to 20. Unfortunately I can only include one livery with this mod due to file size limitations. The others are available on the User Files as well as in a separate livery pack here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n5qtz5axtph4xo5yautzo/F-15EX-Fictional-ANG-Liveries_123_194.7z?rlkey=fruyzwjm9580b9e1tffcog5z8&dl=0 Version 2.0 comes with the custom cockpit from @musolo, as well as the AIM-260A JATM and support for currenthill's AIM-174B missile mod. It is otherwise very similar to the previous release Version 1.8.7. Installation: Just extract the .7z file and drop it into Saved Games/DCS/mods/aircraft (or Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/mods/aircraft depending on which version you have). This mod has been tested with DCS 2.9 as of 11/10/22.
  18. Great COIN and light attack plane. Multicrew?
  19. Is the Mirage Factory team able to make a proper cockpit for their F-14D mod? I love the fact that they have put so much effort into making the F-14 Superpack as realistic as is possible within SF2, except for the F-14D cockpit. It appears to use the exact same pit as the F-14B, even though the Super Tomcat had some of its gauges rearranged to allow for 2 MFDs. At left is what is currently included. At right is what the real F-14D Cockpit looked like. I don't know if TMF has anything like this in the works, but if not, I just wanted to remind them (i'm sure they already know given the realism of the other F-14 variants).
  20. View File [What If] AIM-7N for SF2 AIM-7N Sparrow (What If) for SF2, any/all. What if the nuclear warhead element of the Sparrow X project was carried over to a version of the AIM-7F? Installation: Just drop into your mods folder and go fly. Tested using the F-4T Air Superiority mod by dtmdragon, but should work with any AIM-7-capable aircraft. Credits: gunnypak for the AIM-7F Aerial Nuke Effect: Lexx Luthor (got it from the F-106 pack by DaniloE31) Modified AIM-7 skin with blue nose: Me (Spinoee) Submitter Spinoee Submitted 05/24/2020 Category Single Ordnance Files  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    AIM-7N Sparrow (What If) for SF2, any/all. What if the nuclear warhead element of the Sparrow X project was carried over to a version of the AIM-7F? Installation: Just drop into your mods folder and go fly. Tested using the F-4T Air Superiority mod by dtmdragon, but should work with any AIM-7-capable aircraft. Credits: gunnypak for the AIM-7F Aerial Nuke Effect: Lexx Luthor (got it from the F-106 pack by DaniloE31) Modified AIM-7 skin with blue nose: Me (Spinoee)
  22. Yeah it's like a late-model F-14A pit. I'd love to see a real F-14D pit for TMF's Tomcat.
  23. It can't be that difficult, if they had the time and inclination to put it together. Might have to use the avionics70.dll instead of the avionicsf14.dll to make those MFDs work. The big thing would probably be redoing the actual 3d model of the cockpit.

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