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Everything posted by simonmiller416

  1. Do we now have JDAM-ER and AGM-84H SLAM-ER? My friend bought the available material and it looks pretty good. (The production of weapons is much simpler than that of aircraft.)
  2. Oh my friend, of course, it's just... I hope to find legal and accurate model resources. If I model it myself, it may take a long time.
  3. View File ADM-160 Miniature Air-Launched Decoy From Wikipedia: "The ADM-160 MALD (Miniature Air-Launched Decoy) is a decoy missile developed by the United States. It uses gradient-index optics to create a radar cross section that simulates an airplane, in order to confuse missile defense systems. ...... ADM-160B Decoy version developed by Raytheon with longer endurance. In use by the USAF. ADM-160C "MALD-J" Radar jammer variant of ADM-160B by Raytheon. This variant of the MALD decoy can operate in both decoy and jammer modes...... MALD-J will provide stand-in jamming capability for the Airborne Electronic Attack Systems of Systems. It will be launched against a preplanned target and jam specific radars in a stand-in role to degrade or deny the IADS detection of friendly aircraft or munitions.Delivery to the US Armed Forces is to begin in 2012. That year, the Air Force ended procurement of the ADM-160B and will only procure MALD-J versions. MALD-N Navy variant based on the MALD-J. " This mod Include: 1.ADM-160B MALD 2.ADM-160C MALD-J 3.ADM-160D MALD-N Usage and precautions: 1.Upzip and copy ADM-160C folder to Objects/Weapons ; 2.For a true decoy effect I set it to "ASM" and "is decoy" ,so the ADM-160C is restricted to ASM compatible weapon station ; 3.Since it works similar to a drone in reality, it doesn't cause any damage to any target in the game, and may not even hit the target accurately,but it can indeed play a very good role in covering cruise missiles. Please be clear about your purpose of use and make a good choice. Model/Texture: BorisBC; Data/Modding: Me. Submitter simonmiller416 Submitted 10/22/2023 Category Single Ordnance Files  
  4. Version 2.0.0


    From Wikipedia: "The ADM-160 MALD (Miniature Air-Launched Decoy) is a decoy missile developed by the United States. It uses gradient-index optics to create a radar cross section that simulates an airplane, in order to confuse missile defense systems. ...... ADM-160B Decoy version developed by Raytheon with longer endurance. In use by the USAF. ADM-160C "MALD-J" Radar jammer variant of ADM-160B by Raytheon. This variant of the MALD decoy can operate in both decoy and jammer modes...... MALD-J will provide stand-in jamming capability for the Airborne Electronic Attack Systems of Systems. It will be launched against a preplanned target and jam specific radars in a stand-in role to degrade or deny the IADS detection of friendly aircraft or munitions.Delivery to the US Armed Forces is to begin in 2012. That year, the Air Force ended procurement of the ADM-160B and will only procure MALD-J versions. MALD-N Navy variant based on the MALD-J. " This mod Include: 1.ADM-160B MALD 2.ADM-160C MALD-J 3.ADM-160D MALD-N Usage and precautions: 1.Upzip and copy ADM-160C folder to Objects/Weapons ; 2.For a true decoy effect I set it to "ASM" and "is decoy" ,so the ADM-160C is restricted to ASM compatible weapon station ; 3.Since it works similar to a drone in reality, it doesn't cause any damage to any target in the game, and may not even hit the target accurately,but it can indeed play a very good role in covering cruise missiles. Please be clear about your purpose of use and make a good choice. Model/Texture: BorisBC; Data/Modding: Me.
  5. ADM-160 Miniature Air-Launched Decoy

    I carried 2xADM-160C+2xAGM-158C on EricJ’s FA-18F and carried out countless anti-ship missions, and got a good response,my seven allied SuperBugs and I fired 14 160Cs and 14 158Cs, causing serious damage to the red fleet all the time.
  6. ADM-160C MALD-J (So, is there any way to get these decoys to hover over the target?)
  7. Viper Pit

  8. I am a modern scripts enjoyer, and I would like to add some more to this, lol - JHMCS/HMD ,this is almost a must for most fourth/fifth generation fighters, especially the F35, which has even removed the HUD . We can rely on the HMD to do a lot of very interesting things when fighting. It would be cool, and it would be very convenient to find targets when you have the data link. - Datalink ,we all know that in SF2NA, when conducting naval campaigns/missions, there will be an AWACS hovering in the sky, although they are more like the atmosphere group in a nightclub,it will only answer our inquiries mechanically and provide inaccurate information. I think this is more of a design that enhances the immersion.If we have a data link, AWACS will become very useful. For example, hollow icons on the radar represent targets in the radar blind spot, and these targets can be displayed when there are early warning aircraft in the sky. - Horizontal Situation Display/Tactical Awareness Display, needless to say, the MFD has an optional display mode that can read almost all battlefield situation information.
  9. Haha, to me, it can be said that it is almost all, BMS has improved a game produced around the millennium (like those novalogic classic) into a modern game close to DCS. For SF2, what I hope for is as you said before, some new features. The BMS project itself is Falcon 4.0, which has opened up its original code on a large scale, and programmers and retired pilots in the entire community have passionately participated in the development.
  10. Hey, I think you're a little misunderstood on this one. What I mean is that it is not necessary to simulate like DCS or BMS, but to see how they evolved from the original Falcon4.0 to F4 BMS.
  11. Personally speaking, I certainly hope that SF2 can improve like BMS.
  12. Thanks to coupi who help me with FM,and I may check the rest!
  13. my SF2 got hijacked

    It's my little trick to steal your mod! Yeah sounds like joystick problem.
  14. I also encountered other things. The J-15A/B that was being adjusted obviously had a serious FM problem. I have fixed the biggest bug as much as possible, but the bird will still autonomously lift up after increasing the thrust, so that after being launched, it will roll countless times in the air and finally fall into the sea due to stalling. But shortly after takeoff, we were able to maintain a normal flying attitude. I think I mistakenly assigned the wrong lift coefficient to some of the airfoils(maybe mostly because of the flaps?),since I didn't assign the thrust vector to the engine, and I didn't set the "AOA limit overwirite" on the J-20mod for it, but it's hard for me to pinpoint the reason. Is anyone interested in checking and fixing it for me? Appreciate!
  15. Donno if I miss something but how about cockpit? Will use F-18's or...?
  16. Flanker, but no longer Flanker

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