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Only got around to installing the New Hornets yesterday and for some reason I've got a hankering to fly a CF-188B, probably due to that fly on the wall Cold Lake show a couple of years back. Saw some skins for the original MF mod however I was wondering if anyone had done any foreign operator skins for the new Mod Mafia Hornets?


Don't want it to sound like a request, if they don't exst then so be it, however if I'm stumbling around with my eyes shut could someone direct me to them?



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which operators? the pack includes Canada, Switzerland, Kuwait, and Spain at least. Poss. others like Finland but they should be easily modded in if not.

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Just double checked, only showing USN and USMC.


Think i goofed, I only downloaded the 1.1 packs, entirely American. Went and grabed the 1.0 pack and its showing foreign skins.




Installed and flown, some decals missing, no shadows and the rudders are permanently angled inwards. Don't know if anyones planing on working on it anymore. New pit is major improvement :biggrin:

Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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Wow. Talk about coincidence. I just installed the new Hornets yesterday, too. I think I was keeping them at arms length until I had time to figure out what was in there. I think the whole Hornet team was suffering from overload at the time of release (if you remember, Dave said in the readme that "We're sick of looking at it.) Because of this, the release was a little haphazard. But anyway I installed them yesterday, too. I think you can scavenge all or most of the Canadian decals from this earlier pack by dtmdragon: http://combatace.com...roject-updated/ . I think decals for the Kuwaiti aircraft can be found in the older FA-18A and C Hornet Pack in the downloads section. As far as the rest, I'm sure I've seen some Swiss skins around somewhere and I think maybe some Spanish ones, too. I don't want anyone to think I was being critical of the Hornet team in my earlier comments; I know this was a huge amount of work, the new pit is incredible, and my hat is off to them. Anything the rest of us can do to help tie up some of the loose ends is the least we can do.


Edit: Almost forgot. With some missiles on the inner wing pylons, you'll see a black, untextured rail between the pylon and the missile. You'll have to adjust the fuselage skin thusly:

Edited by SupGen

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Sorry, I never get the attachment thing right; the bottom skin is the unmodified one, the top one has the needed change.

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Yeah I remember reading that at the time, wasn't until I put it in game last night I ralised just how much had gone into it.

Will have a go at sorting out the rudders and Canadian birds at some point over the next week or so. Also noticed the fan disks on the CF-118B arn't quite right, spinning off centre and undersizesd with white bits. Havn't had time to check if its occuring on any of the other birds yet.


Thanks for the heads up on the rail :)



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No problem. I haven't actually put any of the Canadian birds into the game yet; I was just about to start adding decals from the pack referenced above when I saw your post and almost choked. I downloaded this the day it came out; 3000 miles between us and we both install it on the same day? Oooooh, scary man! :biggrin:

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Well it looks like the decals from that pack are usable for the CF-18As (except for 410Sqn, there aren't any), the numbers lists and .tgas in the decals folders seem to match up. (I'm going to stick them in-game now and do a little more testing.) The CF-18Bs, however, are going to need some new decals; the numbers lists in the texture folders are obvious placeholders, according to Joe Baugher the Bs were assigned numbers from 188901 to 188940, all of the As from 188701 to 188798 (as represented in the pack by dtmdragon). I would do this if I could, however the fix I posted above is about the limit of my prowess in the visual arts at this time. If anyone wants to do this, have at it.

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The main intent of the Hornet wasn't to go skin every jet (though SidDogg was working on some himself) but enough for a release. So there;s no harm in doing some more....

Edited by EricJ

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Installed and flown, some decals missing, no shadows and the rudders are permanently angled inwards.


fallenphoenix1986, the decals we've discussed (the numberslists and decal .inis do need some adjustments, but the decals from that pack are usable), the shadow issue is because there is no Shadow statement in the main .ini (can be copied over from the US FA-18s), as for the rudders, comment out the rudder toe in/toe out statements under both Left and RightVertTails thusly:







Again, this is copied from the US FA-18s.

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