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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Skins

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    1. MFJ.I, II, III D.VII skin pack

      Fokker D.VII 6-Pack
      Marine-FeldJagdstaffeln I, II, III (September 1918)
      a) Ltn.z.S Gothard Sachsenberg - Yellow and Black checkered fuselage
      Commander of all Marine-FeldJadgstaffeln
      b) One generic MFJ.I D.VII with single black stripe on both elevators
      a) One generic MFJ.II D.VII with two black stripes on each elevator
      a) Oblt. Franz Mayer - White fuselage with black diagonal bars along fuselage and three black stripes on elevators.
      b) Ltn. Hans Goerth - White fuselage band with large black heart. Three black bands on elevators.
      c) One generic MFJ.III D.VII with three black stripes on elevators.
      MFJ.I - One black stripe on each elevator.
      MFJ.II - Two Black stripes on each elevator.
      MFJ.III - Three black Stripes on each elevator.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    2. Jasta Boelcke - Summer/Autum 1918 Skin Pack

      This is a 12-Pack of Jasta Boelcke Fokker D.VII's in the Summer/Autum of 1918.
      Sadly the pilots and serials are unknown
      Only two can be identified AFAIK.
      Oblt. Carl Bolle - Black fuselage with yellow band
      Ltn. Alfred Lindenberg - Yellow and black striped fuselage
      I fixed the rudder cross. It's now a little bigger and extends onto the tail fin


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    3. Jasta 26 Fokker D.VII Skin Pack

      Fokker D.VII's of Jasta 26 in the summer/Autum of 1918
      Most are unidentified. Only five are known AFAIK
      One generic Jasta 26 skin included.
      Oblt. Bruno Loerzer - Black and white horizontal stripped upper wings and lower underside wings
      Ltn. Otto Esswein - Large "E" on fuselage sides and center section of upper wings
      Ltn. d R Franz Brandt - Thin black stripe
      Ltn. Theodor Dahlmann - Winged helmut
      Ltn Otto Fruhner - 4-F cross ( made to look like his Alb D.V)
      I fixed the tail crosses on all the skins and added three more ace skins.


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    4. Jasta 20 Ltn. Rudolf Wendelmuth

      Lt. Rudolf Wendelmuth of Jasta 20. Autum 1917.
      Albatros D.V, 1111/17


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    5. August Hartmann Jasta 30

      Here's a little bit of fun for Halloween.
      I first saw this D.VII marking in a German magazine published in the late 1930s. Later I found it had also been included in a Windsock Datafile Anthology vol III.
      August Hartmann served late in the war with Jasta 30, after that unit had moved on from the Pfalz D.IIIa and the orange diamond markings that are probably better known than the yellow fuselage and tail seen here. Some believe the nose and tail colors were orange because the previous markings featured that color, but a British intelligence officer reported that the fuselage was brown and the nose and tail were yellow.
      After only a few weeks service, Hartman was wounded and never had any confirmed victories, so, you can conclude that the witch either helped or saved him!
      There are two files sets, one for FE and the other for FE2. Just drop the appropriate file set in the Objects folder and you should be good to go. Both the FE and FE2 file sets include Halloween Fokker D7 Loading screens. All you need to do to get rid of them is delete those files. If you have special loading screens for the D7, back those up before installing. If you rely on the stock loading screens, those will reappear as soon as you delete the special Halloween screens.


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    6. Nieuport16C1 mid 1916 two-tone camo

      This is a Nieuport 16 of the RFC in mid 1916.
      A handfull of these Nieuports were painted in this two-tone camouflage of brown and olive green.
      No.2 and No.11 squadrons would be equipt with these such Nieuports.
      Ace Albert Ball would be one to fly Nieuport A134 with No.11 Squadron.
      On June 2, 1916 he would down a Roland C.II and an Aviatik two-seater.
      The following day of June the 3rd, Ball would be armed with Le Prier rockets and attack an
      observation balloon near Pelves.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    7. No.60 Sqn 6-Pack

      This is a pack of No.60 Squadron S.E.5 and S.E.5a skins.
      The "Early" skins are from mid July to the 26th of August, 1917. Red=A flight, Yellow= B flight, and Blue=C flight. Markings were on the nose, wheels, and fuselage.
      The "Mid" skins are from the 26th of August, 1917 to the 22nd of March, 1918. A white disc just aft of the fuselage roundel and on the upper fuselage
      decking just behind the cockpit. The wheels displayed the flight colors. A=Red, B=White, and C=Blue


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    8. Sopwith Camel F1, 210 Sqn, RFC, March 1918

      Sopwith Camel F1, 210 Sqn, RFC, March 1918
      This is simply a new skin for the Camel F1 at Combat Ace created by Mikewhl and uploaded by Capun..


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    9. Pfalz DIII 11 pack Jasta 10

      This is a skin ONLY add-on to the Pfalz DIII created by the
      SFP1 Dev A-Team's Skunkworks.
      Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template.
      And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Pfalz DIII model.
      This skin and decals pack was created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who registered at SFP1A-Team Skunkworks site and have downloaded with permission the Pfalz DIII. http://cplengineeringiic.com/SFP1/
      For FE2:
      This Pfalz D.III pack is of Jasta 10 from late 1917-1918.
      1. Ltn. Hans Klein (solid black fuselage line)
      2. Vfw. Friedrich Rudenberg (diagnal black band w red tail)
      3. Jasta 10 generic (chrome yellow nose and tail)
      4. Ltn. Aloys Heldmann (blue tail)
      5. Ltn. Barth ( black bar-bell on forward fuselage & yellow tail)
      6. Vzfw. Hecht ( green tail w black fuse bands and upper wing stripe)
      7. Ltn d R Grassmann (brown and white stripes on tail)
      8. White Tail (pilot unknown)
      9. Jasta 10 Camo (with yellow nose)
      10. Ltn. Aloys Heldmann (Camo with light blue wheels)
      11. Ltn. Gustav Bellen (Camo with white fuselage band)
      This is a newer version of my first "6-Pack". All 11 Pfalz D.III skins have been redone.
      Enjoy again, quack74


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    10. Alb DVa Leutnant Walter Böning Jasta 19

      This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Leutnant Walter Böning with Royal Prussian Jasta 19, his first assignment, where he downed 6 enemy aircraft between April and October 1917. It has often been misidentified as a plane he flew with Jata 76 later in his career. More than one source incorrectly suggests blue and white Jasta 76 markings (and I did a draft in those colors). Greg VanWyngarden and Bob Pearson both hold what I believe is the better view, rendered here, with the yellow and black horizontal stabilizer of Jasta 19 and red trim for the fuselage markings.


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    11. Lt Wolff Jasta 5 Dva

      I did these a long time ago and then forgot about them after an illness.
      Lt Wolf Jasta 5
      This is perhaps the most colorful skin applied to a Jasta 5 Albatross. Obviously a Bavarian, Ltn.d.R. Wolf(f) served with Jasta 5 from 25Jun17 to 8Aug17 when he was sent to the hospital when some sources do report that he died..
      The spelling of his last name is 'iffy', could be one or two "f's".
      Wolff was credited with a victory on July 27th but first victory might have been obtained when he was a pilot with FFA 45 in Sept 1916.
      In which case his first name might be Walter and he might have two victories.
      Notes for update June 12, 2010 - I just re-discovered these files, which are a bit later than those previously posted. I have not examined them to determine why they were revised, but I obviously regarded these as improvements back in January 2009. This was a very challenging project that ran on over two years;many of the revisions were minor. So update your previous DL if you wish.


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    12. Walter Boning Jasta 76B

      This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Leutnant Walter Böning commanding Royal Bavarian Jasta 76b in October 1917. After scoring a total of 17 victories, while flying an Albatross with different markings on 31 May 1918, he collided with another member of his squadron and was then attacked and wounded by 70 Sq RAF. He managed to land safely but never flew in combat again.
      There is some uncertainty regarding the details. The result you see is entirely my own, and my time machine is no longer operational. This is an interpretation, a well-grounded interpretation, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws.
      There are no decals for this skin set.


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    13. Bristol Scouts C, C1, D, D1 skin pack

      This is a skin pack for the Bristol Scout models C1, C, D1, D.
      Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template. And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Bristol Scout models models.
      These skins and decals were created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site,(http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the Bristol Scout models.
      These Bristol Scouts are from early 1916 to early 1917.
      The folder names pretty much explain the squadron names. I dont know any other info on Scout squadrons and their markings.


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    14. Jasta 21s Ltn. Fritz Hohn - Balloon Buster

      This is Pfalz DIII 4011/17 and D.IIIa 8009/17 of Jasta 21s, France 1917-1918.
      The Pilot is Ltn. d R Fritz Hohn.
      Hohn was an ace at balloon busting and aerial combat with a total of 21. These are
      the color schemes of his first DIII with Jasta 21s and his later Pfalz D.IIIa.
      Most of his kills were made in his D.IIIa and later his FokkerD.VII.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    15. Jasta16b 9-pack

      Updated June, 2010
      This Pfalz D.IIIa 9-pack is from Jasta 16b late 1917 to 1918.
      1. Vzfw. Max Holtzem - Star emblem on fuselage and upper wing
      2. Oblt. Friedrich von Roth - Blk & wht diagonal sash on fuselage
      3. Uffz. Eugen Fortig - Two vertical blk stripes on fuselage
      4. Vzfw. Josef Schaefer - Rear fuselage in blk & wht stripes
      5. Lt.d.R. August Handl - Horizontal blk stripe on fuselage
      6. Red Heart - Pilot unknown - Red heart on fuselage
      7. Full Stripes - Pilot unknown - Vertical blk & wht stripes on fuselage
      8. Vfw Andreas Triebswetter - Horizontal black fuselage stripes
      9. Generic Jasta 16b skin
      Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template.
      And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Pfalz.DIIIa model.
      You can find the PfalzD3a model at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      A password is needed.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    16. Pfalz D.III And D.IIIa of Jasta 4

      This is a Jasta 4 skin pack for the Pfalz D.III and D.IIIa.
      there is one skin template for each model. All the custom markings(colors) are all created by decals.
      There are very limited photos of Jasta4 Pfalz aircraft so I mixed some D.III and D.IIIa color schemes together.
      The end result is a nice colorful Jasta. The colors and markings are based off of original photos. So they're close.
      Now when you use (or fly against) these Jasta4 Pfalz D.III's and D.IIIa's you will see all these markings at random. All the time.
      Thanks to the SFP1 Dev A-Team for the original Pfalz D.III and D.IIIa models. And thanks to Capu1950 for permission
      to post new skin work.
      Skin and decals by quack74.
      Any problems please ONLY contact me not A-Team through PM or in the CombatAce forums.
      Enjoy quack74


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      It was a hard winter and the mud was covering everything on the airfield.
      The war was hard and dirty.
      Only a few of my wingmen survived the last mission.
      Those bastards will pay for that.


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    18. 17-Pack of Albatros Models

      This is a mix of D.IIIOAW, D.V, and D.Va albatros skins. All with fairly accurate Jasta markings. Some models will share the same Jasta markings. This is so different planes can be used at the same time. Also they will match some of the Pfalz D.IIIa's done by me as well.
      There are 17 skins in this download. Too many to list here. But it's all in the readme file inside.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    19. Jasta 2 Alb DIII 8 pack

      This is an 8 pack of Albatros DIII's from Jasta Boelcke 1917.
      1. Ltn. Werner Voss.
      2. Gerhard Bassenge.
      3. Ltn. Hermann Frommherz.
      4. Ltn. Franz Pernet.
      5. Ltn. Georg Noth.
      6. Ltn. Otto Hunzinger.
      7. Ltn. Johannes Wintrath.
      8. Ltn. Wilhelm Prien.
      Pics are inside each skin folder of the planes and pilots.
      Added Ltn. von Tutschek --- Black band with white borders
      Lightened up the blue on Frommherz's D.III
      and added a stock Jasta 2 D.III.


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    20. Serial #'s for DIII, DIIIOAW, DV, DVa

      Here are accurate serial numbers for the Albatros models. They will appear on the vertical tail fin.
      Numbers are for:
      Alb D.III
      Alb D.IIIOAW
      Alb D.V
      Alb D.Va
      Included with the serial numbers are the placement coordinates that go into the skins' Decal.ini file.
      It's all in the readme file. The install instructions are for FEG. For FE2 installs check in the Combatace forums for help.
      I'm not using FE2 just yet.


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    21. Pfalz D.IIIa 25-Pack

      These are all Pfalz D.IIIa's.
      25 Jastas with generalized accurate markings.
      All info in the readme file inside.
      These are highly detailed D.IIIa's. As real looking as the model will allow.
      Thanks to the Skunkworks team for the original model and to Capun for allowing me top repost my skin work.
      If anyone notices any incorrect markings or mistakes please let me know. After doing 25 skins it's hard to catch everything.
      There are some glitchy things on the model when painted or placing decals. I cant fix those things. They are minor.
      enjoy, quack74
      Edit: Jasta 77b now has a more "Bavarian Blue".


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    22. Pfalz D.XII 9-Pack

      These skins are as accurate as I know how to make them.
      They are generic skins with a general Jasta marking.
      I've only come up with 9 skins. I know Jasta 5 also had some D.XII's but I've not yet found a photo or rendering of the type.
      If anyone has any info on a D.XII of Jasta 5 please fill me in.
      1. Pfalz Camo 1 - Brown, light green, and green fuselage.
      2. Pfalz Camo 2 - Purple, Green, light green, and grey fuselage.
      3. Jasta17 - Blue-grey nose, wheels and tail with white cowling.
      4. Jasta23b - Purple, green, light green, and grey fuselage with black and white tail section.
      5. Jasta32b - Purple, green, light green and grey fuselage with black
      6. Jasta35b - Brown, green, light green fuselage with a white chevron on upper wings.
      7. Jasta43 - Grey fuselage with white tail and nose.
      8. Jasta49 - Grey fuselage with red stabilizers and wheels.
      9. Jasta77b - Grey fuselage with blue nose, tail, and wheels.
      All wing surfaces are covered in 4-color printed fabric.
      Enjoy, quack74
      Edit: Jasta77b is now a more Bavarian Blue.


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    23. Pfalz D.III 5-Pack

      This Pfalz D.III pack contains 5 accurate generic skins.
      1. Silver-Grey - All Silver-Grey (Stock)
      2. Jasta 4 - Silver-Grey with black spiral band around fuselage.
      3. Jasta 10 - Silver-Grey fuselage with yellow nose, struts, wheels and tail section.
      4 Jasta 16b - Silver-Grey fuselage with a black tail section and spinner.
      5. Jasta 21 - Silver-Grey fuselage with a black and white vertical band aft of the cockpit.
      Included in this dowload is the DATA.ini for the D.III. Install it into your Pfalz D.III aircraft folder and overwrite the original one. It contains Peter01's flight model and removed guns by Christian59. I lowered the gun muzzle and flash to fit into the painted on gun ports to simulate a real D.III. versions of these have all been posted before. But I recommend using these instead. They are higher in detail and more accurate renditions of real D.III's.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    24. Alb D.V Kest8w

      This is a generic skin of Kest8w Albatros D.V fighters.
      Kest8 was a Home Defense unit. Good for attacking incoming bombers.
      Could be used with Pfalz D.IIIa kest8w fighters also done by quack74.


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    25. Gotha G.IV "Red" lead aircraft

      4-Pack of Gotha G.IV of Kagohl 3
      They are flight leader aircraft.
      Brandanburg's is the all red tail.
      They are said to be possibly red in color as opposed to the popular green.
      If you have already downloaded my "Green " versions, then just back them up and install the "Red" ones in their place.
      The red one without lettering also has two extra skin templates in the skin folder for the Green version. Just rename the "Green" templates to the stock names.


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