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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Skins

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    1. Skinpack for Sopwith Snipe

      Skinpack for excellent Snipe by 101tfs.
      There are two skins with different wing colors - PC10 and PC12 and with different fulelage's bottom - canvas color and PC10 color.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Also for correct the work of Snipe's sight you can replace :
      - for "Snipe_COCKPIT":
      - and for "Snipe_DATA":
      // Internal Guns ---------------------------------------------------------


         (1 review)



    2. Skinpack for Rumpler C1/CIVs

      Skinpack for excellent Rumpler C1 and Rumpler CIV aircraft by Stephen1918.
      "CanvasPhR" and "GreyPhR" are for Rumpler C1."3ColorPhR" and "LozengePhR" are for Rumpler CIV.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.



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    3. Skin pack for Caudron G4

      New skin pack for excellent Caudron G4 by Stephen1918.
      Skinpack included two skins with french and russian paint schemes.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (1 review)



    4. "Wood and Linen" skin for Anatra DS

      New "Wood and Linen" skin for excellent AnatraDS_"Anasal" by Stephen1918.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (1 review)



    5. Early Camo for Halberstadt D5

      New skin for excellent Halberstadt D5 by Geezer.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Don't forget to add to Halberstadt D5 "ini" file:


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    6. Austro Hungarian Taube ( Galacia)

      This is a re do of Stephen 1918's Kondor Taube, specifically in Austrian Markings for the Eastern Front, and as Stephen has just released his updated Galacia Map, I thought it fitting to re skin one of his Aircraft. 
      The First one is actually a skin seen on and Etrich built Taube, and NOT a Kondor, however as we only have the one model, I applied a little artistic licence. I have also added serial numbers, not historically correct for this aircraft, however they look the part, so a little suspension of belief will go a long way !!! also I am unsure if this scheme was a one off on a single airframe, or whether it was done on others, but anyway it looks very Austrian, and a gaggle of them flying together ( when you can actually get any altitude) look very smart and efficient, so all good !! The Second skin is just Stephens original one with new markings . I have also made new hangar and loading screens specific to this Aeroplane.
      I used a combination of Stephens and Gambits skins , so most of the hard work must go to those worthy souls !! I have also included Von S' Data.ini which makes the aircraft a brute to fly, but that was what they were like, underpowered and SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!! I was going to apply weathering to the skins , but most pictures I have seen of Taubes portray pretty clean aircraft all things considered. I have re done the Engine sound as I wasn't happy with the stock proploop. I have also amalgamated the Armed ( rifle) and grenade armed machines, as I feel that they would have carried both, and no one or the other exclusively  . and have therefore put a loadout.ini file in with the aeroplane. everything else is in there sounds, guns pilots etc so it should be plug and play......if I have left anything out please accept my apologies, and blame the weather or the cat, anything but me !! 
      So again thanks and huge shout outs to Stephen, Gambit, and Von S who gave us the original I hope you enjoy this very attractive Aeroplane, even if its hard work to get the best out of it .


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    7. AnatraDS Russian skin

      New skin for excellent AnatraDS_"Anasal" by Stephen1918.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Don't forget to add to AnatraDS "ini" files:


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    8. Roland D.VIa "Jasta 59" skin

      New skin for excellent Roland D.VIa by 101tfs - "Jasta59".
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Paint scheme was taken from Wingnutwings Roland D.VIb model kit.
      Don't forget to add to Roland D.VIa "ini" files:


         (0 reviews)



    9. Roland D.VIa skin

      New skin for excellent Roland D.VIa by 101tfs.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Places for 4- and 5-color lozengs was taken from Wingnutwings Roland D.VI model kit.
      Don't forget to add to Roland D.VIa "ini" files:


         (1 review)



    10. Albatros DII early skin

      My first experimental skin for beautiful Albatros DII early by stephen1918 (also can use for others Albatros DI/DIIs).
      I tried to add some new "photorealistic" textures from me and othes places.
      Don't forget to add to Albatros DII "ini" files:


         (2 reviews)



    11. Hansa Brandenburg D.I skins

      Three different skins for the HB D.I (stock, dark and stock with red nose). Included are decals. Not historically 100% correct.
      Extract the file into the Aircraft\Hansa_BrandenburgDI directory (you'll get folders 'Dark', 'Stock' and 'RedNose')
      Add this to your Hansa_BrandenburgDI.ini file


         (1 review)



    12. Taube skins final ver.

      final version of the Taube
      fully textured now
      so instead of just the fabric parts, the whole thing has been done now
      hope U like it , was fun to skin
      c ya l8ter


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    13. gunbus skin

      Hi guys i bought a 2TB HD & have been dumping everything on it from my old HD's that i fear will give up the ghost at any moment
      so anyway i came across some files with no names except 00000000. file
      that i had tried to salvage from a dead hard drive a long time ago it turns out that many are FE skins i was working on before it gave me the click of death !
      so i just downloaded Stephens gunbus to see if i had all the files & yes i do
      so here it is


         (2 reviews)



    14. Fokker EIV

      The final collection of Eindeckers, the infamous EIV . apparently there were only ever 50 airframes operational, one assumes that different squadrons were allocated 1 or 2 at a time, and as the aircraft was really not that much of an improvement over the EIII it must have been a rare bird indeed, as the Albatri were starting to come into service around the same time, so few of these aircraft were around, So, the skins are as follows, for the EIVa or 3 gun version, of which there was only ever one, thats the one you get ( you can of course use any of the other skins with this version if you like the idea of 3 Spandaus ) the rest of them are for the production 2 gun EIV , so I have done 2 factory finish skins, one CDL, and one Grey, I have also done Max Immelmans EIV, along with Kurt Students from Fokker Staffel 3, one skin representing a machine from KeK 3 flown by many different pilots, the final skin is of an aircraft called Hannah, now I have seen a few different colours for this particular aircraft, from Kesta 4, there is one pretty clear photo, which shows that it was at some time camouflaged, the colours are speculative, but I think they look about right, I have also seen pictures of the same aircraft in CDL as well, so I did both of them just for good measure.
      As with the other releases, the requisite files are all included, the ~~Numbers for the named aircraft are correct to the best of my knowledge, the other FOK numbers, are again speculative, but not far off the mark hopefully.
      The call outs for the usual suspects is as follows, Von S and his troupe, for all the behind the scenes jiggery pokery, Laton for making the models, and to peter for the FM's, also Gambit and Von Deutchmark for any original skins I have butchered and hacked about ( hopefully for the better !! )
      As always, please please ENJOY !!


         (2 reviews)



    15. Fokker EII

      As promised here are the EII Fokker skins, I have only done the factory finish skins for the parabellum EIIa version, as there to the best of my knowledge were only ever 4 parabellum armed EII's produced, as the parabellum was totally useless on the Eindecker as a synchronised weapon, so most of the EII's were Spandau armed there were also some Swartzlose armed versions as well, but unfortunately we dont have those modelled, ( HINT HINT SOMEBODY !! ) So mainly the skins are for the EII version, the factory finished ones are a CDL finish, with early crosses, and a Fokker Grey finish with later crosses, I have also done 2 skins from KeK Vaux, one being an all white machine ( bet it didnt stay white long !! ) and Frieherr Von Althaus Fokker Grey ,also a KeK Vaux machine, 2 aircraft from our black tailed friends of Flt Abt 9, Bruckmann, and Kissenberth, Bohme also possibly flew these machines as well, finally Von Crailsheims machine of Flt Abt 53.
      As with the EIII and EI releases, these skins are for Latons models only Borts will not work with these skins !! be aware please. all the files are included guns, decals sounds pilots et al. For some reason I didnt relly enjoy doing these EII's maybe because they were an interim aircraft pretty quickly superceded by the EIII , so apologies if they dont seem as exciting as some of the other skins, but to be honest, there isnt a lot of choice on the Eindeckers.
      The usual thanks and shout outs go to Von S and his band of happy campers, Laton, and Peter for doing the models and fm's respectivley, also to Gambit and Von Deutchmark whos original skins I have hi jacked and chopped about. I shall do a couple of E IV's next just for continuities sake, then on to a new aircraft, not sure what yet though as the D VII and DR I 's seem to be pretty well covered to death, so maybe some of the Pfalz's or something...we shall see !!

      As always ENJOY


         (2 reviews)



    16. Fokker EI

      This is the pack of updated skins for the ~Fokker EI I have done 4 skins for the Spandau armed version, as follows:-
      A generic factory CDL finish machine, Oswald Bolcke's eindecker, which apparently was also flown by Max Immelman, Unteroffizier Kneistes machine, and finally Wilhelm Frankl, of KeK Vaux , unfortunately, when Laton made the models for this aeroplane, he made the EI Spandau version with wire wheels for some reason, this to the best of my knowledge, was not an actual operational fact, I have yet to see a front line Fokker with no wheel covers, to modify this Laton would need to re do the LODs for this aircraft, but anyhow we must work with what we have at hand !
      the Parabellum armed aircraft are another 4 skins, as follows:-
      A generic CDL version, ~Max Immelman's machine, Otto Parschau and finally Kurt Wintgens.
      All the skins are re works of Gambits, and Von Deutchmarks original skins, and I have re done them as as I said before, I really , really , REALLY hate painted on decals, and avoid them wherever possible. So I have made new decals, numbers etc to just give this early aircraft a bit of a work over, the serials are not particularly accurate for the EI, however the ones for the for the aircraft with named pilots are, and I have tried to get those as correct as possible with the resources available to me. I have included, as with the EIII. all the guns, decals, pilots, and sounds needed to get you up and running, hopefully I have got everything in there, and not missed anything off.
      I shall be doing the EII's next, so we shall have a full set of Eindeckers for your delectation. BE AWARE, these skins are for Latons models, and NOT for Borts !!! just in case any one tries it and wonders why they will not work on those models !!

      Again, I thank Laton for actually making the aircraft in the first place, tho Gambit and Von Deutchmark for producing the skins for me to play around with, also a HUGE shout out to Von S and his merry band of men for doing all the jiggery pokery and voodoo stuff, and finally to Peter for giving us most excellent FM's
      As always....ENJOY


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    17. Fokker EIII

      ~These are 10 new ( ish ) skins the originals were done by Gambit , however, I have a pathological hatred of painted on decals, especially in FE 2 , as the bmp format is just horrible, Jpg is so much better ( Load some FE aircraft into SF 2 and you will see what I mean !!! ) Anyhow, these skins are for Latons most excellent Fokker EIII, the skins can be used in either version , ie. the EIII or the EIIIa ( which never really existed, the A model just has twin Spandaus, and that was not a common modification on EIII's )
      So the Skins are as follows, A factory finished EIII, 2 Austrian Navy machines one an unusual all over Green,including the cowl , Udets EII , which I have painted in grey with the blue stripe, as there is evidence to suggest the Red stripe isn't actually correct so I have gone with that colour, Boheme, also redone as the one available in the uploads have the black and white colours the wrong way around, also there is evidence to suggest this machine was also a grey one, and not linen, 3 different coloured Turkish machines, and a machine flown by Leopold Anslinger with the iron cross markings on the horizontal stabilisers, which is a bit different I think, and finally a blue EIII that is possibly a Jasta 9 machine. there were many more I could have done as well, but I think some of the ones I was thinking about were actually EII's not EIII's, so watch this space i shall hopefully do some EI & EII skins as well.
      I have made new decals for all the marking positions, the trestle marks and also FOK.EIII numbers , not all aircraft had these so some of the skins dont have them showing, the personal machines, I have added separate FOK numbers, so they are hopefully correct (ish) I have also included the hangar screen and the Von S Data files, guns, pilot , decals, and sounds are all included in the package as well, I hope I have not missed anything out, but I expect most of you already have all the pertinent bits if I did.

      Thanks to Laton for producing the Eindeckers, ( please make me a Swartzlose armed AIII please !! ) to Von S and his band of brothers for doing all the black majiks on the data files, also to Peter for doing all his hard work on FM's finally to Gambit, and to Von Deutchmark for making the skins that I can come along and modify.
      Happy Fokker Scourging !!



         (3 reviews)



    18. Albatros D.I Pack

      This is a re imagining of my original Albatros DI upload from last week, I wasn't 100% happy with the original skin of the Crown Princes mount, so I decided to tweak and twiddle a little, the result i think is far far better.
      So, included in this package, are the 2 original skins for Prince Von Prueben, both the all over Sea Green, and the version with camouflaged wings and horizontal stabiliser, along with the red and the black alternative Brunswick Hussars motif. As there were only 50 D I airframes produced, as this model was swiftly superseded by the D II the range of markings and schemes are rather sparse, so, the next scheme is my interpretation of the "standard" factory finish, Ply with Camouflaged wings and stabilisers, I have also set the skin to be numbered as this seems to be historically correct, the serial numbers are NOT going to be accurate , but they are aesthetically pleasing, and around the correct range for the time. The last 2 skins are for Jasta 5 machines, in a rather natty all over Green/Brown cam scheme, I am assuming that all the Jastas airframes were painted this way, but as there is scant to no information ( that I have seen ) on early Albatri, one maybe needs to allow for a little artistic licence on my behalf , the last skin though, is what gave me the idea that all Jast 5's D i's were painted as such, this scheme is the aircraft of Karl Spitzhoff, of Jasta 5 , it differs somewhat from the standard jasta schem, in so much as the tail fin was apparently replaced at some time, and was painted the under surface blue, however, the orginal aircraft serial, it appears, was cut and pasted from the original fin, as the serial number is applied over the camo of the original, the bloke who painted the serial numbers was obviously on leave at the time, and the crew chief took the swiftest and laziest option, I personally dont like it, I think it looks naff, so I have included the standard fuselage from the other Jasta 5 schemes in the skin folder.
      There were a few other variations I fancied doing, but a lot of the photos, are a little un clear, and i wasn't convinced they were all D I's but in fact D II's , so I chose not the do those and stuck with what we have.
      OK, so the final bit is, as per the original upload from last week, I have included all the guns, pilots, sounds and decals needed for these skins, you WILL need to download Stephen 1918's most excellent model these skins will NOT work on Borts original D I !!!
      I have included both DATA.ini files, the original that came with the aircraft, and the updated one by Von S , with Ocjars FM , which is derived from Peter's FM's , also the updated hit boxes by my good friend Nick Bell.
      The Guns are set to the early Spandau lmg 08 ( which isnt the same as the LMG 08 !! ) so it fires really slowly 400 -450 rpm, also the correct sound file to reflect this, both originate from Mr Von S , the Pilot is a work of art, done by the great Geezer, I wish he would make more pilots !! (hint hint ) I have just tweaked it a little, but these guys did all the hard grind work, I just pretty things up a bit ( or at least attempt to) Anyhow, please enjoy this aircraft, I shall be looking at doing addition skins for other types as I go along
      ENJOY !!


         (2 reviews)



    19. Albatros DI Prince Friedrich Karl von Preußen

      Albatros DI flown by Prince Friedrich Karl von Preußen. He commanded Fliegerabteilung (Artillerie) 258, an artillery spotting unit, but flew patrols in a single-seat fighter with Jasta Boelcke whenever possible. He was shot down in 1917 whilst flying this machine, he crashed only lightly wounded, but unfortunately was shot in the back by Australian troops, whilst trying to escape from the area, unfortunately he died later from this wound.
      I am actually surprised that no one else has made this skin, especially as we now have the most excellent Albatos DI from Stephen 1918, but anyhow, I have done one.
      There is a great deal of speculation concerning this particular aircraft, there is only really one decent photo of it, after she was captured, however the wings have been removed, so only the fuselage is clearly visable, so, there are many discussions and musings over the correct scheme for this Albatros, the general concensus is that the fuselage was painted a light grey green colour, however as no colour photos were de riguer at this period of time, we can only guess at the correct shade, so I have used an approxomate colour. there is also mass discussion and beard wagging, in respect of the wings. ( as no photos I am aware of show these , the question is a bit academic in my view ) the popular belief is that the aircraft was painted over all the same colour ie. light grey green, but there are those who firmly believe that the wings were standard camouflage pattern , so, to forstall any rivet counters out there, I have included and alternative skin WITH the camo wings and stabiliser, personally I think it looks better in the overall colour, but thats just my opinion. There is also some question over the colour of the Totenkopf insignia, or rather the backing colour, some people insist it is red, whilst others (myself included) believe it would in fact be black , as the Totenkopf badge is that of the Brunswick Hussars, and the badge was worn on a black cap, anyhow, to stop the red affectionados, I have also included that as well ( I'm good to you lot aren't I ? )
      there are 2 Data.Ini files as well, the original which came as Stephen 1918 made it, and the updated one from Von S, with the FM by Ocjar, and the hit boxes modded by my good friend Nick Bell, so choos which one you like, the Von S one is the better of the two in my opinion.
      I have also included the sound files I use, and the guns, which again are by Von S, ( I have put the early Spandau lmg 08 on as this would be correct ) I have used the Merc 120 sound file although this aircraft actually had a 160 , I just think it fits in better for the time period.
      Finally (sorry been blabbing on here ) I have used a pilot made by the marvellous Mr Geezer ( plead make more pilots !! ) I have just faffed about with it a bit but he looks the part !!
      Right, I think that covers everything, no doubt I have missed out some important bit of info.....but hey ho, such is life !!

      Thanks to Sephen 1918 for making the aircraft in the first place, and thanks to the other fore mentioned good souls, who make life easy for me, as they doo all the really hard work.
      ENJOY !!!


         (2 reviews)



    20. Albatros DIII (OAW) Factory fresh skins

      5 skins representing factory finished OAW built Albatros DIII's . OAW built air-frames were finished slightly differently to standard built DIII's no rust brown paint was used , as per a directive from the air ministry in April 1917, so the 2 tone camoflage was applied, also different to the standard Albatri the camouflage was symmetrical, and also hard edged, rather than diffused.
      I have tried to represent 2 camouflage in Green/Mauve and Green/Green , the second scheme is speculative, as it seems the Green/Mauve was more prevalent, also on the Green/Green I have made the tail cam lead -trail and not tip - tip as was more common on OAW machines, I have seen pictures of OAW machines with fore aft tail plane schemes, but that may have been a field mod done on the Jastas, but anyhow done them any how. So the Green/Green, and the Green/Mauve are mirror images of each other ( you will see what I mean when you load them up )
      Finally I have redone the Lozenge, as I am fed up with seeing the manky dirty lozenge scheme that comes as standard with the in game Albatri, I have utilised a lighter day scheme, re done the rib tapes, etc etc etc.......anyhow, hope these aircraft fit the bill, nice clean, fresh out of the box, so not weathered at all, so if you prefer the dirty used look, please go ahead and dirty 'em up, they are a blank canvas after all.
      Oh yeah, just repainted the upper fuselage metal bits, in the standard grey green, also the struts.

      Enjoy !!!


         (2 reviews)



    21. Skins and Decals for the Roland D.II and D.IIa

      If you downloaded the LFG Roland D.II or the LFG Roland D.IIa before October 18, 2015, these skins and decals are more accurate. If you downloaded the planes after October 18, 2015, these were included in the download.
      - Removed the steps on the starboard side of the fueslage for both planes.
      - Corrected the weight table decal for both planes.
      - On the serial numbers, I used a different font and changed the size and spacing for both planes; and I added the "a" to the DIIa numbers.

      Installation Instructions
      New decal.ini's are included so you must delete the entire old skin folder and "D" folder and replace them with the new ones.


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    22. Skin for Lebedev built Voisin LAS

      This is a new skin for the Voisin3_120, part of the Voisin LAS-2 pack available in the CombatAce Aircraft Downloads area (under Other Entente Aircraft).
      This skin is for a Russian Voisin LAS built at the Lebedev factory in Petrograd. It has a grey skin with the appropriate decals. Early in the war, Lebed built planes had a large company logo on the rudder. Later versions (after 1915) had a much smaller logo placed at the center of the standard Russian insignia. I have included both versions in the download.
      These skins are made for the 120hp Voisin, but will also work on the 150hp version. They will not work on the Voisin Type V.
      The inscription on the logo translates (approximately): "V.A. Lebedev Aeronautics Co., Ltd. - Petrograd"
      My thanks to Crowford who provided many resources for the logo, placement of the insignia, and for valuable help with the Cyrillic inscription.
      Installation instructions
      Put the folders named "V3LebedEarly" and "V3LebedLate" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft/Voisin3_120 folder. Next, open my "PutInDFolder" and put all three files into the "D" folder for the Voisin3_120.
      For FE1, it will be inside the Aircraft/Voisin3_120 folder.
      for FE2, it will be inside the Decals/Voisin3_120 folder.


         (3 reviews)



    23. Nieuport17's of No.60 Squadron

      This is a skin for the Nieuport17 of No.60 Squadron. The Nieuport17's were used by No.60 Squadron from the Winter of 1916-17 till the mid-Summer of 1917. Then to be replaced by the S.E.5.
      Original silver base skin made by Hansa.
      The decals will provide a somewhat random cowl and wheel cover color according to flight.
      Ex: The first aircraft of B Flight (B 1) will have a red cowl and the third aircraft in B Flight (B 3) will have red wheel covers
      The First aircraft in C Flight (C 1) will have a blue cowl, etc,etc.


         (1 review)



    24. Nieuport17 's of No.29 Squadron

      This is a skin for the Nieuport17 of No.29 Squadron. The Nieuport17's were used by No.29 Squadron from the Winter of 1916-17 till the mid-Summer of 1917. They would be replaced by the Nieuport27's then in the Spring of 1918 to the S.E.5a.
      Original base silver skin made by Hansa.
      The Nieuports of No.29 Squadron carried a wide red band around the rear fuselage.
      The decals will provide a somewhat random cowl and wheel cover color according to flight.
      Ex: The first aircraft of B Flight (B 1) will have a red cowl and the third aircraft in B Flight (B 3) will have red wheel covers
      The First aircraft in C Flight (C 1) will have a blue cowl, etc,etc.


         (1 review)



    25. New Linen Skins For Steven1918's BE2c

      These are new BE2c skins made for the Palestine mod. To install, replace the existing five bmp files in the BE2cRAFLinen folder with these five new bmp files.


         (3 reviews)




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