56 files
Geezer Germans pilots for FE2
Geezer German pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2
This pack presents some German Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for German uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew1", "wwiPilotNew2", "wwiPilotNew3", "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew6", "wwiPilotNew7" and "wwiPilotNew8", with the historical pilots names (ex: Kurt Wolff) or generic names such as GERMANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this German pilots skin Pack:
- 13 Germans Aces:
- Ernst Udet (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Josef Jacobs (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Josef Mai (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Julius Buckler (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Kurt Wolff (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Kurt Wusthoff (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Max Immelman (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Oswald Boelcke (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Otto Parchau (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Paul Baumer (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- von Richthofen (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- von Schleich (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Werner Voss (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 4 fictional characters from films:
- Black Falcon (from Fly Boys film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Bruno Stachel (from Blue Max film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Willi von Klugermann (from Blue Max film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Ernst Kessler (from The Great Waldo Pepper film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 10 German Aces using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to German service colors.
- Josef Mai 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Julius Buckler 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Kurt Wolff 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Kurt Wusthoff 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Max Immelman 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Oswald Boelcke 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Paul Baumer 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- von Richthofen 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- von Schleich 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- von Schleich 3 (wwiPilotNew1)
- 1 fictive character using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to German service colors.
- Bruno Stachel 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- 6 Germans pilots with generic face and several options for different scarf colors & a German uniform at your choice.
- GERMANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- GERMANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- GERMANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- GERMANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- GERMANPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew2)
- GERMANPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "GERMAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (GERMAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of German aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (FokkerDr1) Aircraft folder and find the "FokkerDr1_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with FokkerDr1
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=von Richthofen <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.75,0.65 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for German pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew2), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer RNAS-RAF pilots for FE2
Geezer RNAS-RAF pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some RNAS-RAF Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for different scarf colors and a RNAS-RAF uniform at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew1", "wwiPilotNew3", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7" and wwiPilotNew8 with the historical pilots names (ex: Robert Little) or generic names such as RNAS-RAF PILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this RNAS-RAF pilots skin Pack:
- 6 RNAS-RAF Aces:
- Arthur Roy Brown (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Bruno De Roeper (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Geoffrey Siedle (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Lawrence Coombes (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Raymond Collishaw (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Robert Little (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 1 Knowed pilot without the Ace status:
- Colin MacLaren (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 6 RNAS-RAF pilots with a generic face and several options for different scarf colors and a RNAS-RAF uniform at your choice.
- RNAS-RAF PILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- 4 RNAS-RAF pilots: Geoffrey Siedle, Colin MacLaren, Arthur Roy Brown & Robert Little, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1).
- wwiPilotNew18 - Geoffrey Siedle - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew20 - Colin MacLaren - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew23 - Arthur Roy Brown - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew24 - Robert Little - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RNAS-RAF PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (RNAS-RAF PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of British & French aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (CamelF1_130) Aircraft folder and find the "CamelF1_130_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with CamelF1_130
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=Arthur Roy Brown <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.20,0.75 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for RNAS-RAF pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer United States pilots for FE2
Geezer United States pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some United States Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for different scarf colors and a United States uniform at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8", "wwiPilotNew3" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Frank Luke) or generic names such as US-PILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this United States pilots skin Pack:
- 5 United States Aces:
- Douglas Campbell (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Edward Rikenbacker (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Frank Luke (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Lawrence Callahan (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Raoul Lufbery (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 2 Knowed pilots whithout the Ace status:
- William Palmer (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- William Wellman (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 3 United States pilots: Edward Rikenbacker, Frank Luke & William Wellman, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to United States service & french service colors.
- wwiPilotNew13 - Edward Rikenbacker (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew14 - Frank Luke (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew28 - William Wellman (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- 5 United States pilots with a generic face and several options for different scarf colors and a United States uniform at your choice.
- US-PILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- US-PILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- US-PILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- US-PILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- US-PILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "UNITED STATES PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (UNITED STATES PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of United States, French and British aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (SPAD13_220) Aircraft folder and find the "SPAD13_220_DATA.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with SPAD13_220
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=Edward Rikenbacker <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.85,0.62 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for United States pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer Russian pilots for FE2
Geezer Russian pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents the Ukrainian/Russian Ace Alexander Kozakov and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find different options for scarf colors at your choice. The Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this Russian pilots skin Pack:
- 1 Ukrainian/Russian Ace:
- Alexander Kozakov (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 3 Russian pilots with a generic face and different scarf colors at your choice.
- RUSSIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- RUSSIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- RUSSIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RUSSIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (RUSSIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Russian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (CamelF1_130) Aircraft folder and find the "CamelF1_130_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with CamelF1_130
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=Alexander Kozakov <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.20,0.75 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Russian pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer Italian pilots for FE2
Geezer italian pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some italian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew3" with the historical pilots names (ex: Ernesto Cabruna) or generic names such as ITALIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this italian pilots skin Pack:
- 4 Italian Aces:
- Ernesto Cabruna (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Francesco Baracca (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Giovanni Ancillotto (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Giovanni Nicelli (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 10 Italian pilots with a generic face and several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice.
- ITALIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- ITALIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- ITALIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- ITALIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- ITALIANPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- ITALIANPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- ITALIANPILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- ITALIANPILOT8 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- ITALIANPILOT9 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- ITALIANPILOT10 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "ITALIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (ITALIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of ITALIAN French & British aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (SVA5) Aircraft folder and find the "SVA5_DATA.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with To use with SVA5
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=ITALIANPILOT2 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.0,-0.60,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Italian pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer Austro-Hungarian pilots for FE2
Geezer Austro-Hugarian pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2
This pack presents some Austro-Hugarian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Godwin Brumowski) or generic names such as AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this Austro-Hugarian pilots skin Pack:
- 3 Austro-Hugarian Aces:
- Godwin Brumowski (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Josef Kiss (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Franz Graser (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 4 Austro-Hugarian pilots with a generic face and several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice.
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Austro-Hugarian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (AviatikD1) Aircraft folder and find the "AviatikD1_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with AviatikD1
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-1.12,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Austro-Hugarian pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer RFC-RAF pilots for FE2
Geezer RFC-RAF pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some RFC-RAF Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for different scarf colors and a RFC-RAF uniform at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew1", "wwiPilotNew2", "wwiPilotNew3", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7" and wwiPilotNew8 with the historical pilots names (ex: Albert Ball) or generic names such as RFC-RAF PILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this RFC-RAF pilots skin Pack:
- 7 RFC-RAF Aces:
- Albert Ball (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Arthur Rhys-Davids (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Cecil Arthur Lewis (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Edward Mannock (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- James McCudden (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Lanoe Hawker (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- William Barker (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 1 Knowed pilot without the Ace status:
- Alan Bishop Jarvis (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 7 RFC-RAF pilots with a generic face and several options for different scarf colors and a RFC-RAF uniform at your choice.
- RFC-RAF PILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- RFC-RAF PILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- RFC-RAF PILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew2)
- RFC-RAF PILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- RFC-RAF PILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- RFC-RAF PILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- RFC-RAF PILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- 7 RFC-RAF pilots: James McCudden, Lanoe Hawker, Albert Ball, Arthur Rhys-Davids, Cecil Arthur Lewis, Alan Bishop Jarvis and Edward Mannock, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1).
- wwiPilotNew15 - James McCudden - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew17 - Lanoe Hawker - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew19 - Albert Ball - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew26 - Arthur Rhys-Davids - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew29 - Cecil Arthur Lewis - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew30 - Alan Bishop Jarvis - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew35 - Edward Mannock - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RFC-RAF PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (RFC-RAF PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of British & French aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your ( SE5a ) Aircraft folder and find the "SE5a_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with SE5a
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=James McCudden <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.0,-1.150,0.699 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for RFC-RAF pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew2), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer French pilots for FE2
Geezer French pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some french Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for french uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Jean Navarre) or generic names such as FRENCHPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this French pilots skin Pack:
- 6 French Aces:
- Georges Guynemer (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- René Fonck (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Jean Navarre (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Charles Nungesser (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Michel Coiffard (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Gabriel Guérin (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 7 French pilots with a generic face and several options for french uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice.
- FRENCHPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- FRENCHPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- FRENCHPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- FRENCHPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- FRENCHPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- FRENCHPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- FRENCHPILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- 3 French Aces: Georges Guynemer, Michel Coiffard & Charles Nungesser, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to french service colors.
- wwiPilotNew16 - Charles Nungesser - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew27 - Michel Coiffard - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew32 - Georges Guynemer - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FRENCH PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (FRENCH PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of French aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (Breguet14_FRANCE) Aircraft folder and find the "Breguet14_FRANCE_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with Breguet14_FRANCE
// Crew -----------------------
PilotModelName=FRENCHPILOT2 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.0,-1.07,0.88 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for French pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Polish-Russian War - Russian Tachanka
By Stephen1918
A tachanka was a horse drawn wagon or cart with a heavy machine gun mounted on the back. This made it possible to deploy machine guns quickly, especially on the wide, rapidly changing, Eastern Front. It was used by Russian cavalry in WWI and by Bolshevik, White Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish cavalry in the Russian Civil Wars. Germany used a similar vehicle on the Eastern Front during WWI.
My tachanka is a troika (three horse carriage) with a Vickers machine gun facing the rear. It functions in First Eagles as a Truck; drop it into your Ground Objects folder and First Eagles will assign it to some of your Armed Reconnaissance missions. The machine gun is set for AA and will fire at enemy planes that come within its field of fire.
The download includes three LODs and a destroyed version.
My thanks to Gepard for suggesting this interesting vehicle.
Installation Instructions
For both FE1 and FE2
Unzip the file and open my "GroundObject" folder. Copy the folder named "Tachanka" to your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. Then copy the file named "TachankaDestroyed.bmp" into your GroundObject folder. Note that the "TachankaDestroyed.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.
Polish-Russian War - Ford FT-B
By Stephen1918
The Ford FT-B (also know as the Ford Tf-c) was a Polish armored car built in Warsaw in 1920. It was built on a Model-T chassis using steel plate left by the Germans. The FT-B had a crew of two and was armed with a single Maxim machine gun in a rotating turret. It had a relatively high speed and a long range. Because it was light weight and easy to maneuver it was an effective fighter, and the Ford's small profile made it difficult to hit.
My Ford FT-B has a four color camo skin. I've made high and low poly LODs as well as a destroyed version. I backdated the data file to before the Polish-Russian War so the car can be used throughout; you can change the Service Start Date to June of 1920 if you want greater accuracy.
In First Eagles, the the Ford FT-B takes the role of a tank. Drop it into your ground object folder and First Eagles will randomly assign it to some of your Army Co-operation missions.
Installation Instructions
For both FE and FE2 - Unzip the file and open my "GroundObject" folder. Copy the folder named "FordFTB" and the file named "FTBDest.bmp" into your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. Note that the "FTBDest.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.
WWI Airfield Vehicles and Objects
By Stephen1918
Four vehicles and other objects that modders can add to airfields using the target.ini. I have made them rather generic so they should be usable for either side, on any front. I have included the data for the types.ini for each object in the download.
Vehicles include a Starter Truck, a Fuel Truck, a Utility Truck, and a Staff Car. I have also included an Oil Cart and a grouping of miscellaneous Tools used by the ground crews.
Each vehicle has a high and low poly LOD as well as a destroyed version. I have organized everything into folders for convenience, but you'll need to take them out of the folders when you install them.
German pilot Skin pack textures
German pilot Skin pack textures (GerHelmetPilot) & (GerScarfPilot) for FE2, Gold and FE1.
This is a pack with new textures (Max Immelmann face), for Stephen1918's "GerHelmetPilot" and "GerScarfPilot", to be used in First Eagles 2, First Eagles Gold edition and First Eagles 1.
-There is two (2) options for "GerHelmetPilot" texture bmp just with different scarfs at your choice. To use the other, you must to rename it to "GerHelmetPilot".
-There is four (4) options "GerScarfPilot" texture bmp just with different scarfs at your choice. To use those, you must to rename anyone that you select to "GerHelmetPilot".
I'm Including as well JPG files for players that are using Hexaedited .LODs pointing to JPG format (This is only to FE2 users).
*First make a back-up of your "GerHelmetPilot" Folder, just in case.
Copy or drop the "GerHelmetPilot.bmp" file in your game "GerHelmetPilot" folder.
*First make a back-up of your "GerScarfPilot" Folder, just in case.
Copy or drop the "GerHelmetPilot.bmp" file in your game "GerScarfPilot" folder.
- Julio Junqueira pilot texture.
- Thanks to Stephen1918 for the great GerHelmetPilot & GerScarfPilot 3D.
- Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
This is freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front
By Stephen1918
Two new armored cars for the Eastern Front. Both cars were produced in relatively low numbers, I'm including them for the sake of variety.
The Russo-Balt Type C was produced by the Russo-Baltique motor car company. About 15 were built. The armored car was built on a automobile chassis and had four gun ports, each with a Vickers machine gun. It had a crew of 4 or 5, had a top speed of 20 kph with a range of about 100km. The Russo-Balt Type C was used throughout the war and was used in the Civil War.
The Junovicz P.A.1 was built on a truck chassis. There were different versions based on different trucks, about 5 were built. The armored car had six gun ports with 3 or 4 Schwartzlose machine guns. It had crew of 5, a top speed of 35 kph, and a range of 350km. The Junovicz P.A.1 was used on both the Galician and Italian Fronts.
In First Eagles, the armored cars take the role of a tank, drop them into your ground object folder and First Eagles will randomly assign them to some of your Army Co-operation missions.
Installation Instructions
Unzip the file and open my "GroundObject" folder. Copy the folders named "AustrianArmoredCar" and "RussBaltCar" to your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. Both armored cars use the same skin for damage as my other armored cars. If you have already installed any of my armored cars, you may already have the file. If not, copy the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your GroundObject folder. Note that the "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.
Cavalry Units for First Eagles
By Stephen1918
Horse mounted cavalry were an important part of all armies in World War I. There weren't as many open field charges as in the 19th Century, but there were some. The biggest advantage of cavalry was that they could move into position quickly to reinforce a weak spot or exploit a breakthrough.
I have created 6 new cavalry units for First Eagles. They are all similar to the cavalry I made for the Palestine and Galicia terrains. Each is a three man squad. There are two versions of each nationality - a "Charging" group which will function as a tank in Army Co-operation missions, and a "Patroling" group which will function as a truck in Armed Reconnaissance missions.
On the Western Front, there were very few horse mounted charges across no-mans land after 1915. They happened more often on the other fronts, especially on the Eastern Front and in Palestine. But having cavalry patrol units moving behind the lines is very realistic for all the fronts in First Eagles.
Some of the charging groups have pistols, but I have used the infantry rifle data for them. There is also a dust emitter used for both versions. The dust emitter and rifle data are the same as those used in the infantry units I made some time ago.
This download includes cavalry units (two each) for: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey.
I couldn't bring myself to kill the poor guys, so they just disappear when they get shot up.
Thanks to Peter01 for his original rifle data files.
Installation Instructions
Unzip the file and copy the units you want from my GroundObjects folder into your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder. If you have already installed any of the infantry units, then you are done.
If not, you must install the gun data and dust emitter:
Copy the sound file "InfantryRifle.wav" from my Sounds folder into your FirstEagles/Sounds folder. Copy the dust effect "RunningInfantryEmitter.ini" from my Effects folder into your FirstEagles/Effects folder.
Follow the instructions for installing the guns in the file named "InstructionsForInstallingGuns" included with the download.
Schneider CA1
By Stephen1918
The Schneider CA1 was the first French built tank and was used for the first time in April, 1917. Only about 400 were built but they played an important role on the Western Front in late 1917 and early 1918. The Schneider had a short barreled 75mm gun in a turret on the front-right, and two Hotchkiss machine guns in turrets on the sides.
The tank was delivered from the factory painted grey, but a variety of camo schemes were applied in the field. My version includes both a standard grey and a four color camo skin. (You will need to change the ini file in order to change skins - open the ini file and change the TextureSet numbers to make the desired skin number 1.)
In First Eagles, the Schneider takes the role of a tank, drop it into your ground object folder and First Eagles will randomly assign it to some of your Army Co-operation missions.
Installation Instructions
Unzip the file and open my folder named "GroundObject". Copy the folder named "SchneiderCA" to your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. The Schneider uses the same skin for damage as my armored cars. If you have already installed any of my armored cars, you may already have the file. If not, copy the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your GroundObject folder. Note that the "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.
Industrial Objects
By Geezer
This pack contains a variety of large, medium, and small industrial objects - plus two urban housing blocks. They were originally developed at the request of FE map makers so their appearance is typical of WW1. Wrench then pointed out that they could also be used for other maps - 1930s, WW2, and even parts of the Cold War. A modest selection of complimentary 1930s civilian vehicles is in development, and will be added in the future.
Fortification Objects
By Geezer
This pack contains a wide selection of fortifications. Some of them, like the Austrian Fort, are enormous and are WW1-specific, but there is also a selection of WW2 Atlantic Wall fortifications, so modders can construct defenses for most any period. The fortifications constructed from concrete, masonry, etc have damage models but the simple trenches have no damage models. I was unable to convincingly design a damage model that replaced one pile of dirt for another.
There are six straight trench sections for each major WW1 power, with an appropriate machine gun - Lewis (British), Maxim (German, Russian), French (Hotchkiss), etc. Hopefully, modders can deploy existing figures behind the straight trench walls. For grins and giggles, there is also a zig-zag trench section that more-or-less matches the trench sections of a 1024 FE terrain tile. The straight trench sections are generic enough to also be used in most any other period, even VietNam.
None of the guns work, they are simply stage props. But if someone wants to massage files to make the guns operable, contact me and we will discuss the job.
My thanks to the map makers - Quack74, gterl, Steven1918, Wrench - for their inputs. If I've forgotten anyone, my apologies - contact me and I'll add your name.
Rev1: Fixed the missing art for Fort-12 - thanks to KJakker for spotting that. Also renamed the multiple Fort-4 LODs for correct right/left orientation.
FE AA Objects
By Geezer
Steven1918 and I have put together a comprehensive collection of WW1 anti-aircraft guns. A noteworthy feature is, for the first time, a selection of medium-level 37/40mm auto cannons that bridge the gap between low-level MGs and high-level 75mm AA cannons. The Maxim 37/40mm auto cannon, dubbed the "pom-pom" by the Brits, was used in various versions by all the major powers and was still in limited service early in WW2. Pom-poms will significantly affect a gamer's experience when flying below 5,000 feet, and could motivate a gamer to replay old campaigns - especially if he used to like balloon-busting. Now that balloons can be realistically defended, he may not like balloon-busting anymore.
In addition to the pom-poms, there are multiple types of AA MGs. Also included are two types of optional gun pits: a C-shaped pit intended for use with AA guns, and a U-shaped pit intended for use with artillery, plus balloon winches for the major powers.
1930s Ground And Terrain Objects
By Geezer
Kudos to Wrench! He massaged the basic elements I sent him, and created a complete DL ready to drop into your game folders. He set it up for SF2 but it should work OK for FE2. As usual, pay attention to the ReadMe. This pack does not include airfield figures - they are still in-work so a separate pack will be released when they are complete. The floor of the large hangar is a separate object, similar to the parking ramp. Hopefully, you can tweak the height and angle of these objects if you encounter problems with a game map that is not completely flat and level.
WW1 Airfield Objects
By Geezer
This pack contains all new airfield objects - hangars, barn, farmhouse, shed, barracks, etc. Just updated the pack to V1.1 - it now includes the missing Barracks and Base Ops files.
These objects use hi-res graphics and may not run well on older computers.
WW1 Airfield Maintenance Objects
By Geezer
This pack contains all new WW1 maintenance objects.
revised the pack to include missing .bmp for the maintenance equipment.
Armored Train - Ground Level
By Stephen1918
Armored Trains were used extensively on the Eastern Front and to a lesser extent on the Palestine and Italian Fronts. On the Western Front, after 1914 they were used mostly for defense and as mobile headquarters. I have created five cars which can arranged in different configurations.
Engines could both push and pull other cars. It was common to have an armed car or two in front of the engine.
Troop cars had quarters for an infantry unit to help defend the train. There is a turret with a light gun. It is currently set for anti-aircraft, but you can change the data file to target ground objects.
Transport cars were used to move troops, munitions, or other supplies into a battle zone or recently conquered territory.
Gun cars were used as mobile light artillery. They can be included in a train or parked on a siding to defend a train station, supply depot, or other strategic location. If you change the target type to ground, they can be used as field guns.
I have included two versions of a heavy, rail mounted artillery gun. In transport mode, the gun is lowered and the car can be included in a train. In deployed mode, there is gun data assigned so the gun will shoot at ground targets. If you place an observation balloon about 2 kilometers down range, the gun will be elevated when it shoots, as if it were shooting at a distant target. There is very little side to side motion, so you have to be pretty accurate when you place the target balloon.
All the cars are the same length for easy placement. Put them 17.25 meters apart and they will line up nicely on the tracks.
There are three complete trains with different skins so you can use them in different terrains or for different forces. I have arbitrarily assigned the grey skin to Germany, the green skin to Russia, and the tan skin to the Ottoman Empire. With a little typing, you can reassign them to whatever forces you want.
These cars are designed to be used directly on the terrain, without any track lod. You will need to use them in terrains that have the tracks painted directly on the tiles.
All of these need to be included in the targets.ini in order to use them. I have included the data for the types.ini in the folders for each train.
Armored Train - For Tracks
By Stephen1918
Armored Trains were used extensively on the Eastern Front and to a lesser extent on the Palestine and Italian Fronts. On the Western Front, after 1914 they were used mostly for defense and as mobile headquarters. I have created five cars which can arranged in different configurations.
Engines could both push and pull other cars. It was common to have an armed car or two in front of the engine.
Troop cars had quarters for an infantry unit to help defend the train. There is a turret with a light gun. It is currently set for anti-aircraft, but you can change the data file to target ground objects.
Transport cars were used to move troops, munitions, or other supplies into a battle zone or recently conquered territory.
Gun cars were used as mobile light artillery. They can be included in a train or parked on a siding to defend a train station, supply depot, or other strategic location. If you change the target type to ground, they can be used as field guns.
I have included two versions of a heavy, rail mounted artillery gun. In transport mode, the gun is lowered and the car can be included in a train. In deployed mode, there is gun data assigned so the gun will shoot at ground targets. If you place an observation balloon about 2 kilometers down range, the gun will be elevated when it shoots, as if it were shooting at a distant target. There is very little side to side motion, so you have to be pretty accurate when you place the target balloon.
All the cars are the same length for easy placement. Put them 17.25 meters apart and they will line up nicely on the tracks.
There are three complete trains with different skins so you can use them in different terrains or for different forces. I have arbitrarily assigned the grey skin to Germany, the green skin to Russia, and the tan skin to the Ottoman Empire. With a little typing, you can reassign them to whatever forces you want.
These cars are designed to be used with the train tracks from Gepard's Railway Station (available in the Strike Fighter 1 Terrain downloads). Gepard has given me permission to include the tracks with my train. I have made a new skin with the ties farther apart, which I think looks better from the air. If you already have the tracks in your terrain, you don't need this.
All of these need to be included in the targets.ini in order to use them. I have included the data for the types.ini in the folders for each train.
Armored Cars
By Stephen1918
Tanks did not appear on the battlefield until mid 1917 and were used mostly on the Western Front. But cars and trucks with steel plating and machine guns were used from the beginning of the war and were used in large numbers on all fronts.
I have made a set of five armored cars which can be used to replace the tanks in Army Co-operation missions. The tanks in First Eagles have a start date of 5/1917, these armored cars have a start date of 5/1914, so they will automatically replace the tanks in missions dated 1916 or before.
This download includes:
A British Rolls Royce, built on a Silver Ghost car chassis and armed with a Vickers Machine Gun in the turret. If you've seen the movie "Lawrence of Arabia," this is the car they used in some of the battle sequences.
A German Ehrhardt, with two Maxim Machine Guns in the turret. These were used mostly on the Eastern Front.
A French Peugeot, with a Hotchkiss Machine Gun in the Turret. Peugeots didn't have turrets until very late in the war, but I thought this looked better than an open truck, and it was easier to build.
An Italian Lancia, with two Fiat-Revelli Machine Guns in the turret. The rails on the front were for ripping up barbed wire.
A Russian Putilov, built on a British Austin truck chassis, with Vickers Machine Guns in two turrets. The steel trough around the gun and the multiple turrets are fairly typical of Russian armored vehicles.
I have included destroyed versions of all the trucks. They explode and burn quite nicely.
Installation Instructions
Unzip the file and drag the five armored car folders and the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. All the destroyed vehicles use the same skin and the BMP file must be in root level of the GroundObject folder.
Download Statistics